I have had many incidents in my life I call Transformative Moments. I have written about them in my books. I just had one this past Thursday, January 7th, a day that will live in infamy.
When I got up in the morning I was feeling anxious because I knew it was going to be a momentous day. I said to my wife Cathy "today is going to be a major event. I want to watch the events unfold on TV. It may rival 911!" The President had called for his supporters to come to the Liberty Park for a rally to put pressure on Congress to initiate a formal election investigation before they certified the electoral college vote. The response was enormous and people were traveling from all over the country because it was so obvious the Democrats had cheated in the election. I have several friends flying to Washington to attend. About 10 AM I was watching some of the rally speakers, Cathy found a sofa on Marketplace that was just put up and looked perfect for our needs. She wanted to jump on it. At that point in the Capitol Chambers the Arizona House Representative offered an objection and it got a second from their own Congressman, so VP Mike Pence referred them to begin a conference that would by law last 2 hours. So off we went to do the sofa deal. The sofa seller offered to deliver and install it, so we came home and started packing up our old sofa. As I turned on the TV guns were drawn on protesters that had breached security and were breaking into the Capitol chambers! OMG! What was happening? Needless to say I was breathlessly watching as Cathy and the sofa seller and her extra-buff husband wrestled the sofas into place. At one point I asked Jordan what she and her husband did. She said he was a cyber security expert working for the DOD! Are you kidding me? I have a computer security pro that works for the Department of Defense standing in my living room as we watched the assault on the Capitol Building Chambers, the battles with security cops and the screaming, flag waving maniacs rampaging through the offices of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Shumur! She pointed at the TV and said, "Amazing, huh?" Then we looked directly at each other and she said "Are you on the right or on the left?" "Oh, I am very much on the right!" And we fist bumped. Her husband was busy setting up the furniture and was much less interested than either of us, which seemed odd. As they packed up to leave and I shook his hand and thanked him for his service, I begged him to comment on what was happening. I said "I know what you do is pretty sensitive, but if you can, can you tell me something? For months we have been hearing that our military intelligence, and even those of some foreign countries, have been fully aware that the election was corrupted. Is that true?" He grunted, "Oh yeah, they know all about it." "Then where the hell are they? It seems to me that they are partly to blame for this debacle because people are so pissed! It looks like the biggest political crime in history and nobody is getting held accountable!" He looked at me and said dismissively, "You do know how powerful Google is, don't you?" "I do, actually." "There is a lot of concern that a shooting war may break out because the billionaire owners of all of the communication hardware and software are pretty much in charge of everything. That is one reason we are moving to Ramona. I intend to set up a sniper's nest on my roof and get ready. January 20th may be the start of an all out shooting war. If you aren't well armed, you should be!" And he turned as started walking to his truck. I was shell shocked. What am I to think about that? Jordan said her husband is not normally too talkative, so obviously the events at the Capitol were heavy on his mind, but he is also a task oriented Marine, so nothing gets in the way of getting the job done. OK...I have to admit, he moved two massive sofa systems across town and into place in a matter of 45 minutes. I was impressed to say the least. But not until a few hours later did it sink in what an amazing coincidence it was for me to cross paths with this couple at such a transformational moment. These things don't just happen by accident. |
January 2025