![]() The Major League Baseball World Series Championship deciding game we saw between the Indians and the Cubs may be the greatest World Series game ever played. But I have a spin on it that is different. What we saw Wednesday night was the battle between two teams who wanted something very much. Something so precious to them that they willingly committed to engage in a pure team effort, to come together in such a harmonious way that they were able to achieve an enormous accomplishment, to perform at their personal and collective best at a moment in time none of us who witnessed it will ever forget. The whole series was a joy to be involved in, and served to unify our nation. On a micro scale, the baseball game last night was an awesome diversion, a playful exercise we all lost ourselves in. As fans we were momentarily divorced from all the frustrating reality games of politics we have to go back to the next day. Humans are engaged in a continuous game of sorts. We call it politics. There is international politics, and religious politics. We have ideological politics, and tribal politics. We have family, gender, racial, gang, school and workplace politics. Everyday, we humans compete in a micro game over every inch of our lives and the lives of those we love. We battle over food, money, relationships and power. And in various places, we are at war with each other. This Tuesday is the seventh game in another game changing series altogether. I think it is interesting that the two political teams competing for our votes are also heavyweights, and they are going toe to toe in the 15th round of a heavyweight championship for control of the White House. Both teams have depleted the bench, have scratched and clawed, and as much as they are total opposites, and have no liking for each other, we are all in the game, playing the unique American Game of Democracy, selecting our leadership without engaging in war. For nearly three hundred years, as ugly as it is, it has proved to be the best system in the world. Ultimately, we are Americans and we love a good battle. We pull our teams together, and we go at it. When it's over, we shake hands and move on to the next challenge. A much bigger challenge. America and her allies are in a war 'game' against radical Islam. It is a battle for control of civilization. To lose it could send the world back to an age of darkness and chaos. Our team of warriors, you and I, must come together. We must decide that winning this battle is of paramount importance. That freedom is something precious and worth subjugating our personal desires for the good of civilization.. Wednesday night, the baseball players left nothing on the field. After the game, they spoke about how they came together, supported each other and never gave up. In the same way, Americans must come together on the field of battle defending the world from an attack on civilization, and especially against the forces that want to destroy our unique American way of life. And we must never give up. America is in the seventh inning of the World Series for the Future of Mankind. It is time for a pitching change. We are outs away from the decision: Will the planet be a dark and foreboding Stone Age Caliphate where an extremist religious dogma rules? Or will we Americans step up to protect the concept of 'Liberty and Justice for All'? It won't be easy and it won't be cheap. Battles like the War On Terror require the combined sacrifices of every single player, to devote our entire being to the goal of winning, because losing is not an alternative. We Americans have the best system, the best players and organization and the most noble of goals. But do we have the commitment? On November 8th, that is the question we should all be asking ourselves…. |
January 2025