When someone knows right from wrong, what does that mean? It seems obvious on the surface, but what does it really mean in a world of relative values? If you can define your own gender, morals, or truth, just what is right or wrong by any standard? After his dismal performance in the Presidential debate, Joe Biden said, " I may not debate so well, I may not speak as smoothly as I once did, but I know one thing… I know how to tell the truth!" But there is one problem Joe…that statement is itself a lie! Joe Biden is a pathological liar. And history tells us that pathological liars have no self awareness, no humility and never stop their deceptive and purely self serving behavior. That is why the term pathological is applied. It is an an obsessive compulsive need to embellish the truth about whatever the person deems important to help them manipulate other people. Lying is a tool of control, used by people that manage their lives by controlling those around them. Joe Biden lied about his scholastic records, the surrounding events of the death of his wife and his oldest son. He was caught plagiarizing speeches, essays he wrote in law school and even some of his legislative policy critiques. He lied about his ancestors work history and his historical relationships with leading segregationists. He lied about his voting records and recently he has made provably inaccurate claims that he created millions of 'new jobs', reduced inflation and secured the southern border during his term as President. During the debate with Trump, he even had the gall to claim that no American service members have lost their lives under his administration. He completely forgot the whole world watched him check his watch while the remains of 13 dead marines were carried out of the military transport plane just returned from the totally botched Afghanistan withdrawal. Like all pathological liars, he has no shame and is unable to understand why others are not fooled by his transparent inconsistencies. He also claims, without any proof, that his opponent in the upcoming election, is a "threat to our Democracy". Despite the obvious evidence that Trump was in the Oval Office for 4 years and never made an effort to dissolve the three branches of government, and never unlawfully used the authority of the federal government to harass, arrest or imprison his opponents, as the Biden administration has done repeatedly in the past 3 ½ years. If Joe Biden claims to "know right from wrong" why should anyone believe him? The answer is that half the population holds different definitions of right. We can't all agree on what is right. We can't even agree on what is wrong. Is it wrong to claim your political opponent has the "morals of an Alley Cat", especially when Joe has presided over a totally dysfunctional and immoral family? Three years after the accidental death of his first wife, he married Jill, who had babysat his two boys while he was campaigning. After the death of his oldest son, his younger son Hunter impregnated his brother's widow but they were never married. Joe and Jill's daughter Ashley Biden has written all about her upbringing in a soap opera atmosphere and how it led her to drug use, sexual addiction and other self abusive behaviors. Hunter won a rare waiver when he volunteered, at age 42, to join the Naval Reserve as a public affairs officer. The obvious effort to embellish his resume, approved and possibly enabled by his dad, ended badly. He received an "Administrative Separation" from the Navy only a year later after he tested positive for cocaine. Another way of saying he was court marshaled without the stigma. Did then Senator Joe intervene for clemency? After the validity of his lost laptop was revealed during his trial for illegally possessing a gun while on probation, Hunter admitted his many years of drug addiction. But Joe still insists, "I am incredibly proud of him!" All along the way, Joe Biden has used the legal system to harass, intimidate and sometimes incarcerate his enemies. His election has empowered him to authorize the assault on private residences by the FBI, DOJ, and ATF to shut down any activists that disrupt the media blackout of the Biden Family's possible financial arrangements with foreign interests. His clever exploitation of New York's most compromised court system and bought-and-paid-for prosecutors have given him a political lifeline: He can claim it is Trump that is a "convicted felon". But that is par for the course for pathological liars: 'Tell the Biggest Lies the Loudest' and right or wrong, half the population will believe you. Hear me out…It sounds like a far right conspiracy theory. I may even sound racist and misogynist. But I think it is worth considering my theory just because there are very few other reasons for the whole Joe Biden Fiasco. Here it is: The Progressives behind the curtains, pulling the strings for the Democrat elites, wanted Kamala in the White House all along. They gambled right from the beginning that Joe would, at some point before the end of his term, be gone. Let me explain… Putting Biden into the White House, on the surface never made political or practical sense. You could argue that his soft liberalism, his supposed hard core pro law-and-order stance, and his lack of any culturally offensive legislative efforts made him a good prospect to meet halfway with liberal Republicans. The American public had just endured 4 years of psychological pummeling as the Media kept Trump on the ropes for every waking moment. To most Democrats and some of the disgruntled Republicans, Biden represented a viable and less abrasive alternative to the rogue outsider that was Donald Trump. As Biden's 'partner' Kamala was optically a good fit: The attractive, modern, articulate female with a legal background could follow Joe around like a puppy, yipping at his detractors, and licking his ears with affection. She would garner every Obama voter and maybe some of the more radical black women who were never enamored with the Silver Tongued Devil #44. Kamala would promote abortion, worker discrimination lawfare, and racial quotas while keeping Joey Bananas in line with the Black Community, something he has been quite cavalier and over confident about since his term under Obama. Biden was just cocky enough to be led to believe he actually won the election and therefore he was politically immune to criticism. In July The Loyalist made my point at a Miami rally: “Whatever else can be said about crooked Joe Biden, you have to give him credit for one brilliant decision: picking Kamala Harris as his vice president was the greatest insurance policy of all time. If Joe had picked someone even halfway competent, they would have bounced him from his office years ago." For Progressives, she was The One, but had no chance of ever getting elected to higher office without some bestowed gravitas, some bona fides that serving inside the White House could deliver. So what if Joe's term, which would be tightly managed, should come to a premature end? He would be 79 when he took office, so it's not unreasonable to think his health could fail at any time. Looking down the road, the Progressive Jihad, those that are seriously hijacking the government, couldn't ask for a better scenario: Moderate Guy gets installed, sells the public on the Progressive Agenda, then when the time comes, Kamala takes the reins and voila! The Capitalist American Democracy has an unelected Progressive (aka, Black Panther Marxist) running the Executive Branch! Within just a few years and a few seats in the halls of the Capitol, the capitalist Republic of The United States of America will have been successfully repurposed. I originally published this on June 1st, before the recent debate...
There are faint stirrings within the Democratic party leadership that maybe Biden is too old to run again (despite the fact that he didn't really run the last time). In a culture that constantly belittles elders, it is incredibly counter intuitive that most of our political leaders are old white geezers. But as I have said for years, Progressive Jihadists hijack legitimate social activism, then pretend to be leading the parade, while all the while doing what the activists are angry about. They have institutionalized gaslighting! So they keep telling the public, Joe isn't really stumbling and bumbling, slurring his words or saying incredibly insensitive and nasty things in public. You are just "misinterpreting" him. One of, if not the most important tenets of Progressivism, is to be "leading the way" in all areas of modern culture and political activism. But the results of their work are objectively going backwards!
Biden has been able to bluff his way through a couple of years with the help of Covid Relief Funds, with a friendly House of Representatives run by a domineering old white female communist and a divided Congress, willing to let him write executive orders dismantling everything Trump accomplished. Sending trillions of tax revenue to support a very corrupt and shaky Ukraine regime, and spending printed inflationary dollars on The New Green Deal, to bolster his phony "Build Back Better" claims. Biden has never demonstrated any popularity. When he shows up at major events (which he wisely avoids), he gets booed. He never held election campaign rallies, blaming Covid. Meanwhile, Trump filled stadiums and auditoriums with cheering supporters. Biden's popularity is a Wall Street construct. Now, some voices are quietly asking "What about Joe?" No matter what the Biden Jihadists throw at Trump, his popularity grows! Why would that be? Well, Americans hate injustice and no matter what you think of Trump's narcissism, we all know he is a patriot in the extreme, and he has been right more often than not. I will stick my neck out and say, right now, the only way out of this mess Biden and his cronies have created, is to commit another terrible crime. And that is because the crimes they have already committed are so egregious and seditious, they have to do something even worse to redirect attention away from the situation America finds itself in. Maybe start a nuclear war, or declare a national emergency over another mysteriously dangerous and unknown pandemic. Or they may decide its time to change our monetary system, confiscate savings accounts, bankrupt the federal reserve, or God Knows What? No matter what catastrophe they bring upon the American citizen, they will martyr Joe. They will paint him and his regime as the Ultimate Victims. Whatever fate that awaits Joey Bananas, it will appear to have been caused by some Right Wing Crazy person or the Republican Congress. Just like OJ Simpson, no matter how damning the evidence, the voters will be convinced the Biden Regime was framed and the entire Biden Crime Family was victimized by a "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy". I don't know how it will be done, but that is the best outcome the Progressive Jihad can achieve at this point, and I would not expect them to suddenly become "honorable" Cultural Warriors. The end justifies the means, and Joe is simply too big of an obstacle at this point, so his legacy will have to substitute for his persona. The Democrats will cancel Joe and his legacy in a New York Minute once they realize the polls are real. That confidence in Build Back Better, in the Green New Deal, and the staged January 6th "Insurrection" have evaporated, and the prospect of Trump returning to the White House are better than even. They will most likely create a Right Wing Lone Wolf scenario, just like JFK, RFK, MLK and Malcolm X. Why not? It worked before, it will work again. Will Joe's removal from the upcoming election process put Kamala Harris into the spotlight? Is she the heir apparent? No way. She couldn't win the Democratic Presidential candidate nomination in California in 2019. She could never put up enough numbers to make the stealing of the next Presidential election doable. No matter how many ways they manipulate the election, it would simply be impossible to make it look fair. Kamala is just too unlikable and she couldn't possibly win enough electoral college votes to beat Trump. She will be given a Golden Shower to step aside for some other Progressive mannikin like Gavin Newsollini, or better yet some unelected celebrity with no political baggage. Someone like Boston's Anne Finucane, or media mogul Byron Allen. She has never been comfortable in her role anyway. It simply too much for her thin-skinned makeup. She is fully prepared to find another role while in semi-retirement, with a lower profile so she can enjoy her Haitian Ganja out of the spotlight. The Democratic Governor of California has a strong Progressive Cabal supporting him (otherwise how could anybody who has so obviously mismanaged the 7th largest economy in the world ever think about running for President of the United States)? But he would flounder in the "Fly Over Country" where his metro-man image would be a laughing stalk. Besides, the Democrats are beginning to realize their playschool approach is wearing thin. They have to come up with something or someone substantial, someone that not only acts grown up but actually is. |
January 2025