![]() Don Hillary just stood in front of an audience and lied again! She doesn't seem to be ashamed of making pronouncements that are easily disproven. In this case she said, "Donald Trump says he will make America great again! He doesn't make anything except bankruptcies!" Don Hillary, with all due respect, I beg your pardon. The man builds things and those things create long-term jobs. Unlike Don Hillary who has never signed the front of a paycheck in her life. And he doesn't do it alone. Trump is currently employing, by a CNN Money analysis, at least 34,000 people! As for his business interests, from WikiLeaks: 'Trump's real estate holdings form the core of his assets and provide much of his income, with a wide array of real estate licensing, branding and marketing deals and royalties that provide millions in annual cash flow. In 2015, Trump earned $71 million from condo sales and collects $41.9 million in rental income on his buildings annually. The company owns, operates, invests, and develops residential real estate, hotels, resorts, residential towers, and golf courses in different countries, as well as owning several hundred thousand square feet of prime Manhattan real estate. It lists involvement in 515 subsidiaries and entities with 264 of them bearing Trump's name. With investments within the United States and globally, The Trump Organization spans a wide variety of industries including real estate, construction, hospitality, entertainment, book and magazine publishing, media, model management, retail, financial services, board game development, food and beverages, business education, online travel, airlines, helicopter air services and beauty pageants. It owns a New York television production company that produces television programs including the reality television program, The Apprentice. Furthermore, the company engages in retailing providing fashion apparel, home furnishings, jewelry and accessories, books, chocolate bars, furniture, lighting products, bath textiles and accessories, bedding and home fragrance products, small leather goods, crystal stemware, barware and gifts, and bottled spring water.' Whether you like the man or not, it is just silly, not to mention disingenuous, to suggest he 'doesn't make anything but bankruptcies.' So Don Hillary shades the truth a little? So what? What difference, at this point, what difference does it make? ![]() Don Hillary's consiglieri, Slick Willy, has come out swinging. He says FBI Director James Comey is full of s**t. That all of his pronouncements that Don Hillary was careless with her personal server, and that she compromised national security are just irrational concoctions, and explained as political attacks. He fails to mention that besides the emails marked with a little 'C' for confidential, many of them were 'lost' because they implicate Don Hillary, and her Family Organization in illegal financial, political and personal transgressions. Little things, like rigging the Democratic Primary process, or channeling hundreds of millions of 'contributions' into her 'Charity' or exerting influence on the DOJ. Slick Willy earned his nickname and position in the Family on his ability to spin the press, redirect attention, and deflect criticism. A position proving to be priceless during this campaign to consolidate the Family's power. ![]() Don Hillary has no mercy for people who don't come to her for help. She says she could have saved the life of Christopher Stevens, our Libyan Ambassador, but apparently he didn't pay tribute to the Godmother. A hard lesson for the four dead Americans, but a valuable lesson, none-the-less. ![]() Young people have too little first hand knowledge of Communism. They have been taught a idealized, revisionist version of Communist dictatorships, mass murder and suppression of human rights. The American academic community portrays Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, and Vladimir Lenin as heroes of 'working class comrades' despite the FACT that they murdered upwards of 70 million of their own people who happened to not agree with their dogma. Young people don't know what they don't know, so maybe we can have some empathy with their youthful naïveté. But for most of us who witnessed the fall of the Iron Curtain, we will never forget the dark cloud that Communism cast over the planet for decades. At least half of the Democratic Party falls in that category, so they have no excuse, except that they have been brainwashed to identify with the communists, kind of like Patty Hearst, who after she was abducted by the Symbionese Liberation Army, eventually joined their radical left wing cause, even helping to rob banks. She later claimed to have suffered from a Stockholm Syndrome Effect, a condition where a captive, after long periods of isolation and brainwashing psychologically identify with and have sympathy for, their kidnappers. After 6 or 8 years of advanced educational indoctrination in our hijacked college system, most graduates have succumbed to the collectivist mentality that is drummed into their heads by the leftist academic cartels. Joseph Farah, the founder of WND.com (World News Daily) and a former revolutionary communist himself in his youth, says the Communist Party USA's website coverage is so effusive in its enthusiasm of Hillary and the Democrats, it puts MSNBC to shame. That is hard to believe. “Back in the day when Stalinists Gus Hall and Angela Davis were regularly nominated by the party as presidential and vice presidential candidates every four years, U.S. Communists actually had beefs with the Democrats,” he said. “But, in recent years, the party ceased those efforts in favor of a united front with the Democrats, with whom they have very few differences, if any." “Spend some time reading and digesting it (the Communist Party 2016 Election Platform). Try to discern any major differences between the Communist Party’s concerns, sensibilities and solutions – on issues from ‘gay’ rights, to unfettered immigration, to renewable energy, to wealth redistribution, to condemning cops as racist, to universal health care – and those of today’s Democratic Party.” Good luck finding any.... In my new book, Turn Right At Lost: Recalculating America, I explore the mass media and how over the past five decades much of it has abandoned journalistic impartiality for self-righteous, agenda driven propaganda, pushing the progressive worldview that America is greedy, and that only a globalist statism will bring about a socialist utopia. They do this by consistently painting literary portraits of conservatives, with an Orwellian distortion of the language, that slanders their policies, ambitions and personal profiles.
In my book, I note that our country is suffering from an epidemic of apathy and narcissism, and that the Commander-In-Chief, President Obama is the poster boy for this national dyspepsia. David Kupelian, World News Daily's managing editor recently wrote about this: “During the Obama administration we have witnessed, non-stop, the modus operandi of the left, wherein those who through monumental deceit have conspired to transform Judeo-Christian America, upend her Constitution and impose an alien new system of governance and morality upon her, have the audacity to accuse the traditionally minded American middle class, which just wants its country back, of being ignorant, deranged and dangerous. “Psychologists call this ‘projection,’ where one person or group literally projects its own wrongs onto another. Thus, for decades, the left – which throughout the 1900s gave the world its bloodiest century in history – has been busy denouncing and ‘diagnosing’ conservatives and Christians,” he said. “Those who complain their once-great country is being overrun with illegal immigrants are branded ‘xenophobic,’ a pathologizing label implying one has a phobia. Opponents of radically redefining marriage are ‘homophobic,’ a made-up pathologizing label. Those objecting to Islamist subversion of the U.S. are ‘Islamophobic,’ another made-up pathologizing label. Same with ‘biphobia,’ for people who don’t like to be around bisexuals, and ‘transphobia,’ for people uncomfortable around transgendered people. On the contrary, notes Kupelian, a recent survey found Democrats are twice as likely as Republicans to suffer from a number of mental disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder, ADD/ADHD, anxiety, depression, Asperger’s/autism, OCD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, narcissistic personality disorder, anorexia and bulimia. “Ironically – almost comically – the most oft-cited armchair diagnosis of Donald Trump is narcissism,” Kupelian said. “Really? After eight years of Barack Obama, whose behavior as president matches perfectly the clinical diagnosis for narcissism, now his (Obama's) diehard supporters are going to try to make that stick to Trump?" When the left starts pointing fingers, note who is pointing, because with few exceptions, they are doing exactly what they accuse their opponents of doing. |
January 2025