When I saw Lori Loughlin appear on a recent episode of Blue Bloods, I recalled a column I wrote back in June 2023. Seems more relevant now as we confront the immense amount of cheating and lying that has occurred since 2020...
Shameless Generation They say everyone cheats on their income taxes… That may be true. It is illegal, so if you do it, you are cheating. Period. But the tax system itself is so convoluted and difficult to understand, I think it almost encourages cheating. Many use its complexity as an excuse to misrepresent their true income. Maybe our terrible progressive tax system explains why so many Americans accept cheating as a way of life. But if you and I do it, so will our kids, and their kids, and so on. Where do we draw the line? Or are there no lines anymore? Television actress Lori Loughlin, and a few dozen other high profile Hollywood Limousine Liberals recently got caught shamelessly gaming the system. They were altering scholastic or performance records to get their kids into prominent colleges. Some of these elites have been highly public criticizing anyone who would vote for the "Immoral and unqualified" Donald Trump. Suggesting Trump supporters are reckless with their support of a racist, a misogynist and a tax fraud. My question is "Why do some Americans, especially ones who have been so spectacularly successful In their high profile professions feel like they have to game the system? Outright cheating, in my view, is a symptom of a social disorder called existential nihilism. Godless narcissists with no moral foundations cynically ignore authority and give themselves permission to cheat by rationalizing "I'm not really hurting anybody". But they are! In their situation, they were stealing admissions from better qualified and probably poorer students, just to give their kids something that they couldn't otherwise go out and buy. They are very rich parents, practicing very poor parenting skills. They should be ashamed of themselves. And then they have the audacity to slander Trump voters for their "immorality". But they are not alone... Its happened in professional sports with top ranked players using performance enhancing drugs. Icons like cyclist Lance Armstrong and baseball player Mark McGuire, selfishly ruining the integrity and the record books of their sport. Now, when you look up home run records, you see asterisks next to stars like McGuire and Sammy Sosa. We are seeing it right now in the politics of personal destruction. Politicians shamelessly slandering their opponents, knowing full well once a salacious claim is made public, voters can never "unring the bell". Ask Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh about that issue. Former presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has claimed to be a descendent of the Cherokee Nation. She is either mentally ill or a liar. But her misuse of true Indian heritage cheapens its value and distinction. It is nothing less disgusting than stealing the valor of war veterans. Have you ever given a second thought to the heritage of your great-great-great-great grandmother? Why would you? Unless you wanted to game the system. Another case involves Beyonce's husband renown rapper Jay-Z gaming his album sales by buying thousands of copies himself to assure his first week's record sales would set a record. A fake record. The list is endless. Cheating, gaming the system, or whatever you want to call it, has become ubiquitous In our modern "Progressive" culture. Meantime, liberal celebrities and media darlings have no problem screaming about how unqualified, immoral and ignorant Donald Trump is, while they themselves are committing fraud! Imagine, if it was just now uncovered that President Trump had cheated to get his daughter Ivanka into the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania? Those same cheaters would be calling for Trump's head. Will all of this negative publicity cause these morally bankrupt hypocrites to reflect on their own behavior? To call out their associates when they besmirch their trade or slander an opposition leader? Probably not because they were born into a Shameless Generation. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/blue-bloods-actress-lori-loughlin-takes-page-from-martha-stewarts-post-prison-playbook-expert |
January 2025