The candidates are finally starting to roll out specific policy agendas. Only Dr. Carson has come close to suggesting the really serious prescription I would call for.....
Declare War on the 'Cancer': Just like any disease, and especially a disease like Cancer that is extremely good at disguising itself, civilized citizens of the World, (the patient) have to come to grips with the reality of having a potentially terminal illness. Radical Islamic Jihad is in our body. Beyond that, to have any chance of surviving, we must make a decision to fight it with every ounce of energy in our collective soul. Hire the Best Oncologists: We must expand our intelligence and strategic military capabilities exponentially. It is due or die now; either we win this battle or there will be no more battles to fight. When you get attacked from behind, you must fight with reckless abandon; win first, ask questions later. America must consult and recognize the experts advice on treatment; bar no expense, and embrace all effective strategies. Change Our Diet: We must stop feeding ourselves PC filtered news, rosy scenario strategies, and Orwellian assumptions and tell the truth! Stop using political-speak to tell the patient lies about their future survival prospects. It is counter-productive to suggest that we should just keep acting like nothing is wrong. Americans must engage in the fight for life and demand sacrifices and commitments of ourselves. Monitor Progress with Regular Testing: Our allies must step up and take responsibility for a share of the costs, both physically and financially. When an allie stumbles, America must be prepared to exact a cost. The US Military must demand access to any battlefield at any time, or deem offending countries as hostiles. All for one, and one for all! Apply Strong Doses of Radiation/Chemo Therapy: In war, if you have a superior weapon, use it! If nuclear or even chemical weapons would be effective in extenuating circumstances, we should not hesitate to use them. Our enemies know we have these capabilities but are playing on our reluctance to use them. Forget it! It's too late to be playing footsie anymore. Does anyone really think Jihadists will not use those same weapons should they get their hands on them? Stop Acting Scared; it is demeaning and demoralizing to constantly complain about the situation we find ourselves in. Grow up and get real! When we act terrified, we are encouraging our enemy. In WWII, those that whimpered and cried, that refused to contribute, were universally shamed and pushed aside. When your foxhole is being overrun, there is no time for equivocation. Some Cancer patients survive the disease. Many do not. Those that pretend it is not present in their bodies, universally succumb, mostly sooner rather than latter. |
January 2025