Listening to the talking heads after the New Hampshire primary results came in, they are all acting a little bit confused. They say things like 'voters are all over the place,' and the 'establishment Republicans are just now waking up the Trump' appeal. Then they inevitably ask, "What does Trump stand for?' Or they speculate that "Sanders' is drawing young people who didn't benefit from the Clinton years. Come on, man! This isn't that hard to understand! First, if you look at the various 'special interest groups', like college age young adults, and ask just what has either political party given them over the past two and a half decades? They now have mountains of college tuition debts, tons of new hidden taxes and fees, no new good jobs, and a degree from a major university that amounts to a high school diploma! Whoopdedoo! Can you name one thing that works for them? Better and cheaper healthcare? Cheaper energy costs? Lower tuitions? More jobs? Lower housing costs? Not! How about women? Has any recent President achieved much in the way of equal pay for equal work? Less sexual harassment in the workplace? Access to the military? If you listen to activist women's groups, you'd be lead to believe there is a war on women, despite the fact that a liberal black man with a very feminist wife has occupied the White House for the past seven years. Hillary has the audacity to think anyone will believe her when she says she will stop men from taking advantage of women. She says she has the experience, and Bill, standing right behind her nods in agreement…. What about trade unions? I don't hear them singing either leading candidates praises, in fact, many of them have been bitterly disappointed by Obama. Teachers, teamsters, dock, healthcare, construction, energy workers have all had to back down on pension increases, on healthcare exclusions, and on hourly wages. They are not too happy about anything since the Clinton administration passed the Fair Trade Act, putting them in direct competition with the world's cheapest labor forces Lets not forget about minorities. How well have they fared since Bill Clinton was elected? Not well, if you look at their earning power and average household savings rates, they have all gone backwards. All Americans are distressed over the plight of inner city minorities. No one wants any American to suffer from discrimination, yet the headlines across the country tell us that racial unrest is at a breaking point. Illegal immigration, currently the number one driving force behind the upstart anti-establishment surge of Donald Trump, has gotten completely out of control. Every candidate who has run for national office in the past twenty years has promised to get a handle on it. It is not happening…. Basically, our elected officials from both sides of the isle have been a colossal FAIL. And National Security? Well, the Beacon of Freedom we were born under doesn't exist anymore. What is the big mystery about every voter wanting to throw them all out and try something entirely new? The only mystery is, why is anyone voting for anyone other than the two Demolition Men, Trump and Sanders? |
January 2025