Have you ever encountered counterfeit money? Probably not. It is pretty rare, and most people, should they come into contact with it, just pass it on unnoticed. That is why the Federal Government takes printing counterfeit money so seriously. The penalty for counterfeiting currency is a fine of up to $250K and up to 20 years in prison. For each offense! There are other penalties for counterfeiting documents, trademarked products, stamps, or contracts. It is more likely you have been exposed to fake merchandise like phony Rolex watches or a Michael Kors handbag. We all must be conscious of the possibility of fraud because it is nothing less than robbery. In fact, counterfeiting is a serial crime because it victimizes people over and over again. Each time it goes unnoticed, someone suffers a loss. And to make things worse, each person that holds or passes counterfeit money, documents or merchandise, is also guilty of a crime! The act is something that transcends borders, so that is why counterfeiting is considered a Federal Crime. Like cancer, it metastasizes, spreads and destroys credibility and legitimacy as it goes along. The recent Presidential election was counterfeit. It may have passed as legitimate to some, but anyone with a discerning eye recognized it for what it was, a lousy representation of the genuine article. Unfortunately, it has now been passed around for so long, and so many people have participated in the crime, we all just wish it wasn't so. In our Constitutional Republic the voting franchise is one of the most important and valuable possessions we have. Millions of American patriots have laid down their lives to give and preserve that precious right for the American people. Other than volunteers at polling places, who is looking out for voter rights? What is the security device, the authority that serves to stand guard over that precious jewel? Aren't Americans entitled to have their voting franchise protected from fraud? From being hijacked by some unknown force, some anarchist group, or some unseen cyber thief? If we are supposed to be a Constitutional Republic that gives citizens the power to govern themselves, then how do we do that if we can't trust our governmental authorities to protect the integrity of our ballot? By extending the voting process to mail in, to vote by proxy and to count votes using computer devices, aren't we compromising accountability? The slightest hint of fraud in the election process suggests a cancerous tumor is present and should it be malignant, it would certainly be deadly to our Republic. No system of self government can exist without a secure system of collecting the will of the people. Representative government is a myth if the vehicle of representation is simply a realistic facsimile, an electronic digit or a ballot with no connection to an established identity. Listening to claims that the election was rigged is like having the flu. For a few days you think you are going to die, but in a week or so you start feeling normal and you quickly forget how sick you were. Before long you simply go back to normal and wait for next time. This has become the standard political reaction to any claim of "stolen" elections. The major parties just look the other way, which implies that they both participate in some form of cheating. Most people hate the idea that cheating is in any way acceptable. It doesn't matter what party you favor, most Americans understand that there is no such thing as being a "little bit crooked". The most insidious form of disease is the invisible kind. Same with fraud. Being victimized without knowing you are being victimized, as happens with counterfeit money, makes the victim an unconscious co-conspirator. It is easy to ignore, but the disease is still there. There is ample evidence to show that the same may be true with voter fraud. If Americans capitulate to systemic voter fraud, if we look the other way, we have participated in the f''ing of our Republic. We will have abandoned the idea of self government, because when one vote is F'd, all votes are less valuable, less legitimate, and less influential. Our Constitutional Republic will be feigned, and the American Dream will be deceased. |
January 2025