Here is my theory: The New World Order (whatever manifestation that may come from) has been planning to reorder the plantation we call Earth. The leaders, who are the most collectivist folks alive, are super wealthy and plan to maintain their Seats of Power, by using super advanced technology to it's fullest. Did you see the list of "Renown World Leaders" attending the Davos World Economic Forum in the Swiss Alps last January? Yeah, them… Those few Elitist Powerbrokers determined a long time ago that there are too many people on this planet. That the worlds resources are limited, that the pressures that over population put on worldwide governments are likely to lead to instability, disease, shortages and warfare. So they looked at the tools available to them and decided Climate Change was the way to go. The Force Majeure, so to speak. Using the vast controls they have on media and transnational corporations, and the recently developed technology to control the weather, they put together a massive plot: Frighten the masses into subjugation with the demonstration of widespread, destruction and death, from supposedly natural disasters (more about that later). This will beat the people into submission while directing their anger at a nebulous and terrifying series of storms, which can be attributed to "Climate Change Deniers" and God. Thereby killing two political oppositions simultaneously, and giving them the political power necessary to herd the entire world population into a virtual corral. Why? Simple, they need fewer people (accomplished through attrition from damages and disease) and more control over resources (accomplished by bankrupting small land and business owners) and herding disparate populations into more controllable urban centers. Look at the evidence, it is pretty obvious. Every major weather and health event in the past twenty years is shrinking the population (birth rates are down worldwide), evacuating the countrysides (farming and manufacturing in small towns are nearly extinct), and slowing individual travel (gasoline prices are killing the car). The trends are obvious: Depopulate, disempower, and isolate. If I were a military leader planning to overpower my enemy, wouldn't those be my main objectives? As for using modern technological weapons to take down the opposition, we citizens don't have access to the same knowledge they do. What if they actually can use laser weapons to enhance and direct the power and impact of hurricanes and tornados? What if they can cause massive wildfires that burn hotter than normal forrest fires? What if they can expose huge 'selective' populations to fast moving, disabling and contagious diseases? What if they can undermine the economic viability of their political opposition through financial means? What if they can plot legal attacks on selective parties using data mining and electronic control mechanizations? Well, guess what, they can do all that and more. And they are… And We The People? Dead on arrival. Such a hokey idea, a purely white male construct from a lost era, it along with the 1st amendment, gun ownership and paper money, all have to go. The Founding Fathers never were forward thinking. A self-governing government was only effective while men were in charge, so that is over and done with. And now, with the exchange of knowledge fundamentally controlled by only a few, the information needed to make effective decisions is easily framed and managed. The "People" simply can't understand what is happening to their information supply chain. What do they know about MKUltra, DARPA, HAARP or any number of other major command and control initiatives? The answer is, little or nothing. This war we are in doesn't feel like a war as we have known it in the past. The corral that were are bing herded into feels more like a health spa, where we can make ourselves feel good, do less work, eat well, and fall sleep watching sports and movies on demand. The war is made to appear as a benign series of natural disasters, that us citizens can't stop, so we should just sit back and let our benevolent government take care of us. But, some of us are seeing some disturbing evidence of manipulation and abuse of power, and therefore we are also becoming increasingly aware of how powerless we really are…some have noticed the health spa doors are locked from the outside. |
January 2025