"The Call To Unite", a streaming 24-hour long compendium concert is transparently duplicitous and insensitive to many Americans. Why? It is, after all, Hollywood's way of rallying the population to do good things for each other during the stressful Covid19 pandemic lockdown. They say, please join us as we celebrate and support each other!! As long as you are part of the approved population, that is. The Call To Unite will talk about the sacrifices many Americans are making to help each other endure these trying times, but there is one sacrifice no limousine liberal will mention: putting aside their petty animosity for Donald Trump for just a few months while the world undergoes one of the most challenging periods in recorded history. They have not stopped slandering and impugning the nation's President for 40 consecutive months, and though I doubt we will have to endure any political speeches during the weekend event, I am just as certain you won't see the President participating in it either. That would be a bridge too far. In fact, Hollywood elites see this pandemic as a rallying point to further condemn a man who has been sacrificing his family, his business interests, his personal time, and even his salary, for the express purpose of serving his country. That is a fact and is not recognized by any of these self-righteous Progressives (my apologies to Matthew McConaughey, Nicole Kidman and Azealia Banks and a few other stars that have expressed their desire to work with the President). Has any one of the high-profile celebrity Trump-haters given up an ounce of their time, their livelihood or their wealth (yes they raise awareness and donations, but rarely write enormous checks themselves) to get up every morning and dedicate themselves to the service of their country? Ever? The answer is no but that doesn't stop them from routinely pronouncing their hatred for Trump with vicious Tweets, TV appearances and public rants every chance they get. They refer to the May Day Weekend live streaming program as a celebration of "some acts of humanity". It is designed to be inspirational and supportive. All very noble and appreciated. But overcoming the dangers of the Covid19 contagion requires a massive effort on the level of a war. It is battle to the death of us or the disease, whichever comes first. It is a battle to control infection, restore our livelihoods and protect our constitutional rights. Many world leaders have said they are assuming a "wartime footing". During wartime, military leaders can't always make friends with their troops, but when it is time to confront the enemy, soldiers know they need to fall in line behind their leaders. They know it is for their own good. It requires 100% commitment to win the fight, and ask questions later. If you win, and that is always a big if, there will be time to question tactics, to hold people accountable and to replace leaders if necessary. But you have to defeat the enemy of your species first. Will the Hollywood Stars invite the duly-elected President of the United States of America, and the millions of Americans that voted for him, to join The Call To Unite? He is not on the announced list of contributors. If a reporter should ask about that, I am sure the answer would be, "Trump's presence would be too divisive." It never occurs to them that not inviting him would be equally divisive. Trump haters maintain a delusional idea that he stands alone. That he is an outlander, a mistake and a dictator who rules with no popular support. They purposely, and in my view, ignorantly, dismiss those that support Trump's Presidency. They see us as victims of an injustice. So The Call To Unite is a rally for all of those Americans that, in their mind, are suffering not just from a worldwide pandemic, but from the injustices of the Trump 'regime'. When my son was playing organized youth baseball, I would sit in the stands and fume at the way his coaches verbally abused the kids. I disagreed with their style of coaching. But I also recognized how much time and personal sacrifice they made to work with the kids. I decided I should just root for the kids and skip the bitching. I could, after all, become a coach myself. It is easy to stand on the sidelines and complain, but it is quite another thing to put in the time and effort. I really wish The Call To Unite would reach across the isle and make our President a part of the appeal. That sacrifice alone would make the claim "We are all in this together" sound a lot more genuine. |
January 2025