I heard Jeb Bush stop an interviewer to say, "Hold on, I just have to get this off my chest; Donald Trump is a jerk!" Well, OK Jeb, tell us how you really feel. The problem with that kind of unrestrained honesty Jeb, is that you just alienated 39% of the polled Republican voters. What a strategic idiot! Your condescending judgmentalism doesn't engender a whole lot of trust in your ability to handle world leaders, many of whom would be considered jerks by a lot of people. Jeb, have you thrown in the towel? It's over for you Jeb, so you think it's a good idea to throw the leading Republican vote getter under the bus? Why not just endorse Hillary? So what were you thinking? Was it that by telling Trumps supporters how stupid they are they will now turn to you? How does that work? Sadly, it appears he wasn't thinking at all. He was emoting his compassionate conservatism.Just the kind or confused moral certitude that has sent many Republicans home in recent losing campaigns. While interviewing President Obama on Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee, Jerry Seinfeld asked him, "How many world leaders do you think are just completely out of their mind?" "A pretty sizable percentage." The facts are, a lot of people, Republicans, Independents and disillusioned Democrats are thinking, maybe a jerk is just what our country needs right now. We are tired of being walked all over by the Chinese, the Russians, our Unions, and of course, we are sick and tired of watching nightly beheadings on TV perpetrated by a rag-tag bunch of international gang bangers, who are wrecking havoc using much of the weaponry we so stupidly left in Iraq and Afghanistan. It feels like our esteemed, mainstream leaders are getting lead around by every special interest group on the planet. Maybe it is going to take someone who is a lot less politically correct, a whole lot less passive, less considerate, and far less willing to look for consensus. Someone less conciliatory and much more focused on putting America back on top, unlike the current regime that seems dedicated to knocking it off the pedestal of world leadership. Someone who is assertive, pushy and arrogant, strident and positive. An ugly American. Someone like The Donald. |
January 2025