One of the most influential forces around the world is the proliferation of verbal abuse. With the rapid expansion of information exchanges through technology, what we say can be more powerful than ever. You don't have to be a celebrity or politician, or even a journalist, to reach millions of minds with your ideas. Manipulating language has always been dangerous, but now it carries enormous impact, because the millennial and gen-z generations are super sensitive to personal grievance, to passive aggression, to any form of criticism, and their emotional balance is paramount in their life.
Hate is perhaps the strongest and most pervasive emotion that can be blamed for cultural unrest. So it is an easy tool of propaganda. Ascribing hatred to a person or a group is virtually indefensible. You can't disprove a negative, intangible and ugly defamation. It is the perfect weapon because it can cause enormous damage that can never effectively be detoured. Let's assume you never bought the idea that the 2020 election was stolen. You have either ignored or dismissed the mountain of forensic evidence that has been meticulously researched and revealed since. You still don't buy these indisputable facts:
OK, I disagree with you, but for the sake of discussion, we have to agree on one basic pretext: COVID19 fundamentally changed the way America collects votes. Most of those had an anomalous effect on that election, and the totality of those effects have yet to be determined. The 2020 election introduced many new and essentially unvetted pathways to submit votes. Which also created waves of votes that could never be authenticated because they did not require any form of traceable identity. No verifiable signatures or addresses, no connection to voter registration logs or any way to validate voter registrations.Those process requirements previously required were deemed too difficult to enforce during the social restrictions imposed by the pandemic. So they were abandoned in many states. The Center For Tech and Civic Life spent $400M to "secure" the 2020 federal election. What do you suppose that money was spent on? Where was it spent, and why was it necessary to lavish so much cash on certain areas of influence? Who was involved and were they ever investigated for exerting an inordinate amount of influence on the voting process?The simple answer is no because questioning the efforts of such reputable social influencers as Mark Zuckerburg, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg and hundreds of leftist activists, would be downright unfair and racist. So the massive amounts of cash that were supposedly for "protection from COVID" were actually spent to "protect" America from Donald Trump and his "fascist" supporters. I simply want to get your opinion: Is it OK for our government to…
Since when did law enforcement agencies decide to ignore due process and hold suspects in custody with no hearings, no bail, no representation, for months. Then use the "pandemic" as an excuse to extend their detention for years! Until I get your response, I have to assume you also approve letting millions of undocumented migrants into cities across America. Then giving them special privileges and taxpayer subsidies while other Americans are sleeping under tarps in the streets. I'm guessing you also approve of school aged children getting hormone therapy and even serious sexual surgical interventions without parental consent. And for prisoners held in federal jails to be given free access to gender counseling and transitional services including genital reconstruction all at taxpayer expense of course. The Democrats are in total agreement on spending trillions of newly printed dollars to send weapons to foreign countries to help them continue killing hundreds of thousands of men and destroy generations of progress building advanced infrastructure, housing and agricultural systems. You support that too, right? Did you vote for the current administration to decimate American manufacturing and energy businesses, undermine mom and pop restaurant, service and retail businesses, and blatantly marginalize half the U.S. population by allowing outright racist violence against whites to become the "New Normal"? Did you think after the election in 2020 that three years later most Americans would have lost faith in their most prestigious and trusted health, financial and security institutions? I want your comments: What were you thinking then and what are you thinking now? I'm asking for a friend… We all know someone who after years of struggling to deal with bad decisions, broken marriages, drug, alcohol and gambling addictions, has finally hit rock bottom. Someone facing serious legal charges that could result in lengthy jailtime, or worse yet, a fatal automobile accident or drug overdose. That is when parents, relatives and friends decide it is time to confront the person with every available resource they can rally. The time has come to intervene and demand they enter a prolonged recovery program. Offer one last chance to turn their life around, before they literally lose it. Most of us have been there, or at least know a friend who has. We know it requires an unbreakable moral commitment because it's going to be a long and painful journey for everyone involved. So what happens when that person is not a person, but our nation? When the United States of America is itself close to hitting rock bottom? When a nation of 330 million people is staggering headlong into an abyss that could spell the end of the worlds most successful and righteous nation? Think I am exaggerating? Lets look at the evidence:
You have to ask yourself, why is American losing it's edge? What has happened to our traditional winners attitude? Are we experiencing a social implosion? Is it time for an intervention? The FrankenMedia narrative is: " President Trump misled his supporters and instigated an insurrection by falsely claiming Joe Biden stole the Presidency in a rigged election. He told them the election was stolen, and that was a lie, and it threatened the stability and reliability of our democratic process. He fomented a riot, and the rioters threatened the life of Vice President Pence because he refused to stop the election certification process" which the FrankenMedia claims would have made Trump a squatter in the White House and therefore a dictator… Let's analyze this series of claims that the whole "insurrection" platform rests on.
The mainstream news organizations, let alone the other elements of the Democrat Cabal, had no way to know, at that moment in time, if any anomalies had occurred. Right or wrong, nobody really had time or the persuasion to do any serious forensics on the various state elections. When someone immediately claims to know the "truth" about an event, before all of the information has been gathered, it makes me suspicious that they have something to hide. The murderer is usually anxious to have the body cremated.
So the fomenting a riot claim is also totally false.
What none of us, and especially those involved in government, didn't know at the time, was the extent of which our own FBI was involved as instigators and provocateurs. Only a few people were able to capture evidence on their phone cameras, or to actually see and hear individuals yelling at each other, to get a sense that something beyond a spontaneous riot, was going on. As far as the claims of the FrankenMedia, that Trump's actions on January 6th should disqualify him from ever running for election again, are concerned, what most Americans saw on TV has to be viewed with caution. We all know how easy it is to present images and film that can be extremely misleading. And we also know those that have the most to gain by any editorial action, would be those with the most access to the materials. So it was totally disingenuous to present a consensus news narrative that Donald Trump, on January 6th 2021, led an insurrection on the legitimacy of the federal government, threatened the lives of legislators in attendance and tried to undermine the democratic process. Once you accept those illogical and unsupported terms of the discussion, you are inevitably going down a rabbit hole that becomes deeper and deeper with every passing day. Especially when you have wave after wave of coordinated propaganda piling on, with relentless layers of lies, multiplying like rabbits.
In order to build a team to perpetrate such a crime, wouldn't it make sense that you would have to convince participants that your plan was strategically well planned, and the overall effort was going to be successful? That each and every effort to prove fraud occurred would be immediately "canceled" and the social attitude would be deeply influenced to believe that Trump was the most significant threat to "our Democracy" not the folks that wrecked the integrity of the election process! After all, the Patriotic Progressive Team Players were saving our country, protecting all women from a misogynist, all minorities from a racist and all Americans from an authoritarian bigot. Wouldn't you want every player on your FrankenMedia Team to be fully vested in the mantra that Republicans are the ones who would cheat to win an election, never Democrats! They told their recruits, at some point we will be viewed as the heroes that saved the world from Donald 'The Dictator' Trump! This is the narrative you are being expected to buy. And with the help of the subordinate team of media spokespersons they almost pulled it off. Three years later, Americans are starting to realize something just doesn't add up… The Republican Party is an Old Gray Mare. A mostly esoteric semblance of the organization that once enjoyed the reign of Ronald Reagan. Even then, most of the old-timers thought Reagan was a misfit, a renegade dreamer who had nothing substantial to offer but a vigorous defense of freedom and unending, childlike enthusiasm. The Establishment Wing fought Reagan tooth and nail, made deals with the Democrats to sabotage his economic legislation and then claimed victory when it became obvious the man would go down in history as one of the greatest Republican leaders of all time. That was 1989, this is 2024… That Republican Party has evolved into a union-like apparatus that is bureaucratic, omnipotent and unwilling to stand up to the left's relentless assault on Americanism. I receive Republican Party surveys about once every three months. I find it revealing that the majority of the questions do not change. They may be placed in a slightly different context, but the survey is always about the core issues of lower taxes, slowing the growth of government, reducing regulations, securing the border and supporting our military. But the truth is none of those goals are ever accomplished: the government keeps growing, immigration is out-of-control, our schools and homes are overpriced, the culture is decaying, our veterans are mistreated, and Congress continues to spend hundreds of billions on wars we never win. As we approach the 2024 election, many mainstream Republicans characterize former President Trump as a threat to the survival of the Party. You would think Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney and Ronna McDaniel just saw the ghost of Reagan! Old Guard Republicans claim Trump supporters are 'wrecking our party!' They continue to denigrate Mr. Trump despite the fact that he received 11 million more votes in 2020 than in his victorious effort in 2016! In my opinion, the challenge is not the salvation of the Grand Old Party, it is the salvation of our country, and the fundamental principles that America stands for. Old Guard Republicans are so insulated and self absorbed, they apparently would rather see the country continue to descend into chaos than to admit that Trump supporters are reflecting legitimate concerns like ending our love affair with war, securing our borders, protecting our cultural and economic sovereignty, and defending the Bill of Rights. Any serious party would rally to defend one of its leaders from the Democrats relentless legal assault on Mr. Trump. Anyone can see the obvious abuse of the legal system to stigmatize, financially handcuff, and politically derail the only serious opponent of the Biden regime. The Democrat's lawfare tactics are right out of the Communist Playbook "How To Overthrow Democracy Without Firing A Shot". Just as the inarticulate Donald Trump alludes, the Democrat witch hunt is a reflection of their fear. Trump is on a war path to disrupt the Beltway Brotherhood of transnational corporate oligarchs that are sucking the entrepreneurial energy out of the American people. Our country has fallen into a moral void, lost its bearings, and subsequently left many of our citizens in the dark about what it means to be an American. "Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction." -- Ronald Reagan The GOP is either apathetic about all this, or more likely, ignorant of the true conditions that exist in much of our country. The Make America Great Again movement is a collective slap across the face of the Old Gray Mare to wake up and take responsibility to protect the Constitution in its entirety and rebuild the Frontier Spirit of Americanism. |
January 2025