I am so tired of being called a hater, a racist, a homophobe, a xenophobic, and worst of all, a Republican. I am none of the above. I have pointed out, in my book Turn Right At Lost: Recalculating America, that a major threat to our future is the necessity for the left to redefine our language. In his prescient book 1984, George Orwell described the destructive effects on democracy when leftists (statists that worship government) misuse the language. Redefining terminology, disrespecting our language, and redefining history all have an insidious effect on perceptions of reality. And they are effective tools for destroying Western modernity, capitalism, democracy and liberty. In Saul Alinsky's book Rules For Radicals, which Hillary Clinton reviewed as part of her senior thesis upon graduating from Wellesley, he lays out the way to change the world for collectivism: Demonize Capitalism: Establish a national guilt trip that presents Capitalism as selfish, oppressive and destructive. Redefine Language: Through intimidation and exploitation of children and the underclass, Progressives can change attitudes and perceptions, and garner emotional support for their effort to reconstruct history and society. Multiply disenfranchised minority groups and then pit them against each other and the establishment; then ride in to rescue selected parties and form disruptive and vocal coalitions to defeat conservatives and moderates. Rewrite History: Destroy any allegiance to the 'glamorized' history of the country, remove any incentives to sacrifice oneself for the good of the evil establishment. I, like many Americans are feeling disenfranchised by the purposeful campaign to 'reeducate' Americans by changing the meaning of words, which then affects nearly all exchanges of information, distorting the perceptions and interpretations of history. The efforts of leftists to take our country back to a dark age of tribal warfare and utopian ideologies, is driving the nationalism Trump has tapped into. So I stood up and clapped when he said, "I have no patience for political correctness!" Political correctness is a terminal disease. According to the indignant and self absorbed mainstream media, if you are pro-American, you are xenophobic and hateful. If you have a nuclear family that actually loves each other and operate a private business or charity foundations, you are phonies. If you want the world to restore law and order and provide stability so everyone can live in peace and security, you are a rightwing fascist. Precisely the lesson our kids have been inculcated with if they have attended public schools or even respected private colleges anytime in the past 30 years. The progressive media focuses entirely on how much more 'educated' leftists are, elevating entertainers to the position of foreign policy experts. Now they own the word 'educated', defining it as anyone that agrees with their collectivist ideology. Here's some other examples:
January 2025