As we enter the Trump Era, one of the contentious issues will continue to be the bias, perceived or real, of the media. I happen to believe that there is substantial, tangible evidence that it exists. And the debate will go on…
But something else bothers me even more, and that is the Orwellian tendency of advocates to redefine our language to fit their agenda. For example, I have always considered myself to be right of center politically. I grew up in a Republican family, my folks supported Nixon, but were somewhat skeptical of Goldwater. I was a raging lefty in college, embracing the "All you need is love" dogma of the 1968 Summer of Love. I resisted conscription because of the Vietnam War. But my experiences in the later years of college, in the workplace, and as I became a father and a parent have pulled further to the right. But I am by no measure an extremist. But according to 'mainstream' Democrats I am. In fact, in their world, I am a threat to democracy. The point is, who determines what 'mainstream' really is? Since the dominant media can be heard above all else simply because they have more forums, and since the Democrats have been in control for the past eight years, they have conveniently redefined where the middle is. In relation to the middle of the late eighties, after eight years of Reagan, it is much, much, much further to the left. In fact, by simply looking at Bernie Sanders positions during the election campaign, the middle could be defined as what used to be called the radical left. Let's look at some specifics: Lefties are calling Donald Trump 'Hitler.' Hitler was responsible for the murder of nearly six million jews and hundreds of thousands of his own Nazi soldiers. Donald Trump has not been responsible for the death of ANYONE! They defend their anxieties by yelling at their opponents about their perceived homophobia, xenophobia, or racism. These terms are easy to throw around, and carry heavy emotional impact, but are so generic, they are impossible to disprove. When someone says "You are a hater!" how do you prove a negative? Leftists dispute data by suggesting it can be corrupted, then turn around and say global warming is a proven fact and that a consensus of scientists agree. So it is acceptable only when it supports their theories or agenda. Every issue that is important to the left revolves around their pursuit of unfettered freedom from judgement, from responsibility, from unfairness, from hard work, from homelessness, poverty, disease, and from war. All of which are bad things but are more often than not the result of bad decisions and lack of ambition. They are like children who refuse to grow up, demanding mommy and daddy continue to provide for their needs without complaining. When mommy and daddy object, they scream about the unfairness and judgmentalism, throw tantrums and destroy things unless they get their way. The media is simply a reflection of this generational decision to declare egalitarianism the new religion. It isn't mommy and daddy running the news departments, those people are now in retirement. It is the students of a democratic society of the sixties and seventies that taught the current crop of journalism school graduates populating CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC and the Washington Post and the New York Times. And it is the result of years of practicing the eternal youth mentality of the sixties. The hippie generation just refuses to grow up and act their age. They are in arrested development, using the same life management schemes so systemic to the Summer of Love, the 1968 Democratic National Convention riots, the refusal to participate in the process, to vote, to serve in the armed services, to be patriotic, to put in long days of work, when it has been so easy to keep themselves entertained with recreational drugs, with digital media, sports and movies, and to party every day of the week. Today America has answered a wake up call; it is time to get back to a work ethic, to grow up and take responsibility, to get involved in the community and the nation. It is time to move the center back to the true center, to serve the needs of the greater public, to properly reflect the attitudes of the average, God fearing, hard working people in 'fly over country.' When President Trump said 'This is your moment!" He was reassuring us that despite the rancor coming from disillusioned anarchists, from leftist witch doctors and the mainstream, 'college indoctrinated' press, he has heard us. We have a rendezvous with destiny, and Mr. Trump has stepped up to assume the leadership role that has been missing in action. He did what he could do, now it is the responsibility of the citizenry to channel that energy into specific policies and procedures to fulfill the ideals of this movement to restore American Exceptionalism. |
January 2025