North Korea warns of war with the South; could go nuclear
Iran calls captured Iranian assassin a 'political prisoner'; demands release by US ISIS systematically destroying priceless ancient historic sites Off duty American military tourists stop Islamist from killing hundreds of French train riders Man jailed for tossing t-shirt on low flying drone peeping on bikini wearing beachgoers ISIS slaughters 78 year old Iraqi art museum director; posts video of headless body Currency war sparks massive stock plunge; World's rich lose nearly $200 billion Illegal immigration issue takes center U.K! Could Jerry Brown be the El Nino storm the Democrats need? Obama hopes he won't have to veto an override of his Iranian accord Has the security of the World changed enough, or should we hope for more? August headlines range from the threat of nuclear war, to political assassinations, to the destruction of some of the world's most cherished and rare ancient sites, to how it takes American military trained tourists to save a French tourist-loaded train from a reign of terror, to how we could end up putting the victim of a peeping drone in jail, to the sickening slaughter of an old man who was simply trying to preserve his country's heritage, to what could well be the beginning of an historic stock market correction and worldwide financial collapse. The Donald has stirred up attention with his comments on American failure to secure its borders, but the issue is not unique to the US. California's 77 year-old three time governor might be just what the Democrats need to pull their 2016 Presidential aspirations out of a tailspin. A new 'Moon' program would divert attention from Hillary's crash. And after claiming he could get reelected again were it legal, President Obama says he has done a 'pretty good job' of providing hope and change to America. We hope we can survive another day and that something will cause the worldwide surge of terrorist carnage to go away real soon. We have watched the US change from a sleepy but benevolent giant to a feeble and terrified child-like country whose allies can no longer look to us for leadership. That is real change alright. Voters can only hope the upcoming election will restore some semblance of continuity to our foreign policy, to our financial markets and to our community relations, because as of right now, they are all teetering on the brink of a Missouri-like street brawl. |
January 2025