Prepare for the effects of a tornado, which spins things around and most of those things end up somewhere else. The mainstream 'conclusion' that Trump is in a campaign death spiral is just about to be hit by a tornado, a direct result of climate change.
If Seymour Hersh's account of the raid to kill Osama Bin Laden is right (The Killing of Osama Bin Laden), the entire story told to Americans by President Obama and collaborated by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is a dramatic misrepresentation of what really happened. Hersh's version claims the actual chain of events was presented in a dishonest way to enhance the resume and assure the reelection of Obama and was designed to obscure the fact that Pakistan colluded with the US to take out Bin Laden in exchange for more aggressive financial and military support, and to stop the pressure from the US to shut down their nuclear weapons operations. Should it be proven only partially true, the fallout would be devastating. If the FBI continues to collaborate Julian Assange's document dump, and it continues to demonstrate the utter corruption behind the Clinton Foundation, the use of a private server by the SOS and the quid pro quo of international interests gaining insider access and a pay-for-play playground for their interests over those of the US, voters will begin migrating towards the Trump Movement in droves. And it could result in criminal charges. The more people look at the middle-of-the-night, clandestine exchange of $400 MILLION in unmarked and low denomination cash paid for hostages to the Iranian regime, the more they are offended by the cartel-like behaviour of the Obama Administration. This is unsavory and pathetic, and would cast a large shadow on Hillary's ability to implement Obama's Iranian Nuclear Agreement. All of which is already perceived as just plain stupid. And maybe even more precipitous is the issue of Don Hillary's health. Though there are only a few months left before the election, she is going to have to campaign hard. The pressure of a Presidential campaign, the long hours, the exhausting schedule, and the negative energy it takes to constantly maintain false narratives, are likely to show up as fatigue, contradictions, mistakes and absences, just when she can afford none of the above. This is already happening. The election climate is changing rapidly, a storm is approaching, and though the sycophantic news media hasn't sounded the warning alarms, you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. |
January 2025