A recent court ruling is illustrative of why so many Americans are turning to a Trump style solution to their anger about out of control progressivism. The court ruled that illegal aliens can 'legally' possess guns; that the 2nd amendment refers to 'the people' and therefore does not exclude 'people' here illegally. Of course, the whole issue begs the question of how could a non-citizen legally obtain a gun in the first place, but our court system is so screwed up, I guess that point would be ruled inadmissible and irrelevant. But I digress... Just when did we decide that all constitutional rights extend to people actively committing a crime? Since it is illegal to enter our country without proper authorization and documentation, isn't it logical that as long as they are here without documentation, they are engaged in ongoing criminal activity? If we follow the court's logic, if a law enforcement officer shoots someone who is threatening another, wouldn't that be depriving that now dead assailant his constitutional 'right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?' Are we going to put bank security guards in prison if they are successful in capturing and disarming a bank robber because they have violated several constitutionally protected 'rights?' In order to capture a bank robber, a private security guard would have to interfere with the criminal's right to speak, right to possess a gun, right to privacy, and would essentially have to 'kidnap' that person in order to apprehend them. Since the robber, at that point, would not have been 'convicted' of any crime, progressive courts suggest he should be free to move about freely. And God forbid, the guard cannot ask about their citizenship status, as that would be an invasion of their privacy and qualify as profiling! Americans are the most generous people in the world, but there is a line over which they are not willing to let criminals cross. They feel that the courts and their progressive supporters are now entering an area of permissibility that is essentially condoning egregious violations of fair play. At some point, when the recipients of generosity start throwing it back in your face, when the efforts of a society to show compassion are callously abused and used to avoid any form of individual responsibility and assimilation, the law abiding population is going to fight back. There has to be a benefit for conforming with legal constraints, for behaving in a civilized manner, and for respecting the rights of law abiding citizens. The press likes to characterize people who resent being taken advantage of as anti-immigrant and xenophobic, but the truth is Trump is enjoying wide support precisely because he is focusing a spotlight on this very reasonable sentiment. |
January 2025