Today I want to talk about how we humans can look at something, and have completely opposite reactions. I think we all want to figure out why our culture is divided right down the middle about everything. We live in paradise but we are acting like we are confined to an insane asylum.
I know I have trouble understanding people who want to tell me
I find it inexplicable that those same people think
Just watch nighttime talk shows and the hosts, people like Bill Maher, Jimmy Kimmel or Trevor Noah will say something derogatory about the intelligence of conservatives every single night! “It just so happens that almost every talk show host is liberal and that’s because it requires a level of intelligence...” - Jimmy Kimmel I think Jimmy Kimmel proves my point about liberal arrogance...
In America we have more choices than anywhere else in the world. But that sometimes results in disagreements too..
I call that Free Dumb, with a B. Because consensus is essentially Mob Rule. Just because everybody agrees on a course of action doesn't make it the right choice. We have been so fortunate to live in an era of enormous abundance, so in many cases the impact of making poor choices is small.
For that half of the population, being involved means tracking celebrities, sports teams, or running in a marathon. This is, after all, their choice. They find community affairs annoying and a waste of time. We have lowered our expectations of students. By that I mean modern public schools almost universally incorporate the pedogocical template of progressive outcome based student-centered teaching promoted by John Dewey and John Rousseau in the early part of the 20th century. The idea that teachers should not just transfer information, they should facilitate thinking. It had noble goals of producing critical thinkers that could solve problems and also collaborate with others to find solutions. A reasonable and objective goal. But over nearly a century, the concept has morphed. Where the noble educational experiment went wrong was:
The concept was called Progressive Educational Theory.
A perfect example of this happened recently when NY Senator Chuck Shumer speaking about two conservative justices potential rulings against abortion legislation, Schumer said "You will not know what hit you, if you go forward with these awful decisions." Chief Justice Roberts called the comment a threat. When Trump previously criticized Justice Sotomayor for a "terrible and inappropriate statement" about him, Democrats screamed bloody murder. Trump definitely used strong language but it was criticism. Schumer clearly threatened Kavanaugh and Gorsuch. Democrats can't differentiate between threatening language and critical language.
This is another byproduct of Progressive thinking, and years of Progressive teaching techniques. That is something academics call "existentialism". Existentialism asserts that people actually make decisions based on subjective meaning rather than pure rationality. I quote: "It places the primary emphasis on students’ directing their own learning. Students search for their own meaning and direction in life as well as define what is true and what is false, what is pleasant and satisfying, what is unpleasant and dissatisfying, and what is right or wrong. The goal of an existentialist education is to train students to develop their own unique understanding of life." And to develop their own definitions of words,
Take Marriage for example.
We are suffering from an epidemic of indifference and apathy, and dare I say IGNORANCE. How can that be after 100 years of existential progressive advanced social engineering? Since recorded history, humans have fought over one primary conflicting value:
We sometimes confuse the forces behind the conflict with religion, politics, tribal or family wars, but the real reasons are always the underlying issue of which ideology will rule our daily lives. Like all conflict, the battle is always over CONTROL. This is equally important in personal relationships as it is community operations. So here we are, living in the Golden Age of Earth's existence.
And we are all undecided about Capitalism or Communism. Which system works the best? And you and I want to know how some people still think Communism is a good thing? I proposed a theory in my most recent book...The Illusion of Knowledge: Why So Many Educated Americans Embrace Marxism. |
January 2025