Do you understand the intelligence community's secrecy protocol commonly referred to as "Need To Know" (N2K)? Individuals involved in an intelligence operation are only given the information they 'need to know' to fulfill their specific role. They seldom know all of the players involved, or what the total goal is, or any of the tangential elements of the team. It is a tactic designed to give the operation the best possible environment to complete the mission. N2K is a proven system to protect everyone involved. If the operation gets compromised at some point, only one individual or segment of the operation gets shut down. The remaining pieces can make adjustments and continue to function. The N2K protocol is especially important during clandestine efforts to undermine or quietly sabotage an opponent. If, for example, a team was set up to undermine an election. It would make sense to target a specific election process, i.e, ballot collections, ballot printing, counting or adjudication). It would make sense to have each Operations Team Member be highly skilled in their particular role, and to keep them in their own lane. My question is, would the candidate themself, if their particular election was targeted, have to be in on the operation? Would they "need to know" that they were being "installed"? Absolutely not! In fact, if you look at the vulnerabilities of such a clandestine operation, letting the candidate in on it would exponentially increase the risk of discovery. That person has no need to know. They are only a spoke in the wheel, and the mission is to keep them rolling along without any indication of a problem. If you were part of a team to assure the election of Joe Biden to become the next President of the United States, you would make sure he knew nothing about it. He is terrible at keeping secrets. He is known for his loose lips. And if you were part of an effort to make sure he ascended to the White House, you would also appreciate what a perfect Straw Man Biden is. He is so preoccupied with his own vanity, with the accolades of his election success, and with implementing what he is convinced is good for the Nation, he would never stop to question the veracity of his election. Therefore, if Joe had no knowledge of any election tomfoolery, it would make sense that he would have nothing but disdain for anyone who suggests he isn't the "Real" President. He would get angry with anyone who wants to deny his success, his accomplishment, and his legacy. He is a proud man, so obviously he would be confident that he won the election fair and square. Watch how genuinely angry he gets when the subject of election corruption comes up! That absolutism is what makes Biden the Perfect Straw Man. I can forgive a Straw Man who doesn't directly benefit from his role, and who had no direct knowledge of the deception in which he inadvertently played a role. But when a Straw Man assumes a vast amount of power, then wields it arrogantly, I have no empathy for his vacuous innocence. Power is a drug, so when a Straw Man suddenly acquires massive power and then wields it recklessly, with no sense of restraint, he becomes a rogue element. Biden is acting like a dictator. He is flagrantly ignoring the media and mocking the Republican opposition. As his ratings plummet you would think he might try to reconcile with some voters, but instead he is doubling down on the notion that he was given a mandate. For the Operations Team, he is being a useful idiot on steroids (literally). And since they are privy to the fact that Biden was not given a mandate, they are racing to implement as much of their radical New Green Deal agenda as they can before the scheme is discovered. The time will come when Biden's usefulness will be expendable. My guess is that time will come sooner rather than later. |
January 2025