There are two kinds of Americans: Those who call themselves Americans, but are not patriots because they have been inculcated to believe patriotism is racist and nativist. They want the world to give up borders and national identities, to meld into a global community of humanists. They are offended by displays of our flag, or singing a national anthem. They claim to aspire to the same ideals of liberty and freedom, but avoid joining our armed forces or becoming police officers. Preferring instead to hide among an enormous bureaucratic ameba. Then there are patriots who still believe in the principles and practices of our Constitutional Republic, and will gladly give their life to protect the continuity of our Judeo-Christian value system. They are self directed, avoid asking for help and prefer to find solutions instead of complaining. They believe it is better to teach a person how to fish than to give them a fish when they need help. Have you experienced this asymmetrical dynamic in your life? There is always someone that will shamelessly ask you for help with bills, rent, or getting their car repaired. You have what they think they should have, but they have a litany of reasons why they don't. You are willing to help, but when you offer suggestions about how they can earn more money, they ignore you and start another diatribe about how unfair things are. This scenario happens in families, communities and global politics. It is a classic cultural conundrum. Democrats promote a global one-world utopian dream while simultaneously exempting their constituents from any responsibility to contribute to the effort. Their leadership continually pleads for more money to solve every social problem. We can eliminate hate and war, poverty and crime if the wealthy would "pay their fare share". In the Progressive Promiseland there is no heaven, no hell below us, above us only sky. A brotherhood of man, sharing all the world. The irony is that they ignore the need to work. Imagine spending your time playing video games, skateboarding or smoking weed. Imagine doctors performing surgery for free, because they too would have a car to drive, a roof over their head and food on the table. Of course they haven't determined just where the cars would come from, or who would design and build the housing or grow, harvest and process the food supply. Cuba is the business model. What do you say to those that turn to collectivism to fix everything? They are your relatives, your friends and neighbors and you hold no animosity towards them, but it does seem predictable that in the end, they are going to impose some guilt trip on you, force you to fork over a greater portion of your paycheck. Then demand you think twice about how you speak, so as to not to offend them. How do you handle your fellow citizens when they consistently put you in a position of submission to their demands? This is not a healthy relationship. Patriots are by nature unwilling to be subjugated. America is in many ways confronting a new civil war over slavery. But this time half of our community is enslaving the other half by default. By simply refusing to carry their own weight. By replacing the slave master with a bureaucracy that depends on taxpayers to feed and house them, to provide for their retirement, and to comply with their regulatory demands to make everyone feel safe and complacent. They want to redefine our nation, their "plantation", as a "Democracy" where their majority rules. And as the government grows they may well have the votes to enfranchise their Progressive Promiseland. |
January 2025