I remember a month or so ago when a friend asked me, "What do you think about Trump getting into the race?" I said I thought it was a good thing because 'he would bring focus to the issues that really matter.' I could tell my friend felt the same way but also thought it was a fluke and Trump wouldn't be around very long. I am sure MOST people felt the same way, and I must admit, though I felt he would have a major impact, I didn't think he would make the final cut. I don't think that any more! Because not only has The Donald put focus on THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT issue, he has revealed the other candidates to be apprentices when it comes to taking the pulse of America, Trump made illegal immigration his focal point, and the more I think about it, the more it makes sense that if we as a country can't control our borders, we don't have a country and every other issue is directly related to that. What difference does it make if we have an out-of-control national debt, if we don't know who our citizens are and who is responsible for it. If we can't determine who is voting, who is getting hired, who is using our educational system, who is interested in keeping this human experiment in freedom and self determination going, then what difference does it make if Israel exists, if Iran dominates the Middle East, if Sharia Law infiltrates our legal system? Who cares about any of the issues involving the safety of our citizens, the destruction of the middle class, the dropping birthrate, the dysfunctional family? If the IRS uses it's power to intimidate political opponents, or the President uses executive orders to legislate? If we can't provide jobs for our less educated, or less privileged? If everyone is going to be a ward of the State, as Hillary would suggest, than who cares who comes and goes? If we can't define our Nation's identity, we don't have a Nation! It is increasingly clear that the mass media don't want to promote the same values and ideals that have built America. All you have to do is watch prime time TV to see that. The media (TV, Movies, News) reflects something foriegn to the vast majority of people in this country and they are DONE accepting it as THE NEW NORMAL! I wish I could have said this because it is a perfect summary of what is happening: "I have never seen or known a period of time where the people in Washington were so detached, disconnected, unaware of the thinking of the majority of the American people, as is the case today. I've never seen it. And it's getting wider. This divide is getting wider. This detachment, this distance is becoming even greater and more stark, and it is just all illustrated here every day more and more in the media coverage of the Trump campaign, or anything else involving Trump. It is genuinely eye opening. Washington Post...they've got a little story here. It's a blog, PowerPost, called The Daily 202. "Focus Group Shows Why Donald Trump Is Not Going Anywhere." Frank Luntz, focus grouper extraordinaire: "I've never seen anything like this. There is no sign of Trump's supporters leaving. He has created or found the magic formula." Then they go to the focus group participants themselves: "Asked about Trump’s proposal for a ban on Muslim immigration, 17 of the 29 in the focus group backed it. ... One big problem for Trump’s opponents: establishment Republicans hold no sway whatsoever with his base." Here is the bottom line: There isn't a single elected Republican in Washington with moral authority sufficient to denounce Trump with credibility within its base. Within its base, the Republican establishment is in such a state of disfavor that there's not a single one of them there who has the moral authority or credibility to be believed when he or she criticizes Trump or anybody else." Nope, I didn't say that, Rush Limbaugh said it.... The guy many people think is an extremist, a circus act that is nothing more than a talk show entertainer with little or no honesty or insight. Well, just like Trump it seems a lot of people are living in denial, because Trump has an enormous lead over all of the millions of dollars in PAC money, over all of the establishment power and influence. And of all the so-called main stream media, only Rush has a handle on what is going on with Trump. And all of the other candidates, Democrat or Republican are helplessly standing around with their thumb in their political pie hole, looking sheepish and ashamed because they have been checkmated by one of the greatest big-time chess players in history. By using their blindspot to the immigration issue, he has boxed them out of all of the other issues! The recent domestic terror attacks served to highlight the ineffectiveness and ignorance of what American's want from Government: it isn't social engineering, it isn't lectures about our 'who we are' and it isn't redistribution of wealth. We just want our leaders to keep us safe and then get out of the way! The more we see of the ineptitude, the buracratic stupidity, the misplaced priorities of virtually every level of government, the more we like about The Donald. I think a lot of people are starting to like the image of him sitting in the White House, bringing one bureaucrat after another before him and pointing his finger and announcing "Your Fired!" |
January 2025