It would be funny if it weren't so discustingly real!
California legislators continue to focus on social engineering while the jobs market flatlines and the quality of life in our Golden State turns burnt orange. Bills that are being considered by the Governor increase and broaden the qualifications of abortion providers, push increased affordable housing programs, approve fundraising type custom license plates that feature the image of Snoopy, allow illegals to practice law, and of course the one Jerry Brown has said he will sign giving illegals California drivers licenses. The only jobs in these bills are for illegals to practice law in our courtrooms! Next year, Democrats will probably offer a bill to allow illegals to run for office! Any bills approaching serious legislation that could stimulate economic growth, like increasing water quality and supplies, deregulating energy production, fixing roads and bridges, regulating unfair imported products, supporting business against frivilous lawsuits, or offering tax incentives for new hiring are on the back burner (if they got out of committee at all) and probably won't get done this legislative year (the Holidays are in the way). This group of 'activist student' legislators are over-zealous. Unfortunately, they are politically stuck in a 60's era mental fog of misplaced compassion. Their 'feel good' agenda is wasting valuable time and effort and holding California back from what could be a new Golden Era of job creation. Look at Texas, for example. Please, Sacramento! Grow up! |
January 2025