As the 2016 Presidential election approaches and we watch all of the candidates battle for attention and adulation, sometimes we forget, the President of the United States is just a job. A very important, symbolic, demanding, unrewarding job, but just a job in the end. Watching Barbara Walters ABC 20/20 interview with Donald Trump was enlightening. When she asked The Donald, for a man who seemingly has everything, what is the one thing he still wants? He paused, then said," I want to be President. Not just for my ego, I just know I would do a really good job!" It made me think, when interviewing for a job, most employers will end the interview with the question, "Why should I hire you?" Oddly enough, very few people will say, "Because I know I will do a really good job!" Most will babble about what a good team player they are, how creative and 'out of the box' they think. Most will tell the boss what they think they want to hear. Trump's answer was indicative of how he operates. The Donald just doesn't beat around the bush. He cuts to the chase. He doesn't have time for double talk and obfuscation. His incredibly high polling numbers are telling us that those are precisely the traits Americans are looking for. Americans are totally fed up with political tap dancing. For the past several decades, we have been subjected to one double cross after another. "Read my lips, no new taxes!" "I did not have sex with that girl!" "I voted for that bill before I voted against it!" "We just need to pass the bill before we know what's in it." "You can keep your doctor if you want to!" "At this point, what possible difference does it make?" As much as we are all waiting for the Trumpster to implode, haven't we been waiting for that to happen for decades? The man has the life we view as surreal, unbelievable and we can't believe the guy seems to be so 'normal.' His former wives all love the guy. His kids aren't spoiled brats. His over inflated self image ain't bragging if you can back it up, and would anybody really suggest he can't back it up? The Trump name is the most valuable moniker in the world of branding. Trump not only has it all, Trump Says It All. |
January 2025