One pundit I read recently, suggests the key ingredient in the increasing surge of Trump support that none of the other political hacks have discovered is 'authoritarianism.'
Then he goes on to compare the concept with what happened in Nazi Germany. His theory is based on surveys that ask potential voters about child rearing preferences, such as, 'Is it more important for your child to be courteous or independent?' a psychological profile emerges for some people that defines them as authoritarian. And those same surveys show a preponderance of those people prefer Trump. Matthew McWilliams of Politico Magazine thinks that most of those who have committed to vote for Trump would be authoritarian parents. Which, if you are a Liberal, is appalling! Anyone who would suggest that they would prefer to have their children grow up more courteous than independent must be a Nazi! This is Liberal hysteria, and it exposes their inner fears; that a critical parent is going to take over and make them actually have to go to work, stand up for right and wrong and be held accountable. I thought it was illustrative when late last week Bobby Knight came out in support of Trump. That must have really ticked off Liberals, because he personifies everything they fear. He demanded his players submit to discipline, to be accountable to the TEAM! Imagine that! What a concept…. McWilliams is right about their psychological profile, he is just dead wrong about the implications. The Utopian Society imagined by Karl Marx, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders is unobtainable. The reality that in order for a society to continue to live in peace and prosperity it's citizens must 'Ask not what your government can do for you. Ask what you can do for your government,' has not and probably will not ever set in with ideologues who demand complete and unfettered freedom with absolutely no responsibility or contribution. What really scares Liberals is the loss of goodies, of government assistance, of subsidies and paternalism. They pine for forced PC participation in meaningless and symbolic exercises in climate control, healthcare, do-nothing make-work jobs, and low expectations and lowest common denominator academics. They see everything in terms of egalitarianism; who cares what works, what matters is what's fair. Liberals want the playing field leveled. Then, they demand that we don't keep score because that might hurt someone's feelings and that would not be fair. Finally, they scream at the coaches and the referees because they hold players accountable, and ultimately pull their children off the field altogether as an act of protest. Those are the same kids waving 'F**# Trump!' flags outside of his huge support rallies in Orange County and San Francisco this week. I suppose they are the kids raised to be more independent than courteous... |
January 2025