President Obama made his first visit to a Mosque since his election. It was the Islamic Society of Baltimore, which it was revealed to be a hotbed of anti-American rhetoric by visiting Imams in recent history. In his speech he appears to assure worried young Muslims that America is not at war with Islam, and that though much vitriol and anger about rampant Islamist extremist terror is prominent in the public square, it doesn't represent American values. I disagree. Expressing heightened anger and rallying support for a formidable military response to a worldwide scourge of murderous, genocidal maniacs wreaking havoc on the planet is precisely in line with American values. Fighting for peace and justice is what we do. We fought against Japanese Imperialism, German Naziism, Italian Facism, and we have and will continue to fight against Fundamentalist Islamic gangsters too. We were never at war with the Japanese people, the German or Italian people. We were at war with their extremist leadership. Unfortunately, those leaders were using their people as pawns, and they were victimized and they suffered. Muslims are facing a similar conundrum with the Jihadist extremists. It is not up to the defenders of freedom to separate the wheat from the chaff. It is our duty to end the terror, period. It is up to Muslims to separate the peaceful from the psychopaths. As an American, I resent Obama's barely disguised attacks on fellow Americans! Americans are not the problem in this world! Granted, Jihadi terrorists are killing and maiming thousands if not millions of Muslims too, but is up to the peace loving, mainstream Muslims of the world to LEAD the effort to rid the planet of this disease that is using THEIR belief system to try to subjugate the world to their death cult ideology. All of this is only coming from the President in the last year of his eight years in the White House. Though he has often talked about how Republicans are stirring up anti-Muslim anger, he appeared to be focusing his visit on reminding US Muslims that they can only look to Democrats to embrace their fears and to protect them from the Islamophobic Republicans. It was a thinly disguised campaign speech. Once again, he appears to be talking down his nose to Conservatives, and especially Evangelical Christians. He points out, " We have to understand that an attack on any faith is an attack on all our faiths." How does that square with the ObamaCare rules that require Catholic Hospitals to offer abortions or lose their Federal tax breaks as non-profits? How does that square with his characterization of out of work Pennsylvanians who "cling to guns or religion or antipathy towards anyone who is not like them"? What about his administration's indifference to the FBI profiling and harassment of Tea Party taxpayers? The list of Obama policy attacks on Americans of 'faith' is endless... Obama, whether consciously or not, cannot avoid speaking in terms that divide Americans into tribes. And inevitably, he implies that Christians specialize in hate towards those 'that are not like them.' As if this universal human weakness only exists in the Judeo-Christian based American culture. So his point that an 'attack on any faith is an attack on all our faiths' ignores the Koran-quoting crazies screaming 'Allahu Akbar!' as they run through a shopping mall, selecting innocent citizens and challenging their 'faith' and then executing those that cannot quote the Koran. Where is his outrage when a Jihadist maniac separated the Muslims from the Christians and Jews at the San Bernardino Christmas gathering before shooting the 'apostates' in the head? Just when is he going to lecture Muslims? The President could have appeared on the podium with leaders of Islam who should be rallying their followers to take action against the threat to their families, their belief system, and Americans of all faiths very existence! Mr. Obama, you were elected to be the President of the citizens of the United States of America, not the people of Saudi Arabia or Iran. It is too late now, but is is unbelievable how shabbily you have treated 'believers' in our country. If a visitor had just arrived from Mars, he would be hard pressed to not conclude that you, Mr. Obama, are a Muslim. And not just a mainstream Muslim, but one who harbors an enormous amount of anger towards Evangelical Christians, and based on your recent policy moves, hostility towards Israel. But our President steadfastly claims to be a Christian 'believer' though he has never described publicly his relationship with Christ. For a world leader, one who presides over the largest Christian population in the world, he sure is reluctant to show his solidarity with other similar 'believers.' Just what Church did you attend Mr. President? What was the message you received at your Sunday Sermons? Oh, I forgot, Dr. Jeremiah Wright was your Minister, the one who said, "Them Jews aren't going to let him (Obama) talk to me...he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office." Operating in the tall shadows of his sunsetting administration, Obama has evidently decided he no longer needs to thinly disguise his contempt for American Exceptionalism, Judeo-Christian centered, middle-class values and concerns about the hijacking of a major religion by terrorist gangsters loaded with international drug cartel, Iranian and Saudi oil money and weaponry. His heart never was in the fight to destroy the extremist Islamic Jihad. The only fights Obama has a stomach for are political campaigns. |
January 2025