![]() With the media's predictable and ignorant 'Gun Control' knee jerk reaction to the Texas Church Massacre, I thought it appropriate to revisit a pertinent excerpt from my book, Turn Right At Lost: ReCalculating America.... "Take a serious look at the common denominator in the personality profiles of every sadistic killer; they are all extremely narcissistic. They believe that everyone is against them, that they don’t get enough respect, that hope for their future is gone, and they show no remorse, should they fail to commit suicide during their act of terrorism. Their world is dark and inward looking. They wallow in self pity, anger and resentment. And as a result, they elevate themselves to a position of total independence. Independence from all civil controls and expectations, free from all judgment or accountability. They end up in an empty space not even their self involvement can adequately fill. To a world that revolves around them, and them only. Most do commit suicide, because that is the ultimate act of self idolatry and rejection of society. Those who survive, when interviewed, focus all of the attention on themselves, their feelings of mistreatment and disillusionment, as though they were the victims of some tragedy. The culture of ‘victimology’ permeates not only the psychology of the perpetrators, but is often pandered to by the educational establishment and the morally confused media. The result of which is a self perpetuating dynamic of high media visibility which attracts the attention of other similarly affected lost souls, who then use the 'celebrity' to feed their insatiable need for exacting pain and suffering on the world they cannot otherwise control. The turning point in the ‘victim’s’ misdirected lives comes when their anger and resentment of 'unrecognized' authority reaches a point of separation from reality. This is the very definition of narcissism, when the line between self loathing and self idolatry cross. Narcissism is essentially a psychological defense system gone mad. The individual begins to reign over all aspects of authority outside of themselves, allowing them to set new standards or to eliminate old values, such as the value of human life. Having never established a respect for, or having abandoned a belief in, a higher authority, the narcissist appoints himself God." Read more.... |
January 2025