![]() Colin Kaepernick is the poster boy for what is wrong with our national psyche. It is sad that we have several generations of Americans who counter-demonstrate their patriotism under the shadow of misinformed certitude. I don't blame him for disrespecting every American soldier who laid down their life so he could demonstrate his youthful ignorance. I blame our culture that has become so insular and selfish, that is more interested in sports and entertainment, in making tons of money so we can indulge our egos in consumption, so we can express our childish angers and fears in ways that mischaracterize, and embarrass the legacy of the leader of the free world, our homeland and the flag that represents it. So we can go to Brazil, dominate the competition for gold medals, then pee on the business of one of our hosts while drunk and headed out of town. We built this 21st century counter culture, and we deserve what we are getting. I don't think he, or most of the extreme left-leaning radicalized youth of America, who have decided that their homeland is the problem with the world, that America is a bigoted, racist and authoritarian enclave that 'represses' blacks and the poor, want anything but the best for America. So he says that unless or until he sees what he considers 'improvement' in the nation's social and law enforcement agencies and policies, he will continue to sit during the National Anthem, to demonstrate his ideological anger at America. That is his right. Collin is a product of fifty years of leftist ideological indoctrination vis-a-vis our schools, our media and our celebrity culture. This is exactly what socialists and communists, those who lost the Cold War, have worked diligently to achieve. There is a coordinated, a well designed campaign to redefine the legacy, the iconic image of America. The leftists of the world could not win the hearts and minds of people with their egalitarian social schemes, their authoritarian controls, or their wars. When they were dismissed to the ash-bin of history during the Reagan Administration, when the Berlin Wall was demolished, and when the Soviet Union was reconstructed post Communist control, leftist puppet masters found refuge in the union-protected, serene and vulnerable campuses of the altruistic and independent family of American academics. They then began a lifelong crusade to defeat capitalism from within. After a half a century of unchecked expansion of union controls, and fraternal academic inbreeding, and the unrelenting assault of political correctness, America is suddenly seeing the impact of this movement, this silent erosion and redefinition of our unique American culture, sometimes referred to as Americanism. As a graduate of the University of Nevada, Kaepernick was passively exposed to four years of ideological indoctrination, aided by modern media slants and an administration that tilts decidedly left. He didn't come up with his resentment in a vacuum. Kaepernick is a product of the results of a massive cultural deconstruction of the ideals of "The Pledge of Allegiance". He is just reflecting the deeply flawed Marxist views that have been inculcated in our kids. Few people are self assured enough, at 18 or 19 years old, to pass through the halls of advanced education in America, without being affected by the progressive philosophy of anti-Americanism. If you have college age children, you undoubtedly have noticed a dramatic change in their attitudes about Americanism when they come home and engage in discussions of public policy, of 'Black Lives Matter' and of presidential politics. It is from that foundation that our news organizations are now staffed with like-minded progressives who have no shame in promoting their philosophy through the suppossedly unbiased distribution of the news. So I do not blame Kaepernick for acting childishly. I blame us. My generation, the Boomers, for abandoning the pure patriotic energy of our parents. The unfettered pride in being apart of the great social experiment in human freedom that is the legacy of Americanism. We Boomers got sidetracked by the idealism of the sixties. We got stoned, we got naked and held sit-ins, we demonstrated for women's and minority rights, we campaigned against irrational wars, and the military industrial complex usurpation of public control of our armed services. We were so hell bent on reinventing everything, making all wrongs right, and building an idealized nirvana state, we forgot to pay attention to the realities of the rest of the world. About how few inhabitants of this planet actually enjoy any of the freedoms that we Americans take for granted. We were immersed in love, peace and rock and roll. As helicopter-parents we have over-protected our kids, teaching them that they are especially innocent and unsafe. We have scared them into a state of dependence on having someone looking out for them. We have raised a generation of young people with arrested development. As a result, we forget how much of our American family's blood was shed, voluntarily, just so our children would have the same opportunities and freedoms that we were afforded. Our culture makes it cool to be oblivious to the machinations of politics, of the responsibilities of civic engagement, of avoiding participating in community management, policy decisions, and helping the poor and underrepresented. We have handed all of that off to officials to achieve social justice by proxy. And when they fall short, our children wail about how unfair it all is. And finally, I lament the fact that so few of us really understand the National Anthem, and what it says about diversity, about inclusion, about self doubt of our idealism, and how much humility it takes to try to provide the kind of military protections required to nourish liberty on a worldwide basis. It is an anthem to a belief in a higher power, in an admission that though we are powerful, we are not perfect. It is a tribute to the effort to be the leader of the free world, as imprecise and sometimes clumsy as that might be. Though America, and Americanism isn't perfect, a lot of Americans have made the ultimate sacrifice trying to make it so. Colin, who was adopted, has a deep and abiding faith in God, and who has been gifted with a unique talent that has made him a multimillionaire, has decided he can make a difference in the world outside of football. A noble idea. But I contend, if he were better informed about what the National Anthem actually speaks to, and what Americanism tries to accomplish, instead of sitting in a disrespectful pout during the celebration of our exceptionalism, he would be the poster boy for Americanism. "And where is that band who so vauntingly swore That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion, A home and a country, should leave us no more? Their blood has wash'd out their foul footsteps' pollution. No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave: And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave." No other country in the history of the Earth has ever accomplished anything like America, so pardon me and many other Americans if we struggle with anger over Colin's actions. We simply want to shake some sense into the young man, because we are so frustrated that his misinformed certitude is so tragically wrong. Prepare for the effects of a tornado, which spins things around and most of those things end up somewhere else. The mainstream 'conclusion' that Trump is in a campaign death spiral is just about to be hit by a tornado, a direct result of climate change.
If Seymour Hersh's account of the raid to kill Osama Bin Laden is right (The Killing of Osama Bin Laden), the entire story told to Americans by President Obama and collaborated by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is a dramatic misrepresentation of what really happened. Hersh's version claims the actual chain of events was presented in a dishonest way to enhance the resume and assure the reelection of Obama and was designed to obscure the fact that Pakistan colluded with the US to take out Bin Laden in exchange for more aggressive financial and military support, and to stop the pressure from the US to shut down their nuclear weapons operations. Should it be proven only partially true, the fallout would be devastating. If the FBI continues to collaborate Julian Assange's document dump, and it continues to demonstrate the utter corruption behind the Clinton Foundation, the use of a private server by the SOS and the quid pro quo of international interests gaining insider access and a pay-for-play playground for their interests over those of the US, voters will begin migrating towards the Trump Movement in droves. And it could result in criminal charges. The more people look at the middle-of-the-night, clandestine exchange of $400 MILLION in unmarked and low denomination cash paid for hostages to the Iranian regime, the more they are offended by the cartel-like behaviour of the Obama Administration. This is unsavory and pathetic, and would cast a large shadow on Hillary's ability to implement Obama's Iranian Nuclear Agreement. All of which is already perceived as just plain stupid. And maybe even more precipitous is the issue of Don Hillary's health. Though there are only a few months left before the election, she is going to have to campaign hard. The pressure of a Presidential campaign, the long hours, the exhausting schedule, and the negative energy it takes to constantly maintain false narratives, are likely to show up as fatigue, contradictions, mistakes and absences, just when she can afford none of the above. This is already happening. The election climate is changing rapidly, a storm is approaching, and though the sycophantic news media hasn't sounded the warning alarms, you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. Mike Morell, a former deputy director and intelligence analyst at the CIA, was on the Charlie Rose Show, commenting on his scathing New York Times op-ed assessment of Trump, his recent new book (The Great War of Our Times) and his endorsement of Don Hillary. Mike is also a former CBS National Security commentator. He is certainly an expert on the War On Terror.
He recently resigned his post in order to make his political preference public. He makes no bones about his dislike for the Republican candidate. I appreciated his concerns that the millions of Americans who support Trump have very legitimate anger over the direction of the country. In fact, during the interview he listed all of the failings of our current leadership to reign in terror, to coordinate domestic and international security, to secure our borders, to garner multinational coalitions, to effectively lead any sort of massive worldwide effort to squeeze radical Islam financially. He was pretty hard on the Obama administration and it's seemingly duplicitous alignments with all of the Eastern European and Middle East regions affected by Jihad. So it is inexplicable how he could conclude that more of the same will have different results. His answer must be that continuing to move like a glacier would be preferential to making an all out assault on Jihad, because we just don't have the resources, the coalitions, and the resolve of the American people, despite the subject matter of his book, which recognizes Jihad as the number one threat to all of civilization. After bantering the international issues with Rose, Morell then attempts to characterize the movement for Trump. Describing his suspicion of the motives for those supporting Trump: "Whites are scared by the browning of America." There is a grain of truth there. But just as the CIA has pretty much botched the war on terrorism, Mike misses the major point altogether. Like many quasi-liberals, Morell places criticism of Obama policies on the President's race and projects American's concerns to inherent white American racism. But he overlooks the obvious question: How did the CIA get everything, from the WTC attacks to the absence of WMD's in Iraq, to the formation of ISIS and the vote to end the EU so wrong? Now he is getting the anger and disgust of much of America just as wrong. I am sure that the CIA is a patriotic operation and most of the employees have nothing but the best intentions, but when will it occur to these people that massive, bureaucratic, politically correct operations are rarely effective? The bigger, slower to adapt and more clumsy they get, the more vital they claim to be? The man has tons of credibility on international activities, but when did he spend any time on a Nebraska corn farm, or attend a town hall meeting in Alabama? Isn't it important to know where you are coming from in order to best determine how you get where you are going? What white America is worrying about is the decaying of the American ideology. Whether those who want to fundamentally change America are white, brown, green, yellow or black is of no importance. What is important is that the 'changing' of America is in the wrong direction. There is an attempt to make America more like every other country. Mike epitomizes the globalist view that by dropping our borders, 'diversifying' our moral standards, and socializing major industries, the world will be friendlier and we will all learn to be happy inhabitants of a One World Community. How else can one explain Progressive's efforts to open our borders, to destroy any semblance of voter ID, to dumb down our students, to marginalize marriage and our Judeo-Christian cultural values, to erase distinctions between the sexes, to eliminate patriotism, to create an enormous underclass of government dependent inner city captives, and to redistribute the wealth of our industries like the socialists in bankrupt countries all over the planet? I understand little of this is in play with regards to what motivates ISIS, Al Qaeda, or Vladimir Putin. I am sure Mike has most of that right. But all of that must be put into the context of what is it that motivates everyday, working class, family-raising Americans. The Progressive vision for America is scaring the living daylights out of a growing number of Americans. Just because many whites feel like their comfort zone is under assault doesn't mean they're racist. It means they're proud of what has been established here in America and are not willing to cede it to wild eyed ideologues who worship egalitarianism. And they are tired of being blamed for all of the misguided mistakes of the PC bureaucracy. Mike has it right, there is fear. But it is not about race. That is a wedge only elitist intellectuals and left wing politicians use. Voters are almost always motivated by fear; the old saying is that people 'vote their pocketbooks'. Why? Because they fear their pocketbook is about to be redistributed to someone or something they have no control over. That their time, work, and family future is about to be wasted for some pie in the sky theory about being fair. In America today, Trump supporters fear that their country is about to be remodeled into something they don't recognize and that would be antithetical to the country they were born into. As for Trump's shortcomings? Whatever they are, they pale in comparison to the threat that our homeland could be so drastically deconstructed as to be rendered impotent on the world stage. Besides, no one man or woman would ever 'run' the country by themselves. Not in America. Our system is such that once a leader is put into office, a series of administrative changes occur, and an enormous team of advisers, both domestic and international, kick into action. We have two other branches of government to straighten out the kinks. Mike Morell would likely be a part of that team under Trump, except that he abdicated that possibility to buy into Clinton's progressive, One World vision. That's too bad. I like Mike. I just disagree with his appraisal of the personality requirements for the Oval Office. He is, in my mind, a perfect example of why our government, and much of our culture, is so lost. At this point, what difference |
January 2025