![]() Something really bothers me about the idea of life on another planet. When I think about how far we have come in only one or two billion years, I wonder, if life existed on another planet, it would either be way ahead of us, or way behind us. Earthlings are now exploring the far reaches of the universe with telescopes and to some degree with satellite probes. Our technology is enabling us to listen to outer space just in case someone is out there, talking to themselves. If they were way ahead of us technologically, wouldn't they have heard us talking to our probes? Wouldn't they have picked up one of our interstellar transmissions? Just by accident? If they are so smart that they can send spaceships out to spy on us, doesn't that imply that they don't really want anything to do with us? Since UFOs have been reported regularly since the fifties, isn't it obvious they don't want to socialize? Can't they just say 'hi' ? They must be so smart they realize messing with us has no upside. As advanced as we think we are, we probably look like the Flintstones to them. Getting involved with us would just be bringing home a stray dog. And vica versa. should we stumble upon a planet that is supporting life, what if that species is the Flintstones? Why would we want to drop in and complicate their simple and innocent lives? So we could give them smartphones? I have come to a realization that we probably should mind our own business. In fact, if there is a smarter race out there, they already came the same conclusion and are doing everything they can to avoid our detection. It may feel good to bring that stray dog home, but it might not get along real well with the family cat. Artist Bill Day has nailed it! The world is watching the Jumper,who we have been assured can't get inside the White House, threatening to expose the Planet to Ebola.
But that can't happen! What would that do to the 'Open Borders' people who think the world would be better off if we eliminated our borders, and stopped flying Patriotic flags that according to them are divisive and only encourage more war and conflict. How much conflict will the World experience if Ebola starts showing up all over the place? The World needs to realize, it is us against them...those nasty little viruses that cross all races, religions and borders. They don't care about your compassion, or your laws. They are the true 'Culture of Death.' ![]() Poor Jimmy the Peanut Farmer, who happens to be a former President of the United States of America, says he would have beaten Ronald Reagan for a second term, if only he had been 'more manly.' That is absolutely true. But he also would have had to have been 7 or 8 inches taller, had a sense of humor, been much better at leadership skills, understanding the basic human need for liberty and abandoned his cynical view of mankind as dependant on the superior intellect of Progressives to take care of them. If only he had been more 'inspirational'... But Jimmy Carter needed better people skills, a better understanding of how capitalism works, how small businesses fuel the American economic engine, and how government intervention and meddling are toxic to economic health and vitality. His worldview that people everywhere are good, and only poverty and discrimination create conflict and violence opened the door for the spread of Islamic fundamentalism and the worldwide Jihad. His inability to recognize the true dimensions of his leadership shortcomings exemplifies the insufferability of Progressives; no matter how much evidence piles up that their ideological social engineering doesn't work, they plow ahead, leaving tragic amounts of societal flotsam and jetsam in their wake. Look up' Ideologue' in the dictionary and you will see a picture of Jimmy the Peanut Farmer. Jimmy has become a sad and annoying reminder of an era in America that most of us would just as soon forget. Unfortunately, we have a modern day version currently occupying our White House. Barack O'Carter is trying his hardest to eclipse the sorry record of brother Jimmy's Administration. Having destroyed our Military capabilities and morale, turning our foreign policy into a complete cluster 'f', and emboldening the disguised Jihadist ambitions of the Palestinian leadership, O'Carter blames the entire mess on obstructionist Tea Party Republicans, right wing Women Haters, and Racist Police Departments. The Tea Party didn't exist in the Reagan Era. It didn't need to. If only Mr. Obama were a little more (fill in the blank) maybe he could accomplish something positive. That won't happen of course. So instead, twenty years from now, Mr. Obama will lament that it wasn't his policies, or his left-wing ideology that wrecked his Presidency. No, if only he had been surrounded by 'better people'.... |
January 2025