I do not pretend to know the truth about events that I did not actually witness. I look for answers, I do research, I watch the news and read, but in the end, it would be presumptuous to say I know the truth about stuff I have no personal connection to. But bring up the issue of election fraud, and everybody's an expert. Biden voters and social media censors are certain they know the truth, and that those who disagree are seditionists. A former Department of Defense prosecutor wants every business in America to stipulate that the 2020 election was "accurate". Since no serious forensic investigations have ever been performed, you have to wonder, what makes them so certain nothing extraordinary happened? I resent people who claim to know the "truth" about election fraud or any controversy, when they are in fact just reporting or passing along second hand accounts. In our legal system, judges allow witnesses that are willing to swear under oath and penalty of perjury that their testimony is true, to the best of their knowledge. Bearing witness means what you saw was essentially factual. But reporting, sharing or speculating is never allowed in court because it is not necessarily accurate. Similarly, news and social media reports and expert opinion should never be characterized as "truth". Most of what all of us know about current events is technically "hearsay". In our digital information world, it is nearly impossible to distinguish what is real and what isn't unless you see it with your own eyes. Even then, it is easy to be fooled by lighting, perspective, distance or illusion. Recent video technology allows for digital manipulation so it is almost impossible to detect "Deep Fake" video content. Most people vet information using a "smell test": If it smells fishy, it probably is not accurate. We all have to temper our knowledge with at least a spoonful of healthy skepticism. Most of what we store in our mental library probably isn't 100% accurate. "Fullness of knowledge always means some understanding of the depths of our ignorance; and that is always conducive to humility and reverence." -- Robert Andrews Millikan The recent election was a major turning point in American history. Not because of the differences in political perspectives, but for the first time in our history, millions of Americans don't think the results pass the smell test. Right or wrong, that is how they reacted to the long delays in reporting results, to the sudden spikes in voter trends, to the vast numbers of "glitches" and misplaced ballots. We have had disputed elections before, but in this instance the expanded voting windows, unverified absentee and mail-in ballots and the use of internet connected voting machines invited a deep sense of insecurity. Everyone understands just how pernicious cyber crime is, so of course many Americans feel threatened by removing the human element from the chain of ballot custody. Since the Supreme Court decided it would not even review expert testimony or witness depositions taken under oath, we will probably never know the truth about what happened. Nobody will. The "truth" is, doubts over election integrity have shaken the very foundations of our Republic. For millions of Americans, election integrity has been seriously wounded, while millions more think the process has never been healthier. Without the Supreme Court weighing the evidence, this malignant tumor won't be going away anytime soon. "The decision to leave election law hidden beneath a shroud of doubt is baffling. By doing nothing, we invite further confusion and erosion of voter confidence." -- Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, dissenting opinion In America, we rely on the Judicial Branch to seek the truth, but if we don't bother looking for it, "truth" is nowhere to be found. Is there such a thing as the half life of freedom? Are we living through the increasingly rapid decay of the American Idea? After establishing the United States of America in 1776, the revolutionary writers of the Declaration of Independence established the first truly free civilization in world history. Sure, there have been ancient civilizations that offered citizens participation, but in the end, the ruler, the king, the Pharaoh or whatever they called themselves, the leader or leaders, made all of the consequential decisions. Some will say, no, the Native American tribes took votes. The elders consulted with the fathers before making tribal decisions. But the fact is no other form of civilization ever bestowed immutable, God-given rights to every citizen. No other civilized society bestowed the presumption of innocence on those accused of crimes against the people. Few if any other governments protect private property rights like ours. Here we are 245 years later and until recently, those foundational assumptions have held up pretty good. That is why America has such a massive immigration load to bear. People from all over the world make it their life goal to come to America. Sometimes that requires leaving family, friends and property behind. It often means great risk to life itself! No one in their right mind would subject themselves and their loved ones to the dangers of emigrating to a foreign country if they thought they would be met with systemic racism, with rampant anti-immigrant bigotry and persecution or homelessness. I am a product of immigrants that came on ships from England in the early 1800's. So my lineage is almost as old as America's. They struggled to feed themselves, to provide shelter, to move out West. Their lives were short, their pleasures few and far between. But they kept their eyes on the prize: They promoted and protected liberty. They hired town sheriffs to protect themselves from bullies. They formed town councils, and sent representatives to Washington. No small feat when travel was slow and difficult. They built local schools, and started businesses. They volunteered to fight for territory, for sovereignty and for their family. Their American Family. Each generation faced massive change and difficulties. They faced bitter weather, famine and disease. They warred with other forces that also wanted to occupy the New Frontier. They warred with each other over resources and the great wealth it produced. If we look back in history we can see that some civilizations lasted hundreds of years. The Egyptian, Incan and Aztec civilizations survived for 3000 years! As advanced as they were, building roads and water supply systems, they were no match for the disease brought upon them by the Spanish Conquistadors. Ancient Greece managed to last longer than any of them. They came as close to what we have as any ancient society. Much of our social structure is based on their principles of citizen participation, on education and democratic principles. They lasted close to three thousand years! The Danubian, Chinese, Roman, Persian and Byzantine Empires lasted for less than 1500 years. There are many other examples of civilizations that survived harsh realities for many generations. But they all had strong personalities acting as decision makers. They did not use anything like our Constitutional Republic form of government and social organization. The leaders sometimes referred to deities as their inspiration or authority. In a sense, so do we. Our Judeo-Christian values are the foundation of our ruling laws. But we all live under basic systemic values, that people should be the source of authority not the subjects of it. As human economic and technological capabilities increased so did the brevity of the survival rates of cultures around the world. The more people were informed by communications, the less stable governments and states became. Now we are living in an "information age" and it appears that instability across the planet is increasing. We have learned to avoid bloody ground wars, but we are increasing the practice of cultural and information manipulations. The result is a return to tribalization. Instead of picking our associations based on territory and religion, now people are choosing their cultural alignments based on information streams, on economic and business requirements, and less and less on regional or national allegiances. Change is the norm now. Just in the past century there have been no less than 63 countries that have changed their names and in many cases adjusted their borders. Language is fluid, not just regionally but phonetically. Dialects are like the number of bird species on Earth: Basically impossible to catalogue. Freedom as defined by the Founding Fathers is unprecedented in history. Alexis de Tocqueville, the French writer, philosopher and sociologist, after visiting America, said it best: "Now I know of only two methods of establishing equality in the political world; every citizen must be put in possession of his rights, or rights must be granted to no one." So should we be surprised that an experiment as radical and historically untested as America may well be reaching its half life? Chairman Joe Biden has the Pentagon supporting his regime. He sleeps well (sometimes unintentionally) because he knows no Deep State institution is going to undo his fake election of 2020. He knows he can pursue his 'America Last' agenda with impunity, which is precisely what the Chinese Communist Party and their Globalist transnational corporate partners want. They all want America to return to the "Lead From Behind" world view of the Obama Era. There is no other way to explain his irrational decisions to wreck our nation's economic and social stability. The Democrats have passed $2.8 trillion in supposed Covid Relief Funding, most of which is simply political pork and has little real relief for American citizens. Our nation has no way to actually pay for this financial trainwreck. Biden has opened the border, instituted wars on sexual identity, on religion, on small businesses, and plans to create a new class of approved citizens, identified by their vaccine certificates. He has turned the District of Columbia into a wartime occupied territory justified as protection from counter revolutionary Trump supporting terrorists. That claim comes right out of the Communist playbook. A year after his violent ascent to power, under the guise of "Saving the Republic" Cuban dictator Fidel Castro finally admitted that he was a Marxist. The military locked down the Capitol. Sixty years later there has never been another free election in Cuba. In 1949, self-appointed Chairman Mao Zedong addressed a large crowd in Tiananmen Square in Beijing. He declared that his new government made some "liberating unanimous" decisions. That his revolutionary new Marxist government was "Saving the People's Republic of China". Guess what? Seven decades later, still no free elections. History shows Communist insurgencies succeed when the population is restless and the government suffers from widespread corruption. Toss in a worldwide Pandemic and the death of the middle class, and watch out for demagogues! In his acceptance speech, Chairman Joe proclaimed, "We must restore the soul of America!" This is the perfect time for a totalitarian to claim to be "Saving the Republic". Chairman Biden's Deep State backers have a symbiotic relationship with the Chinese Communist Party. They have no choice because if they allowed Trump, The Disruptor, to remain in the White House they would be exposing their corruption, giving up their own power and influence and possibly facing criminal charges. Trump was an outlier, a potential whistleblower. He could not be trusted with the Keys to the Kingdom. In fact, Washington has been in a panic ever since his election, hence the myriad of diversionary assaults, trying to keep him on the defensive so he didn't kill the Brotherhood's Golden Goose. Washington has been a crime scene for many years. You don't get to a $22 trillion deficit by running a tight ship. Just as the Cuban and Chinese Communist's have maintained control for decades, the Beltway Brotherhood maintains its own Crime Family in the Halls of Congress. They set the agenda, they make the rules and print the money while pretending to let the people contribute. They maintain an illusion of legitimacy while operating a massive ponzi scheme, confiscating taxes while distributing paltry 'relief funds' to the voters. Meantime they have to pay off their codependents with lopsided trade deals, favorable labor laws, and military pork. China and Hong Kong collectively hold $2.12 trillion of our national debt. They have more skin in the game than any other nation. And they are both under tremendous economic pressure right now. Now they have a teammate in the White House and near control of Congress. On election night in November 2020, when the computer models showed massive propaganda campaigns by the complicit media had failed to alienate voters from Trump and he was on his way to reelection, action alerts came down from the Pentagon: "Stop the counting for a few hours so we can recalibrate the voting machine algorithms! Pull out the counterfeit ballots! Re-enter Biden ballots! You have until dawn to get this turned around! We got your back!" Suddenly massive spikes for Biden occurred only in battleground states. A statistical impossibility but a simple code modification easily implemented online. Recently I asked a Department of Defense Cyber Security Expert if the Pentagon was aware of cyber interference in the election. He said "Yes sir, they knew about it". I screamed at him, "Why aren't they doing something to protect our Republic?" He said the Joint Chiefs of Staff made the calculated decision to be the tank in America's Tiananmen Square Moment, not the man. |
January 2025