![]() I have some experience with neighborhood bullies. Recently, a rich property flipper decided to remodel our entire community without consulting his neighbors, so we called him out. He used his wealth to hire a team of lawyers to push us around. He was a bully in a three-piece suit. He won the long legal battle, but we stood up to him. In the end, he had to increase the open space and pay our legal fees. Our community stuck together and made sacrifices to protect the legacy of our neighborhood. Now it is my country that is being assaulted by bullies. #BlackLivesMatters and ANTIFA are promoting "moral purges" by defiling and tearing down historical monuments and in many cases, the police are standing down. Unfortunately, many of our leaders are allowing popular social justice notions of the times to override their primary obligations to protect and to serve American citizens that obey the law. They are being gaslighted by the Progressive jihad. A generation of self-appointed, moral relativists with a God-complex, are imposing their value system on us, by force. Have you noticed the uncanny similarities between the Jim Crow-era thugs and KKK mobs lynching blacks, burning businesses, and homes, and the unruly "social justice" creeps terrorizing our cities? Their movement has become what they claim to hate. Just a few days after September 11. 2001, speaking through a bullhorn overlooking the smoldering ruins, President Bush promised "We heard you! And the people that brought these buildings down will hear from you soon!" It was just what America needed to hear after suffering such a traumatic sucker-punch. This week terrorists destroyed or defaced statues of Winston Churchill, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, and George Washington, among many others. Where are the assurances from our leaders that they have things under control? As Bush said then, "America is under attack" but you would never get that impression from watching recent news reports. All of the empathy has been directed to the mobs, excusing their excess, and shaming those that tried to protect private and public property. Who appointed these criminals the moral guardians of our nation's legacy? President Trump has been almost alone in condemning the "desecrations" as "disgusting" while promising to hold "weak" local officials accountable. But the silence of our state and national leaders and the pandering capitulation by some corporate interests is astonishing! They are cowering and prevaricating. Meantime, a part of Seattle has been occupied by an outlaw militia. Yanking down publicly financed statues and forcefully occupying a major US city are acts of war. The destruction of any public statue is a felony, but when organized as a conspiracy of hate, it is no different than the 911 attack on the Twin Towers. The mobs used rope and the jihadists used jetliners. The rationalizations and tools may differ, but the goals and the crimes are the same: To undermine the stability of our Republic, and to impose an atmosphere of fear over those not deemed "believers" by the mob. I find it shameful and disturbing... Media intellectuals celebrate what they describe as the erasure of America's "dark history" but mob rule is unjustifiable in a civilized society. There is always a grain of truth and some righteous expectations for social unrest. Islamic fundamentalists, German Nationalists, and the PLO have all expressed moral justifications for their crimes, but anarchy never accomplishes anything good. As Martin Niemoller said about the Nazi SS, "Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me." American leaders are cowering from the issue because of the racial connotations. They are victims of a systematic campaign of percepticide. Like the victims of sexual abuse, they have had their historical perspective and value systems hijacked by a persistent threat of personal and political destruction. Too many have become Stockholm Syndrome acolytes in the Progressive Jihad. Americans are the fairest and most socially conscious citizens on Earth. For two and a half centuries we have led the world in feeding the poor, protecting human rights, and fighting wars to protect human dignity and liberty. We have a long history of confronting bullies: Lincoln demanded freedom for the slaves, Roosevelt stood up to Hitler, Kennedy said no to segregationists, and Reagan forced the Russians to "tear down" the iron curtain. The idea that Americans lack a social conscience is a Marxist provocation with no merit. We are, however, suffering from a lack of leadership. Unlike our Founding Fathers who stood up to tyranny, our current leaders are America's Foundling Fathers, a collection of weak, directionless, political cowards who have abandoned our national family. I am willing to bet that the first thing that crosses your mind when you wake up every morning is "Thank God I have lived to see another day!" Then you immediately start mentally reviewing a check list of priorities: What day is it? What time is it? What is on the agenda for today? Am I sick? That last one is new…a few weeks ago it was probably, "Is Trump still President?" I am, admittedly, not inclined to such negativity. Most Americans that go to bed healthy don't wake up wondering if they are infected with a deadly disease or why the President makes them so miserable. But, in the era of Covid19, everything has changed. Kids aren't going to school anymore. Mommy and daddy are not going to work like they used too, and grandma and grandpa have disappeared altogether. No more church on Sunday, no more weddings, graduations or birthday parties. No Easter, Mother's or Father's Day or family vacations. No friends over to play in the yard or to have a barbeque. Oh, and please count your tissues before you wipe. If I were a youngster today, I would think chaos in America was normal. I would be waking up like the kids in Northeastern Nigeria, anticipating another assault on my village by disease or Boko Haram. I would be concerned with race riots, school shootings, church bombings, war in the halls of Congress, and quarantines. Childhood post-traumatic stress disorder is so normal now, there is no 'post' about it. How can our kids look at people without noticing their skin color, sex, age and the masks they are wearing? Everything they see is focused on gender identity, race and disease. So Americans wake up each day and carry on with our chores, our business meetings on Zoom, our malicious Tweets and FaceBook rants, and our social interactions recorded on Marco Polo for playback at a more convenient time. We patiently stand in social distancing lines and tell the checkout clerks how much we appreciate them risking their lives so we can buy toilet paper by the bushel. We watch advertisements that tell us we're "all in this together" while simultaneously getting further and further apart. Then we hunker down at night and watch the newsfeed that the Great Satan, the most dangerous and threatening force on Earth, our illegitimate President Donald Trump, has once again ruined our day. He has wrought a pandemic of disease, racism, xenophobia and misogyny while stirring up irrational hatred and violence across the planet. He is poisoning the environment and our politics with his fascist nationalism. He pretends to be a Christian but we all know he is the Antichrist! News anchors sign off, "Good night and sleep tight!" Then when we wake up and start the cycle all over again our anger is exacerbated because that man is still in the White House. The daily indoctrination services remind us that our solidarity comes from collective outrage and that we are justified to reinforce it with protest activities. Hold your fist high to show your pride in our social justice movement, then toss a molotov cocktail through the window of your local barber who caters to the rich. Sieg heil! St. Paul-based developer Wellington Management Inc. woke up on Thursday morning to find its 190-unit affordable housing apartment project in south Minneapolis had been burned to the ground by people the media describe as "protestors". Recently, Elon Musk's company SpaceX launched the first manned satellite in nine years. An amazing technological success story that was delegated to the second page because "communities in flames" stories are "more compelling". Why celebrate success when death and destruction, like a pandemic, are more universal and less about evil capitalism? I woke up this morning to a radio station playing "What's New Pussycat?" and now I can't get it out of my head. Well written commentary by a retired LAPD officer Posted on Retired California Law Enforcement FB Page. He gave permission to share it. "I haven’t really spoken out about our nation’s situation, but after the Los Angeles mayor referred to Police Officers as “Killers” I could no longer keep quiet. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not supporting the Minneapolis Police officer’s actions of kneeling on the suspect’s neck and for the duration he did so. The LAPD has specific training on how to deal with suspects in medical distress and this type of misconduct wouldn’t have happened or been tolerated here. But Mayor Garcetti’s commet has to be the single most inflammatory and dangerous comment yet made by a public official towards law enforcement. What kind of vote pandering, shortsighted and reckless stupidity is this? For 31 years my wife and I have served the citizens of Los Angeles as LAPD sworn Officers, with honor, dignity and respect. We haven’t killed anyone and the vast majority of my Brother and Sister Officers haven’t either. Most will never fire their weapon in the line of duty, yet alone kill someone! Only 1 out of a 1000 Officers are involved in a fatal use of force during their career. That means 99.9 percent of Officers don’t kill anyone during their entire career in the performance of their duties. Yet the mayor of LA just referred to all Police Officers as “killlers.” Not the criminal element that is actually involved in committing criminal homicides. How disgusting this is! Talk about bigotry! Judging a person for the uniform they wear is no better then judging someone for the color of their skin. This only gives a false justification for criminals to resist lawful arrest and motivate unprovoked attacks on Officers. I guess I’m just sick and tired of the complaining and second guessing of how we police officers do our jobs, especially from people that have no clue on how to do my job and either couldn’t or wouldn’t imagine risking their own lives to go into harms way to protect others. Enforcing the law has always had an ugly side to it. On a rare occasion, a suspect will resist arrest. There is no such thing as a pleasant use of force, it always looks horrible to the inexperienced person. But I can assure you, there is no way to peacefully restrain and subdue an aggressive criminal that is intent on violently resisting arrest or fighting with the police. It’s always going to look bad and unnerving. And I’m especially sick and tired of the media and the outspoken minority of individuals in this nation, completely absolving the involved criminal of any culpability or responsibility for their actions that put them in that situation in the first place. They blame completely falls on the Officer that is doing his job. I’m so done with the, ”They shot him over a ticket or petty theft.” comment. No, the suspect was detained for a simple traffic infraction or petty crime, but was shot because sometime during the contact, the suspect decided to attack the officer or presented a deadly threat that forced the officers hand. Officers are always reactionary to the suspects actions. Here’s a simple solution to law enforcement related deaths. DON’T RESIST ARREST!!!! Submit to arrest and have your day in court. Trust me if the arrest was unlawful, you’ll get paid. This continual dehumanizing of Police Officers is a very dangerous and slippery slope. Now there is a motion to cut the LAPD budget and calls to defund law enforcement completely. Really? Who is going to provide the security to the vast majority of the citizens that can’t or are unwilling to protect themselves? The citizens of this nation have employed men and women to do this dangerous “dirty” work of dealing with the criminal element for centuries, but they don’t want to see what it occasionally takes to deal with them. Sometimes it’s horrible, dirty and deadly. I’m sorry to carry on this long, but I have to say, a society that makes war on its police, had better learn to live with it’s criminals. It’s going to come to a time to pick a side. I’m all for peaceful protests and reforms, but this crap is an all out war on law enforcement. And if you’re offended by my comments, or support the terrorist organizations of antifa or BLM then please feel free to defriend me at this time. I’ve seen first hand the destruction they have caused and deadly attacks they have perpetrated on Officers" ![]() Drew Brees represents the ultimate American sports hero. He is humble, respectful, community and family oriented and generous with his wealth and his time. He is, or at least was, the poster boy for an All-American Team Leader. Brees recently commented on "kneeling" demonstrations to show solidarity over the brutal death of George Floyd while in police custody. He was asked if Colin Kaepernick was, in hindsight, right to reject showing allegiance to the flag and the national anthem before NFL games. Brees had the temerity to say he respects the men and women who have sacrificed for their country and the freedom that our American flag and national anthem stand for. For that he was immediately "gaslighted" by some of his teammates and other self-appointed enforcers of the Social Justice Movement's "Cultural Revolution". What exactly is "gaslighting"? The term originally came from a play in 1938 that described how a husband slowly tortured and enslaved his wife by convincing her she was going insane. It has become popularized to explain how wife-beaters dominate their wives and why spouses accept physical and psychological abuse and often blame themselves for the destruction of their relationship. In 2017 a psychological researcher named Lisa Aronson Fontes wrote a book "Invisible Chains" that describes brainwashing techniques originally developed to indoctrinate cult members or conversely, to convert prisoners of war. She called the process "Perspecticide" because it causes the death of the victim's unique perspective. The techniques she identified are designed to rob their target of their own identity and replace it with a more malleable and compliant version. Besides being universally present in cases of spousal abuse, similar techniques are used to rebuild the lives of drug addicts and alcoholics, or to train new military recruits to become fighting machines. In the more modern political form, it is used to convert vacillating moderates into Progressive Social Justice Warriors and Democrat voters. In her book, Ms. Fontes was trying to understand women who cannot escape abusive relationships, and often end up "not knowing who they are.'' When OJ Simpson went off and attacked his wife Nicole, she would refuse to press charges because OJ made her feel responsible for "making me crazy." Photos released during the trial for her murder showed that he beat her, yet OJ was never convicted of spousal abuse. Unfortunately, Nicole dismissed his manic behavior as that of a forlorn lover with a drinking problem. He had reordered her judgement just enough it ultimately cost her her life. In 1966 Mao Zedong used gaslighting techniques to enslave billions of Chinese citizens implementing the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Similar techniques have become the hallmark of all Communist revolutions ever since. The brainwashing is so powerful it removes the conscience that normally stop people from rampages, violence and murder. Roving hordes of Chinese students (self appointed Red Guards) killed innocent elderly men, women and even children who were deemed counter-revolutionaries because they were too slow to accept the doctrine of "The Great Leap Forward". In 1978, collectivist cult leader Jim Jones convinced 900 recruits to murder themselves and their children in one of the worlds worst incidents of mass murder. Both events are examples of mass perspecticide and unbridled righteousness. I find it particularly ironic that a great football player and well respected human being such as Drew Brees has fallen victim to gaslighting. Football is uniquely about unity of purpose and mutual respect. Brees had to overcome a litany of injuries and stereotyping to become one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. His work ethic and sense of solidarity with his teammates and his community has never been challenged. That all vanished when he spoke about his reverence for the American Dream and the generations of men and women who sacrificed to pass it on to us. The truth is, like most Americans, Drew Brees doesn't have a racist bone in his body. Likewise, he has been put in the terrible position of being pressured into apologizing for something he is not, was not and never will be. I am 100% positive he meant precisely what he originally said but was forced to disown his patriotic words just as American prisoners of war were forced to do when captured by Communist regimes in China, North Vietnam and North Korea. Drew has become a prisoner of war in the Progressive Jihad, which is a pseudo-religious movement disguised as a cultural revolution. America has been careening from one hysterical cultural crisis to another, all designed and driven by those who would fundamentally change America. The race issue is just a Straw Man. The Progressive Jihad is on a warpath to convert unbelievers, or destroy those who resist. They are using the threat of violence and public shaming to induce Drew Brees and people like you and me, to kneel before the Throne of Political Correctness. ![]() "Somebody riddle me this! I got a question for you. For all of your virtue signaling and vandalizing property, what have you accomplished?" -- Brandon Tatum As the nation reels from the horrific and brutal death of George Floyd, and rioting and looting spreads across the country, we all have to ask ourselves what can we do to fix the problem of police mistreatment of minorities? We are seeing the usual litany of outrage from Hollywood and sports celebrities like Labron James, screaming about "What is it going to take?" before white people understand why blacks live in a constant state of fear. Many "woke" blacks, like Malcome Jenkins, attack whites that have been their partners in business (Drew Breeze) suggesting they still don't "get it" and can never get it, simply because of the color of their skin. Besides being a blatantly racist concept in itself, the "woke"movement continues to sweep the country and inspire young blacks to embrace activist groups like Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA. The question Brandon Tatum asks is still unanswered. For over fifty years, America has struggled with civil rights issues and clashing racial stereotypes. We have passed miles of legislation, contributed hours of volunteerism to help poor neighborhoods, schools and churches, donated millions to foundations, college scholarships and food distribution, and devoted large portions of our school curricula to progressive ideas about fairness, compassion and tolerance, and supported media campaigns to present people of color in their own words, pleading for us to release them from decades of hatred and discrimination. Generations of whites signal their virtue by lambasting those they perceive as "unconcerned" about the American legacy of slavery and racial animosity. And based on their own assessment, what have we accomplished? What are the demonstrators and vandals accomplishing with their temper tantrums of violence and looting? Unfortunately the answer to those questions are never really addressed. Why? Because there are no real answers to social issues that are reflective of our human condition. Unless or until we find a way to create flawless human beings, we will have elements of hatred and racism in a certain percentage of people. That is why humans, for the most part, practice their religion. To help themselves to help others to be better people to each other. That kind of real change for the better doesn't come from intimidation and bullying. It doesn't come from stealing from your neighbor or smack talk. It has to come from each individual looking inside and coming to terms with themselves and their maker. Marching towards inner peace, not demanding peace from others. Real change comes from within. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVIhRvkT8kg&feature=youtu.be |
January 2025