We all want and seek security in our lives; we want to protect our children, to feel safe when we walk the street, to feel safe in our car or in our home. Security is not a political issue. Can you think of anyone that wants to be afraid for their safety? President Trump made security a major leg of his platform. Besides his promise to make America Great Again, he also spoke strongly about his desire to Make America Safe Again. He was roundly excoriated for that position by the leftwing press and many of the more radical Progressives within the Democratic Party.They claim he is dividing people, blaming minorities and immigrants for the economy and for crime rates. They claim that he is a bigot and promotes xenophobia. Trump has always said, if you don't have borders you don't have a country. That without vetting and screening, borders alone cannot keep determined terrorists out of the country. When you hire a babysitter, you naturally do some vetting, right? One of the most upsetting things that can happen to any person is to have their home invaded. Especially when you are in it, but even if you come home later and see that someone has destroyed your sense of security. It can have lasting impact on your temperament, in a way that resembles Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Once your innocence has been stolen, it is impossible to get it back. Ask anyone who has been raped, or had their car hijacked or their home burglarized. Most crime victims have similar anxieties, to one degree or another. That is why I find it so incredulous that some people insist our country, and our culture, should give up on the idea of borders and sovereignty. They claim the world will be more peaceful and secure if we just stop dividing up cities, states, countries and cultures. They are leftist ideologues, internationalists, one-world activists who blame 'narrow minded' and xenophobic conservatives for nearly all of the world's troubles, based on their theory that we are all citizens of the planet and have more in common than issues that divide us. And of course, that conservatives are only out for themselves, so their policies focus on division and destruction of people of color and the poor. If you extrapolate that idea to your own home, leftists are suggesting you will feel more secure, more in concert with your neighbors and the people around you if you don't lock your doors, don't have weapons, and give up your political parties, your church and your sexual identity too.They even show suspicion of the traditional forms of family. In fact, if we follow their 'No Borders' line of reasoning, we should be working towards a more egalitarian society. It seems that people on the left are extremely unhappy about the state of the world; a place where too many people are rich, at the expense of everyone else. They are unhappy with the results of the end of the Soviet Empire, the demise of Red China under Mao Tsetung, the collapse of the socialists states in South America, the failing socialist economies in Cuba and Central America. And though they thrive in the capitalist environment of freedom in America, they feel left behind and disrespected, and they yearn for the comfort of social eqalitarianism, like the well distributed poverty in Venezuela. Will they be happier when all bathrooms are nuetered? When all children wear the same uniforms? When we put our kids into daycare whether we want to or not, because in there they will be taught by socially sensitive , non -threatening and non-judgemental instructors, unlike most home school families that are, according to leftist values, narrow minded, religious , homophobic and hateful? Who needs internet security? If we are not keeping secrets, what difference does it make if everyone knows about your medical history, your cancer, your bank account numbers, your social security numbers, or your federal tax records. Or where you live, work and worship, how many guns you own, and whose campaigns you contribute to. Oddly, I can imagine some unique results of One World Internationalism. It would end the need for hotels and motels; when traveling, we could just pull up to any nice house and walk right in and make ourselves at home. Ownership of any private property would inevitably have to go away, because without security, who is to decide where property lines begin and end? Since there can be no borders, there would be no fences or walls either. So we couldn't abuse our pets either, since there wouldn't be any. Animals would be free as birds! All of which flies in the face of reality. Human beings praying on each others vulnerabilities isn't a modern phenomenon. It isn't a condition that Donald Trump invented. Tribalism is as natural to humans as territorialism is to fish. Conflicts are exasperated when one tribe insists it has all the answers. But social idealists impatiently demand we abandon all of our civilized notions of individualism, ownership, privacy and identity, because all of those conventions are unfair constructs of white male domination and antiquated dogmas of the past. These are the positions of more and more 'moderate' Democrats, like the ones supporting Maxine Waters and Elizabeth Warren. Wait a minute, aren't these the same people who insist on privacy laws, like HIPAA? So, which is it? Are we supposed to give up our security and somehow still maintain our privacy? The people who come up with these theories must have attended one of our esteemed colleges. The evidence is that they didn't learn anything about critical thinking. The evidence is becoming increasingly clear that our high schools and colleges are inculcating our students with this brand of Marxist Legolandism. Liberal Academia, and their subordinate media darlings, are loading our kids with Social Justice Lego Blocks which will burden them and the entire world's ability to deal with real public issues for generations to come. Will the 'No Borders' people concede that our community needs fences and walls? That our homes need locks? That we should lock our cars? That our computers, and everything in the Internet Of Things requires a password? Probably not, because in their fantasy world, a Modern Day Animal Farm, where all of the animals are equal, but some are more equal than others, only the elite will be allowed to protect their property. |
January 2025