![]() Joe Biden, our self-proclaimed ‘defender of the working man’ Vice-President, went before the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce recently to patronize the ‘shadow population’ of 11 million illegal immigrants who he claims are, “in my view…already American Citizens.” Biden has a knack for talking his way into corners. In this instance, quoting Teddy Roosevelt to support his sentiment that illegal border crashers are unfairly treated, unappreciated and discriminated against, was probably the worst decision he has made in, oh, at least a few days! Citing Teddy Roosevelt’s 1894 ‘True Americanism” speech, Biden quoted TR: “Americanism is not a question of birthplace or creed or a line of descent. It’s a question of principles, idealism and character” The intent of Roosevelt’s speech was to point out that Americans have unique traits. Those who wish to be Americans must embrace and practice those traits, ‘principles, idealism and character.’ What Biden failed to mention about that speech might have some bearing on the current national immigration policy controversy. Had our VP truly been interested in and influenced by Teddy’s ideas about immigration, he would have noted Roosevelt also said in the same speech: “It is urgently necessary to check and regulate our immigration, by much more drastic laws than now exist; and this should be done both to keep out laborers who tend to depress the labor market, and to keep out races which do not assimilate readily with our own, and unworthy individuals of all races - not only criminals, idiots, and paupers, but anarchists. From his own standpoint, it is beyond all question the wise thing for the immigrant to become thoroughly Americanized. Moreover, from our standpoint, we have a right to demand it. We freely extend the hand of welcome and of good-fellowship to every man, no matter what his creed or birthplace, who comes here honestly intent on becoming a good United States citizen like the rest of us; but we have a right, and it is our duty, to demand that he shall indeed become so and shall not confuse the issues with which we are struggling by introducing among us Old-World quarrels and prejudices.” Biden compared illegal immigrants to immigrants who legally entered the United States, saying it took “a lot of courage” to pick up and go to America where they don’t speak the language and no one seems to want them. As if the immigrant who sneaks into the country has more courage than the one who waits years in line, undergoes months of administrative documentation, personal and social scrutiny and who must pass strenuous citizenship tests face any less difficult cultural challenges or are any less courageous! Likewise, Roosevelt railed against hyphenated-Americans who refused to cut loose psychologically from their country of origin. “I appeal to all our citizens no matter what land their forefathers came from, to keep this ever in mind, and to shun with scorn and contempt the sinister intrigues and mischiefmakers who would seek to divide them along lines of creed, or birthplace or of national origin… The effort to keep our citizenship divided against itself by the use of the hyphen and along the lines of national origin is certain to breed a spirit of bitterness and prejudice and dislike between great bodies of our citizens.” Biden is a classic old-school politician who panders to the lowest common denominator, pools the poor, the uneducated and even the illegal together to form another special interest sub-class of voters, pitting them against the ‘ruthless, rich and privileged’ and pretends to give them ‘dignity’ through legislation sponsored by Democrats who, he claims will ‘fight for’ their freebies. Biden said, “All they want—they just want a decent life for their kids, a chance to contribute to a free society, a chance to put down roots and help build the next great American century. I really believe that.” Mr. Vice President, their ambition is admirable, but as Teddy made clear, Americanism is defined by playing by the rules! You could care less about what Teddy Roosevelt really felt about immigration, because if you did, you would have denounced the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce as the modern-day example of what TR feared would divide and ultimately destroy America. "The men who do not become Americans and nothing else are hyphenated Americans; and there ought to be no room for them in this country…There is no such thing as a hyphenated American who is a good American. The only man who is a good American is the man who is an American and nothing else...." Since 1984, while working on their Animal Farm, the Owners, Mr. Sinclair and Mr. Orwell, have been raising Sheople. For the most part, Sheople are docile, productive farm animals. The Farmers were determined, however, to control their natural instinct to roam. The Animal Farmers learned how to control the Sheople by finding a comfortable place in their environment and providing cheap, gratuitous entertainment. The Sheople couldn’t resist it and began to line up every day to be entertained. Once they were coming every day, the Farmers put a fence down one side of the place where they got their daily dose of escapism. When the Sheople got used to the fence, they resumed looking at their entertainment, and the Farmers put up another side of the fence. After a while the Sheople got used to that and went back to their escapist TV, video games/porno movies/ music, etc. Eventually, the Farmers had all four sides of their little world fenced up with a gate in the last side. The Sheople, who were mesmerized and addicted to the entertainment, started to come through the gate to get more of it. Suddenly, the Farmers slammed the gate on them and caught the whole generation of Sheople farm animals by surprise. Suddenly the poor Sheople had lost their freedom. They looked at each other in disbelief. They screamed at each other, each blaming the other for ‘not paying attention.’ For the next several years, they ran around and around inside the fence, extremely frustrated, as they could see all kinds of interesting things outside of their fence, but the gate remained locked. They bitched and moaned, but they were caught. They had sacrificed their freedom for simple pleasures. Soon they went back to entertaining themselves on mind-numbing alcohol, sex and morbid electronic media. Their anger increased and they grew mentally and physically unhealthy because of their reckless self indulgence, so the Farmers offered them drug therapy to help them feel better. Eventually, the Sheople became so used to their routines that they had forgotten how to think for themselves. Meanwhile, through that same entertainment media, the Farmers continually reminded the Sheople of how lucky they were to have keepers who understood and felt their pain. Now, in 2014, the Sheople have accepted their fate and really believe they are better off in captivity, because it is ‘too hard’ to live in freedom…and, they are quite satisfied because their brains and their ambition have atrophied. Amazing, isn’t it, in only 30 years since the last ‘New World’, thanks to the benevolent keepers at the Animal Farm, we all live in a Whole New World! From what we now know, the missing airliner with 239 passengers and crew on board could easily become the Crime of the Century. Obviously, some conspirators hijacked the plane. We know, for example, that the plane did not go down at the time the co-pilot signed off. We now know that the plane continued to fly for hours after the transponder was turned off. We now know that the plane made a dramatic turn in direction, and then made dangerous and difficult evasive maneuvers, such as rapidly changing altitudes and in some instances flying dangerously low, an obvious effort to evade detection. This is all part and parcel of a grand conspiracy. All of the evidence points to multiple participants, and a sustained effort by highly trained hijackers. There is no way a lone wolf, disillusioned Rambo-style pilot or copilot could have done these things alone. Plus, why go through all of this just to plunge the plane into the deepest part of the Indian Ocean where nobody would ever find it? If you are trying to send a suicide message or are performing an act of terror, what good is keeping it a secret? No, the only logical answer is that some group has simply stolen an advanced aircraft that will eventually be used as a weapon of mass destruction. In the shadow of 911, what makes more sense than if you can’t hijack an airliner in the US or western Europe, and fly it into a high profile target, why not simply commandeer one from a much less scrutinized far-eastern airlines and, after proving that you have the ability to fly it undetected for long periods of time, threaten to deliver a weapon of mass destruction by air? This kind of implied threat trumps the now common bomb-laden automobile. It opens up a vast number of sensitive and very scary targets, and if nothing else creates a massive opportunity to use it for extortion. This is, in simple terms, a hell of an idea if you are a terrorist. And it is an idea that didn’t happen overnight. It is a challenge that must have taken an enormous amount of effort to pull off. But so did 911. The people involved in that crime haven’t all been killed or gone to prison. They are still recruiting and training and planning and plotting. Many of the low level operatives are now dead, after blowing themselves up or being hit by drone strikes. But much of the brains of the outfit still circulate amongst the Islamic Jihad’s underworld. They are busy working on their next project to shock the world. This is just the first step in that direction. It is, if nothing else, a demo of the future of Jihad. And it is looking more and more every minute, like the Crime of the Century. I get the impression the people of Crimea, and the Russian people in general, are moving in our direction, politically.
Odd, huh? What I mean by that is that coming from a top down, dictatorial socialist bureaucracy toward a more liberal semi-market driven economic system, the Ruskies are still very much a nanny state. But, slowly but surely, the people are learning from digital communications that it is OK to want to wear unique clothing, to style your hair or to be gay. But when asked about the fact that Putin is annexing their democratic country by use of overwhelming force, Crimean’s say they are grateful, and can hardly wait to be re-subjugated. They sound like a bunch of children who miss their mommy. America, on the other hand, is moving more in the direction of the failed Soviet Union. Remember, “We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us?” As more and more unfilled jobs fall into the category of ‘work Americans refuse to do,’ and the middle class dwindles, America is rapidly becoming the American Socialist Republic. We have leveraged our money under the suffocating weight of foreign debt to the degree that at some point, the US dollar may just become imaginary. Many Americans disdain work. Jobs are split between low wage, low skill, low pay service industries and high tech, high paying jobs requiring highly specialized skills. There simply are few middle class, high wage but not-so-skilled jobs like Detroit auto assembly positions that lasted for a career. As the low information voter in America demonstrates a growing need for big government services and protections, more and more Americans are OK with giving up freedoms in exchange for financial and social support systems like food stamps, healthcare subsidies, and redistribution of wealth by government fiat. What is so counter-intuitive is that as the digital revolution increases access to historical information exponentially, the lessons of the past seem to be ignored. Both societies, Russian and American, insist on repeating the fails of previous generations, all the while patting themselves on the back for being so ‘enlightened.’ |
January 2025