In what is a shocking example of how the 'New Navy' is not the same wartime Navy of the past, the New York Post is reporting that sailors aboard the ship captured back in January by Iranian Revolutionary Guard patrol boats, quickly capitulated and gave up much more information than was previously reported. They gave up laptop passwords, cell phones and some technical information about the ship and it's capabilities. All in violation of the Navy code to only reveal name rank and serial number.
They then bent over, were handcuffed and made to make incriminating statements, including the Captain reading an apology, all of which was later broadcast on Iranian TV. The sad part is, they did all of that AFTER their release had already been negotiated by the Pentagon. It really is a New Normal in how our military is being managed by the Obama administration. I have always enjoyed listening to Dennis Prager, as he is the closest thing to a reasoned and extremely well educated, articulate professor as there is on Talk Radio. His ability to think critically, to reduce obfuscation and find the essence of debate is beyond reproach.
Here's an idea: A new bi-partisan federal law making the use of any military grade weapon in the commission of any crime an "Attack on our Homeland' and an 'Act of War.'
Therefore the crime would fall under the purview of the military and prosecuted by a tribunal. It would allow for a relaxation of normal civil liberties where terrorists and theiir cohorts often exploit our liberal restrictions on investigations and prosecutions. It would not remove a single gun from anybody, but it would change the implications of using an assault weapon, a rocket launcher or any war weapon in the commission of any crime. And when an AR-15 is used in a massacre such as Orlando, the new law allow our military to get involved, as they should be. Would such an act be possible? Only if all Americans decide we are at war, and when it is happening in our own backyard we need to respond appropriately. Once again, our President wags his finger and lectures his political opponents like Nurse Ratched: Take your medicine! Only gun control will reduce the number and frequency of 'Lone Wolf' attacks on our citizens! Please! When will your totally dishonest and disproven dogma about gun control get out of the way so Americans can start seeing some progress towards winning this war against barbarians? Mr. Obama, look at Chicago! In 2016 there have been over 1500 shootings, with at least 250 people shot dead. On Memorial weekend alone there were 63 shootings and 6 murders! All despite an assault weapons ban, a violence tax, and strict limitations on gun dealers and purchases, after legislation driven by liberal politicians, none of which have shown any positive effects on the dramatic and uncontrolled gun violence in your hometown! As former Utah Jazz President Frank Leyden once asked of one of the players, "...what is it with you, is it just ignorance or is it apathy?" Since this is the President of the United States we are talking about, and it is an assault on our Homeland he is not effectively dealing with, I would call it just plain 'pathetic.' |
January 2025