We can’t win the War on Terror, even if there was one. But there is not.
America doesn't win wars anymore. We haven't won a war since 1945. That was the last time we actually crushed the enemy into submission. Since WWII, we have signed treaties, peace resolutions and disarmament agreements. The United States has turned fighting wars into legal skirmishes that we settle out of court. Besides, it is impossible to win a war on terrorism, just like it is impossible to win the war on poverty, racism, hunger or drugs. Those are not wars, any more than the ‘War on Terror’ we are currently ‘fighting’ is a real war! We are not in a war in Afghanistan. We aren't even in a real fight. We are in a messy, highly regulated and micromanaged military skirmish, not a war. Unfortunately, America speaks in the language of linguistic symbolism; we don’t speak in literal terms about important things anymore. We have substitute words for difficult issues and actions. Instead of actually conducting war, we ‘talk’ war. We battle 'insurgencies' and kill 'innocent civilians' with unmanned drones. We play footsie with terrorist maniacs who will strap bombs to their women and children and blow up innocent civilians and our boys just to get attention! Our soldiers spend the majority of their time searching for buried roadside bombs. Our guys have a million rules and restrictions on who, when, and where they can use firearms. What we are doing is more theatre than combat... Everyone knows there is never going to be a surrender. It makes me sick to admit that what we are doing is more of a government public relations campaign than a war. Wish I could take credit for this brilliant response to our President. Bob Lonsberry, a talk show host on WHAM 1180 said this about the 'Income Inequality' Speech delivered by President Obama in January 2014 "The Democrats are right, there are Two Americas. The America that works, and the America that doesn’t. The America that contributes, and the America that doesn’t. It’s not the haves and the haven'ts, it’s the dos and the don'ts. Some people do their duty as Americans, obey the law, support themselves, contribute to society, and others don’t. That’s the divide in America. It’s not about income inequality, it’s about civic irresponsibility. It’s about a political party that preaches hatred, greed and victimization in order to win elective office. It’s about a political party that loves power more than it loves its country. I t’s not invective, it’s truth, and it’s about time someone said it. ![]() Spent a very pleasant Sunday afternoon at the Flowerhill Mall in Del Mar at the John Lennon Art Exhibit. A huge crowd in a very small gallery! It must have been 95 degrees in there, but it was a Magical Mystery Tour! I knew John was extremely talented, as a song writer, one of the best ever. But I never appreciated his graphic art talent. Obviously Yoko did, because she was the one who convinced him to cherish and save his works. Anyway, after viewing his really awesome line art, almost cartoonish expressions of his loneliness, isolation, pain and happiness, I was especially intrigued by the way he wrote his lyrics. I am not sure if these were his original thought process, or poems, or if these were written down after the song was crafted. Either way, they are brilliant and beautiful. Then, the icing on the cake was watching the Grammy Salute to the Beatles on CBS last night! I cried with happiness and nostalgia all through the show! Listening to the songs and remembering the graphic depictions of the lyrics, the time capsules of my teen years, the wonderful times of joyful celebration of music and love, the whole Beatlemania of that era (1964 thru 1967). I was 13 years old when the Beatlles first hit the airwaves, and they certainly were the most influential social force of my generation. Who would have thought fifty years later we would be just as crazy about the music as we were then! Let It Be! http://johnlennonartwork.com/ People accuse me of exaggerating.
OK, I will admit I am guilty of over inflating the truth sometimes. It is just for the purpose of making a point. It is called hyperbole. It isn't meant to distract from the truth, just to make it more impressive. Here is something I can't overstate. I was talking on the phone with a friend of mine who is a Captain for one of the worlds largest air freight carriers. He flies one of the biggest airplanes on Earth. The maximum overall weight of these monsters, when fully loaded, is around 450 tons. That is a big load! Obviously, it is much more expensive to fly freight around the world than to ship it. So, to spend the extra shipping expense, there must be a need to get the cargo wherever it is going in a hurry. So I asked him, what are some of the more interesting things his company is hired to transport? He was sitting in a hotel room in Cincinnati waiting for his next assignment, and looking out at the sleet and snow coming down sideways in 17 degree weather. He thought about it for a minute and then offered "last week we took 160 tons of condoms from South Korea to Iraq." Hold on a minute: 160 TONS of condoms? Someone paid for overnight delivery to Iraq for 320,000 pounds of condoms? My God, how many condoms is that? What, at 2 ounces each, that would be over five million units! I had to know, how many women are there in Iraq? So I looked it up...there are just under nine million women aged 16 to 65 in the whole country! What is going on in Iraq that would require the overnight delivery of enough condoms to cover the activity of half of the Iraqi female population? Thats assuming the condoms are being used in the traditional way, of course. Oh well, I guess life has returned to some sense of normal since the Iraq war ended. This story gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "un-f***ing believable!" I am at a loss for words.
That is amazing, but what is really amazing and disturbing, no, infuriating is the better word, is how disengaged, irresponsible and downright dangerous some San Diego college students appear to be in this video made on campus. Media analyst and conservative activist videographer Mark Dice has been doing a series of on-the-street videos to demonstrate just how bizarre and uninformed some voting age college students are. During his time on campus he has had literally hundreds of students sign petitions that called for, among other things, the repeal of the entire Bill of Rights, and in one series, students signed a petition he described would put California gun owners in 'concentration camps' and 'terminate and execute' them and he said 'we should feed gun owners some of their own lead.' More than a few verbally agreed and many simply signed the fake 'Initiative' and calmly walked away. Wow! I knew that college campuses are a breeding ground for marxism, humanism, and all forms of anti-Americanism, but this is the first time I have seen someone actually demonstrate just how out-of-control and aggressive this disease is. This video makes one wonder if there is any chance of returning our institutions of higher learning back to what they were intended to be. Watch this 'Horror Movie'......... http://www.infowars.com/students-sign-petition-to-have-gun-owners-executed-in-concentration-camps/ |
January 2025