I struggle with expressing myself. I know that sounds silly coming from me, but I actually do temper what I say around unfamiliar people. I am not a provocateur or rebel rouser. I have strong convictions and I stand on the side of right and wrong and accountability. In my world, everyone has to be accountable for their actions. Period. But I don't wield my convictions like a hammer. When appropriate, like within my family, I sometimes pull rank. But generally, I believe in live and let live. I am also not a wilting rose. I am not shy, when involved in discussion, I display my passion for freedom and justice. But I have many friends that point out my tendency to over-simplify moral dilemmas. It seems their position is to find escape routes for people who make serious mistakes (breaking the law or personal promises). I often hear them refer to "gray areas'. I know we all make mistakes, and sometimes we all hurt others feelings, disregard commitments and break our promises, and that sometimes life demands we make hard decisions. I get that. But it is necessary in a civilized society to draw certain lines in the sand. It is the nature of civilization to organize around accepted guidelines for citizen behavior. Anything other than that is anarchy. That is why we have judges and juries. We mitigate crimes and punishment is handed out according to what society thinks will properly punish bad behavior and also deter it. It starts with tiny children being admonished for not paying attention or ignoring mommy and daddy's rules. It goes up the ladder from there to school, to work, to community and to nation. We can, and do, have ongoing discussions about crime and punishment, and how society and our culture changes, so we all have to adjust too. But it doesn't change the fact that there are certain limits to our choices, precisely because we impose them on ourselves. The most important things in life are the aspirations we have and how we make demands on our own consciences. For example, I believe abortion is murder. In my mind, ending the heartbeat of a human being on purpose, unless it is necessary to save the life of the mother, is unforgivable. I rarely engage in useless arguing with people who believe abortion is a right. I just think it is a mountain I cannot climb to change the mind of someone who has a strength of conviction I cannot overcome. I would rather try to change the mind of someone with an open mind. Would I support using the legal system to punish women who have abortions? Never. In my mind it is the actions of the medical professional that should be held responsible, because that person is breaking two oaths: First, "do no harm" to the person or in the case of a pregnant woman, the 'persons' they are responsible for. The only way any physician can justify killing a fetus is to previously convince themselves that a fetus is nothing more than an unviable tissue mass and an appendage to their patient, the mother. And secondly, they are also breaking a promise to themselves, and that is to "tell the truth'' to patients, as painful as it may be. If a doctor hasn't made that promise to themselves, they are not qualified to be a medical practitioner. Also, I believe there are dual responsibilities involved with 'unwanted' pregnancies. The male partner must accept responsibility too. He knows what causes pregnancy so why should he get a pass? In fact, he is usually the instigator, the one that ignores the seriousness of sexual activity. When a minor obtains liquor from an adult and then gets into a serious accident, we hold the adult responsible. How is it any different when a man gets a woman pregnant? They say character is what you do when nobody's looking. But that ignores the fact that we are always looking at ourselves. There is a witness to everything we do. I always have to answer to myself. That explains why I call myself a conservative. I believe it is up to me to exercise self control, restraint and discipline. I do not expect society to be my babysitter. I am a grown up and what I do has consequences and I am prepared to accept those consequences. Will all of those media talking heads and "outraged" politicians who called for Trump's head and the prosecution of hundreds of January 6th protesters as "insurrectionists" ever recant? Is it possible for Progressives to ever escape their communal narcissism? Can we stop dicking around with all of the "threat to our Democracy" slander and give credit to the "Stop The Steal" demonstrators for being the true patriots that important day in January 2020? Give them credit for seeing through all the gaslighting and for protecting the integrity of our unique Constitutional Republic and the electoral system that has served us so well for nearly 250 years? Will all of those arrogant and misinformed limousine liberals in Hollywood ever broadcast a video apologizing for their attack on otherwise everyday Americans who went out of their way to go to Washington to bring attention to what will eventually be revealed to be the single most egregious crime ever committed in the United States of America, the hijacking of our federal Government? How could so many people not see the obvious collusion between the FBI, CDC, DNC and the MSM, to normalize a Democratic Presidential Campaign that hid in Biden's cellar, never held rallies, rarely answered questions publicly, and focused all of their rhetoric on fear porn. That used every means possible to slander and hogtie the duly elected President, and claimed the Republicans were terrorists? They fenced off the entire Capitol Grounds to imply the opposition was getting ready to invade in order to preserve their presence in the White House. They required everyone to wear face masks and to dress in black, as if Our Democracy was already dead! Well, I am not holding my breath because the Biden Crime Family is still pretending to be the legitimately elected administration and there are still millions of citizens that are asleep at the wheel, hypnotized to believe "Our Democracy" is in safe hands. Will we ever see the hundreds of hours of suppressed Capitol Hill security videos? The Reverend Jim Jones, who was able to brainwash 900 followers to settle in the squalid jungle of Guyana, then entice them to drink Kool Aid laced with cyanide, used many of the same tactics to convince his followers they would "build back better" and establish a socialist utopia in the compound he named The Peoples Temple. It was a temple alright, just like the Progressive Promiseland the radical leftist Puppet Masters behind the Sock Puppet Joe Biden are promising. Isn't time we stop dicking around with those that are unable, or unwilling, to think for themselves? There are faint stirrings within the Democratic party leadership that maybe Biden is too old to run again (despite the fact that he didn't really run the last time). In a culture that constantly belittles elders, it is incredibly counter intuitive that most of our political leaders are old white geezers. But as I have said for years, Progressive Jihadists hijack legitimate social activism, then pretend to be leading the parade, while all the while doing what the activists are angry about. They have institutionalized gaslighting! So they keep telling the public, Joe isn't really stumbling and bumbling, slurring his words or saying incredibly insensitive and nasty things in public. You are just "misinterpreting" him. One of, if not the most important tenets of Progressivism, is to be "leading the way" in all areas of modern culture and political activism. But the results of their work are objectively going backwards! They want more inclusivity: The American workplace is replete with lawsuits over discrimination. They want a more diverse government, but look who is in the majority: Old white men and old white women! They want freedom of choice: It was the Democrats that instituted lockdowns, lockouts and forced vaccines! They want freedom of speech, but censor conservatives every chance they get. They claim to be Christians, Muslims, or any number of believers in religious freedoms, but they disallow any inferences to the Bible in schools, or any crosses on public lands. They tout parenthood and education, then turn around and tell parents that "schools should determine curriculum and policies", because parents can be a threat to the students' freedoms. Television advertising rankles me, and one of the most egregious is, ironically, Progressive Insurance. They have built an extensive series of ads with the theme, "We can't keep you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money!" Obviously implying that your parents behavior is boorish and outdated. They also have a spokesperson character named Flo, who is the epitome of a pompous, empowered and dismissive female trying to make fun of anyone that isn't "smart enough" to be insured with Progressive. "Trust us when we say there isn’t anything “easy” about filing a car insurance claim with Progressive. Progressive might make it simple to purchase or change a car insurance policy, but they make it almost impossible to get paid for an injury claim! Our law firm has fought against Progressive Insurance claims adjusters for years. We know all their tricks, and how to successfully negotiate the most compensation for our clients. Progressive knows who we are…" -- Stuart J. Guss Injury Lawyers Progressive Casualty Insurance is a publicly owned company run by second generation brothers Peter (now deceased) and Daniel Lewis, who own roughly 20% of the stock. But the largest stockholders are The Vanguard Group, BlackRock Fund Advisors, and Wellington Management, which have a combined ownership stake of almost 20%, and are leaders in the "DEI" (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) movement. And all of whom are known to be huge supporters of Democrats like Obama, Clinton and Biden and many of their anti-MAGA lawfare efforts in the battleground states. The closer you look, the more frightening it gets when you realize the power that trust fund managers like BlackRock and Vanguard have now that they own controlling interests in over 9 trillion dollars worth of the entire world's most powerful and successful industrial giants. And like Progressive Insurance, the Political Promised Land that the Progressive Jihad paints is a pretty picture that is actually a facade. They make it sound so easy to elect Democrats and fix the world, but when you need them to actually be there when reality hits, you are going to be in real trouble. Which is exactly where we are now. Just ask the residents of Lahaina, Maui. Biden has been able to bluff his way through a couple of years with the help of Covid Relief Funds, with a friendly House of Representatives run by a domineering old white female communist and a divided Congress, willing to let him write executive orders dismantling everything Trump accomplished. Sending trillions of tax revenue to support a very corrupt and shaky Ukraine regime, and spending printed inflationary dollars on The New Green Deal, to bolster his phony "Build Back Better" claims. Biden has never demonstrated any popularity. When he shows up at major events (which he wisely avoids), he gets booed. He never held election campaign rallies, blaming Covid. Meanwhile, Trump filled stadiums and auditoriums with cheering supporters. Biden's popularity is a Wall Street construct. Now, some voices are quietly asking "What about Joe?" No matter what the Biden Jihadists throw at Trump, his popularity grows! Why would that be? Well, Americans hate injustice and no matter what you think of Trump's narcissism, we all know he is a patriot in the extreme, and he has been right more often than not. I will stick my neck out and say, right now, the only way out of this mess Biden and his cronies have created, is to commit another terrible crime. And that is because the crimes they have already committed are so egregious and seditious, they have to do something even worse to redirect attention away from the situation America finds itself in. They will martyr Joe. I don't know how it will be done, but that is the best outcome the Progressive Jihad can achieve at this point, and I would not expect them to suddenly become "honorable" Cultural Warriors. The end justifies the means, and Joe is simply too big of an obstacle at this point in The War On Us. They will most likely create a Right Wing Lone Wolf scenario, just like JFK, RFK, MLK and Malcolm X. Why not? It worked before, it will work again. Will Joe's removal from the upcoming election process put Kamala Harris into the spotlight? Is she the heir apparent? No way. She couldn't win the Democratic Presidential candidate nomination in California in 2019. She could never put up enough numbers to make the stealing of the next Presidential election doable. She will be given a Golden Shower to step aside for Gavin Newsollini. She has never been comfortable in her role anyway. It simply too much for her thin-skinned makeup. She is fully prepared to find another role while in semi-retirement, with a lower profile so she can enjoy her Haitian Ganja out of the spotlight. The Democratic Governor of California has a strong Progressive Cabal supporting him (otherwise how could anybody who has so obviously mismanaged the 7th largest economy in the world ever think about running for President of the United States)? If Joe Biden could do it, Newsollini would be easy. |
January 2025