One teacher said, "The idea that all teachers should be armed is crazy!" Another said, "Anyone who thinks arming teachers would stop school shootings doesn't understand what teachers do." Becky Pringle, Vice President of the National Education Association, offered, "Arming teachers, not a good idea, I cannot imagine having that responsibility of carrying a gun. What's being described by the president and others sounds more like a prison to me, with the teachers as armed guards and the students as prisoners." What nonsense! The guns aren't going to be used to oppress students. Progressive reactionaries assume any law enforcement or authority is automatically oppressive. Would she suggest that parents who lock their doors are making prisoners of their kids? Statements like that are illustrative of why we have so many ill informed student snowflakes in our culture. You can't teach what you don't know. If teachers make decisions based on convoluted reasoning and raw emotion, their students will too. No one is suggesting we should arm all teachers, so Ms. Pringle isn't listening well. Whether critics, parents or law enforcement "knows what teachers do" is irrelevant to the discussion. We already know what they don't do, and that is to fight back or stop psychopaths from gunning down students. It worries me that the adults whose job it is to teach our kids how to deal with the problems in life don't listen well. They too often misidentify or mischaracterize problems, and reject imperial evidence that doesn't sit well with their political anxieties. Many teaching professionals lack reasoning and collaborative skills, as do many of their graduating students. They are the blind leading the blind. Why do so many educators point to the NRA as one of the culprits of school-place shootings when there is absolutely no empirical evidence that the NRA has anything to do with it (not one mass shooter has been an NRA member)? The answer is simple: Our 'Progressive' educational culture looks for scapegoats and trains victims. It is a convenient way to perpetuate social dependence on unions and government and their related low responsibility, high benefit, taxpayer funded jobs. One administrator flatly stated President Trump was beholden to the NRA so he would never not take any action to ban assault weapons. One of Trump's main voter attractions was that he was not 'owned' by anybody. He self-funded his campaign, but the Progressive movement seldom let's facts get in the way of inflammatory rhetoric. What Trump and other pragmatists are suggesting is to simply allow some teachers and administrators, or even volunteer retired military or law enforcement veterans, to quietly and unobtrusively arm themselves on campus. By letting it be known that there is potentially armed resistance on school grounds, we could see the same kind of diminution of student shootings as we have seen in the airline industry since we put Homeland Security guards in the terminals and armed marshals on some of the planes. Have you noticed educators or advertisers boycotting the airline industry? Teachers who "cannot imagine having that responsibility of carrying a gun" can focus on what teachers do. But some teachers and administrators are seriously interested in protecting their students and have the ability to learn how to handle firearms. Let them do what they can and want to do. Standing in their way is aiding and abetting psychopathic social misfits who are preying on irrational fears and purely political naivete. ![]() "The Progressive Elixir is administered via language. Instead of sticking a needle in your arm, you speak with certitude about the paradise that awaits your transcendence. You repeat your platitudes, and practice your mantra. You preach and persuade, convert believers and grow the religion. You do this all day, every day, and substitute Political Correctness for bourgeois relationships, family and career." - Trump's Reckoning: Bulldozing Progressivism, Rebuilding Americanism by Rick Elkin (Coming soon!) ![]() I often point out how Progressives see everything in reverse of reality. Jerry 'Moonbeam' Brown, the Governor of California is a perfect example of how Leftists make absolutely no sense to anyone with half a brain, but in their minds they are intellectually superior and visionary. 'Moonbeam' has always been anti-war, anti-authority, and anti-business. Now we know he is anti-security too. In Moonbeam's World, there is no such thing as illegal immigrants. He sees all people who want to live in California as an asset. Bring 'em on! The more the merrier! Some experts estimate that California has allowed up to twenty million illegals to take up residence in California since he first took office in 1974. He lead the movement to give illegals drivers licenses, then helped the Democratically dominated legislature to pass a 'Motor Voter' law giving anyone with a driver's license the right to vote. Only a recycled sixties anti-everything Leftist could suggest, seriously, that a wall along the southern border is like the Berlin Wall. Speaking on NBC's Meet The Press, Brown said, "The wall, to me, is ominous. It reminds me too much of the Berlin Wall," He claimed the wall might be designed to keep people in. Maybe he was worried about the fact that experts estimate that over 4 million Californians have voluntarily left the state in the past 20 years. Maybe he came to that conclusion when he visited the area and witnessed millions of California business owners waiting in line to emigrate to Mexico. Some of Moonbeams admirers think Trump is considering installing security towers along the wall with machine guns in case the enormous crowds of angry and disillusioned Calenzuelans try to breach the wall. Brown is the quintessential California Progressive. He attended all of the proper liberal colleges, including Berkeley and Yale, then matriculated to government 'service' and has been collecting taxpayer salaries for five decades. He has no business experience, no military service, no children, and he was raised by a lifetime politician. He has been resisting federal authority his whole life, so his abhorrence of a security wall is only natural. Brown smoked dope, lived in the governor's mansion with his celebrity girlfriend, has celebrated the Black Panthers, is a vegan, does not attend church but is comfortable portraying Trump policies as that of a dictator. All while his own state is looking more and more like a North Korean compound every day. Invoking his Christian religion, which he conveniently ignores when dealing with abortion or same sex marriage, Brown said his administration would "do the ...Christian thing." Then, in a very unChristian way, he threatened the Trump administration, "Don't mess with California. We are America!" This despite evidence that California is as unlike any state in America as it could be. For eight years in a row, California has been rated the most inhospitable to business by a survey of business executives. It has been rated 50th in business creation. Moonbeam governs the highest taxed state in the Nation. California has the third worst unemployment rate in our country, while having twice the debt of any other state. According to CNN, California has twice the business failure rate than any other state. Because of overwhelming demand for free services, California rates dead last in emergency rooms per million people. California accounts for about 12% of the nations population, but an astounding 33% of the Temporary Assistance For Needy Families federal welfare program. ![]() As for security, the murder rates in California are way up, as much as 50% in some areas. The City Attorney in San Bernardino told citizens to "lock your doors and load your guns" because there is not enough money available to adequately man the police department. Maybe that's because over 5,000 State Troopers made over $100,000 last year. How many other states have four term Governors who pat themselves on the back for allowing their state to be overrun by illegals? Brown's Progressive policies have created the largest welfare entitlement in the country and he recently declared all of California as a 'Sanctuary State.' Is it any wonder that Trump spent zero time campaigning in the Democratic Socialist Republic of California? He rightly fears for the future of his sanctuary cities, because the federal government is contemplating ending all subsidies to any state that undermines federal immigration policy, Now Brown claims that the Trump administration has declared all out war on California. He says that is not a good idea. Why not? Who is going to win that war, Jerry? But in a typically arrogant rant, Brown says his state is leading the nation and the world in Progressive policies and accomplishments, like climate change and women's rights legislation. Calenzuela cannot win any war whether it is economic or social. California is an island of ideologues operating as a ponzi scheme. If it weren't for the entertainment industry, a constant influx of low wage earning taxpayers and the great weather, it would have collapsed a long time ago. |
January 2025