Recent headlines indicate that National Security departments are serious about the threat presented by the drone craze. Flying a few pounds of plastic explosives into a packed baseball stadium is entirely possible and may well be in the planning stages by terrorist operatives. The apparent ease of penetrating the White House grounds by some drunk drone enthusiast has put the CIA and FBI on high alert. There is currently a Black Dart operation at Point Mugu Naval Weapons Center in California whose sole purpose is to develop anti-drone technology weapons. The fact is, stopping rogue drones is in many ways similar to stopping illegal immigration. It is pointless to have lots of weapons if you can't control the borders. It is just an enormous whack-a-mole game that is unwinnable. Who let drones fly unregistered and uncontrolled in otherwise highly controlled airspace in the first place? Keeping traffic under scrutiny in airspace is a fundamental necessity. Just like controlling borders. Without both, you don't really have a civilized society. Letting aliens run wild in the US is just as careless. It usurps all vestiges of a civilized, mutually respectable society where the rights and privileges of it's 'citizens' suddenly are meaningless. The same with airspace. If we let anyone trespass in the corridors of air traffic, we might as well tear down all traffic controls on our highway system. It will soon degrade into complete and utter chaos. Why is this so hard for people to understand? Is it because our collective memory is so short sighted? Our modern world just can't remember what life was like in the Dark Ages? Because it seems like there is a growing segment of the population that is pushing us back into that world of violence, decay, fear and chaos. I am just as freedom-loving as anyone, but freedom can't live in a vacuum. It requires the oxygen of civilization, which means that certain mutual sacrifices must be observed to allow all of us to respect human rights. When those basic tenets are undermined, we all lose the control it requires to keep the peace. Humans are by nature not so easy to live with. They have survival instincts, but they must also practice social skills or their long term life expectancy is diminished. The dominant species is ambitiously looking to dominate, especially other humans. Fascism is just around the corner from freedom, especially in neighborhoods that have no social restraints.. When Donald Trump said he preferred war heroes who weren't captured, he lit a firestorm over his 'disrespect' for American service members. Some said he had impugned all who wear the uniform. I saw a comment by Presidential candidate Ben Carson who noted, "It depends on how you define hero." I think this is a fair assessment, since you can't really believe it OK to reference every person who ever wore a service uniform automatically a 'hero.' That would distort the definition of hero and depreciate the unique aspects of what constitutes a true hero. So where do we draw the line on this kind of characterization of someone's service? Just what does it take to qualify as a 'hero?' Once again we find ourselves battling an Orwellian-style redefinition of important and respected American institutions and icons. George Orwell predicted in his classic novel '1984' that massive efforts to modify, devalue and impugn the dominant language of a democratic society was a fundamental tactic to turn citizens against popularly elected, representative governments and the culture of freedom. So now we have patriots warring with each other over the definition of who is a hero and how much should people value their opinions, especially when those opinions are at variance with the politically correct, anti-US, anti-war, anti-capitalist template. It is amazing to me how easily this strategic tactic diverts Americans from the stopping the outrageous usurpation of personal rights and freedoms, and sends the entire political discourse into a totally irrelevant and specious spiral of media frenzy and wasted public debate over misrepresented and redefined words that alter the realities of the issues. Where is George Orwell now? We need him more than ever.... Remember the classic 'Everyone Loves Raymond' episode where Robert complains (and exposes the ongoing storyline) that when the family went on a road trip, they thought so little of him that after driving off and leaving him at a gas station rest stop, it took them hours to notice he wasn't in the car. Robert represents the universal second child in most families who grows up feeling discounted, neglected, overlooked and in some ways abused. In many families the first born tends to be an overachiever, and as in my family, the second born, an under achiever. No matter how much I achieved, it was always in second place to my brother (i.e., 'Raymond'). But more currently, Robert represents the sense of abandonment felt by many of us Boomer Generation parents. Our children, it seems, don't need us anymore. It may hold true for others in the family line, I don't know because my brother and I were the only two children. But one thing about our family, that I always cherished, was the respect both of us had for the authority and leadership of our parents. I now know that my older brother felt slighted as a young man. Even though he excelled in everything he tried, scholastically, in organized sports, and later in business, he secretly felt that 'Mom' loved me more. He revealed this painful truth to me after both of our parents were gone and in a moment of nostalgia fueled by a half dozen beers. I would've bet she felt the opposite, but overall we both knew how dear we were to both of our folks and that they would never fail to be there for us in a time of need. They had always attended every milestone event, most all if not all sports events, graduations, awards ceremonies, you name it, if it had to do with my brother or me, they were there. Both of them. Up until their last day on earth, I would never hesitate to get their point of view, their recommendations, to tap into their vast wealth of knowledge and experience before I made any major decisions in my life. I may not always agree with them, but I also knew they had developed their perspectives with many more years of experience, and I would be a fool to discount that. Do the vast majority of Millennials feel the same about not only their parents, but the entire 2000 year old generations of human existence that preceded them? I ask because everyday it seems the news is filled with startling social changes that fly in the face of history. I feels like our children are leaving their parents behind at the reststop. And it isn't clear as to whether they will ever discover that we are not in the car with them. We are all passengers on the Planet Earth as it travels through time and space, but those who are now holding the steering wheel seem to be driving us all over a cliff! I hate acting like a backseat driver, but when you are sitting in the back and the driver is not looking ahead, it is dark and he has no headlights on, and we are barreling down the road at 100 miles an hour, on a road I know ends at a cliff, what am I supposed to do? Lets take the Institution of Marriage for example. One of the oldest institutions known to mankind. The social tool used to bind males and females together to stabilize the incredibly important and difficult function of procreation. Arguably one of the most enduring social constructs, marriage is endemic to all civilized societies. It extends to every corner of the planet, regardless of race, creed, color or religious association. Cultures with non-traditional organizational structures, non-religious groups, and even prehistoric tribes living in complete isolation, practice marriage rituals. Literally hundreds of previous generations have exalted, venerated, even worshipped marriage. Every scientific study ever produced about marriage shows it has mostly positive effects on the individuals involved, on the offspring, and within the community. Marriage supports the idea of community cohesion, peace and stability, and integration of people of different backgrounds and cultural variations. It helps communities, schools, churches, and social networks build identity. It supports the protection and nurturing of children. It might just be the most important cultural institution in the history of Mankind. So now, our children are convinced that it should be abandoned and a new, much different template that they have devised should replace it. I am not interested in making judgements, just in pointing out the implied disrespect and dismissal of timeless cultural institutions that we are witnessing at an alarming rate today. Lets look at Patriotism. Can I mention it, or would that be too incendiary? Am I displaying my parochialism? Is it inherently warlike to express an allegiance to my country? You would think so if you listened to college professors, or many of the leftist Millennials who have been taught at the institutions of higher learning in America, and I might add, throughout the Western World. What was inculcated as a social and civic bond at the earliest stages of our lives is now characterized as a tool of male mysogination, white privilege and the exploitation of the poor to send minorities and poor boys to war over oil and white owned corporate power worldwide. Traditional symbols of patriotism like the flag, or wearing military uniforms, or a lapel pin, are often targets of derision and shame expressed by young people who have an idealistic view that if we just gave up our borders, lowered our flags, avoided conflict, and showed less pride in our country and it's 'dubious' accomplishments, there would be less rancour and war. Then there is the concept of American Exceptionalism: the term is deemed to be an arrogant, self-serving construct to elevate the United States to a pinnacle that is undeserved, incendiary, and condescending. It ignores, however the obvious facts that America has been and still is the beacon of Freedom around the globe. That America has saved more people from totalitarianism than all other counties combined. That the presence of American military might has for over one hundred years secured and provided security from instability, violence, and genocide for most of mankind. It ignores the obvious fact that without exception, countries that have engaged in war with us inevitably end up better off after their defeat than before. No other world power can make that claim, which in itself qualifies America for the brand of Exceptional. Our culture embraces a 'Blame America First' mentality because it is supported by a Marxist leaning cabal of University professors and intellectual elitists. President Obama, a Harvard graduate, spent much of his first term traveling around the World apologizing for America's 'mistakes' in the past. He epitomizes the growing consensus that America is responsible for most of the misery in the World because we have been arrogant, selfish and insensitive to other nations and cultures. Our consumer mentality, resulting from unfettered capitalism, has 'raped' the World of its resources, contaminated the environment, warmed the globe, and institutionalized racism and poverty. The sad truth is, how can you blame our children for feeling this way? Since kindergarten they have had this stuff pounded into their head at all levels of their education. All they hear about is end-of-humanity calamities, most of which were engendered by their own Country and by implication, their own parents. That would be you and me... Then there are the Institutions of Higher Education teaching Global Warming as 'settled science.' Our schools follow a simple curricula; the world is under threat from warming caused by people who drive too much, corporations who poison the environment and their customers through a coalition of international drug companies and medical professionals, enslave their them to overpriced and dangerously untested drugs, people who brutalize, enslave and eat animals, people who smoke, armies who kill for oil, and all of this orchestrated by white men who make all the wrong decisions for women, and abhor homosexuals. Yes, I am a white male, so maybe I am a little paranoid, but if I were the head of an Asian family, I would be worried. You guys pay too much attention to scholastic accomplishment. You abuse your children by demanding too much respect. Your extremely high rate of high school and college graduation is taking advanced educational opportunities away from inner city kids who need it most. Your selfish! The War on Women is worrisome. Since I am married to a woman and I have a recently married (uh oh) daughter, I am defensive about anyone attacking women. The problem is, it is I who is 'prosecuting the war on women.' I am the threat to their opportunities, to their self respect. It is all us white male parents who are guilty of denying women equal pay for equal work, the pride of professional career accomplishment. Us old white guys are wrecking the lives of those that we promised to cherish and protect and those that we helped raise. How can this be? Not only are us guys now the minority on the planet, but we have been totally emasculated by our youth culture. Men are increasingly becoming irrelevant, and so is our counsel. When was the last time a male was promoted to Chancellor at your local University? Have you seen a male doctor lately? Hope you don't have to go to court soon, because you will probably have your fate decided by a female Judge. It is counterintuitive isn't it? Watching the incredible ascension of women in the workplace speaks loudly of the failure of the War on Women. It has obviously been a colossal flop. Don't get me wrong, I love women. My Mom was a women! So was yours. We all have much in common, but you wouldn't know it by all of the divisive issues confronting our culture today. It seems like as much as we thought our Baby Boomer Generation had wrestled with racism, sexism, poverty, war, and social injustice, it sure feels like we have found ourselves caught in a tide pool of disintegrating values, divided and antagonistic racial tensions, and an explosion of civil unrest, wars and cultural conflicts all around the World. All of which can be blamed on our Military Industrial Complex. Us older folks know about the history of wars. The totally barbaric battles and campaigns of Middle Ages. The brutal and stupid waste of human life during our Civil War and then again on a more massive scale in World War I. The sickening and more modern worldwide destruction of human inventory of World War II. We learned about this in school, and through the media, movies and later TV. We listened to the stories of our forefathers and read their letters to home, their snapshots and their news clippings. We cried when our contemporaries were killed and maimed in Korea and Vietnam. We cried when they died because we knew they gave so much and we lost so many. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder... When we were called to go to Viet Nam, many said no...those who didn't were damaged for life by the experience and then they were spit upon when they came home. Instead of venerating the young men and women who gave their freedom to protect ours, many were persuaded to paint them as animals sent to destroy and terrorize innocent people of color. They returned to a nation at war with itself, and they were made out to be symbolic of everything that was 'wrong' with America. Now along comes a generation who has no real time experience with war. What they have been told in school is hindsight that is filtered through political lenses often hostile to America. The closest connection they have to real battle is Viet Nam or the Wars in the Middle East, meaning it is you and me that give them that perspective, and for many of us it was so unpleasant we either don't want to talk about it or we talk trash about it. In the high visibility TV enhanced worst possible scenario, someone goes off with an AK47 in a bell tower. This current generation of thirty and forty somethings, and to an even greater degree those in their twenties, really believe war is preventable and that the only reason it occurs is because rich people get richer from it. That is what they have learned from college, from angry and disillusioned minority groups, and media outlets like KPBS, and is reinforced everyday by the mainstream media and Hollywood. That is their answer to just about everything. If rich people didn't get richer from war, poverty, racism, disease, suppression of women, and hatred of homosexuals, then the world would be one big Sesame Street romper room. My concern is simple: how do we reverse this insidious tendency to dismiss all of the lessons of history that our Youth Culture ignores? How do we convince them that preserving, and respecting the cultural institutions that have proven to be valuable and important is just as important as taking credit for inventing the newest (unproven) template for sustaining the human race? Where did we go wrong? How did we manage to destroy our own credibility in just one or two generations? Of course we made some of the same mistakes, that goes hand in hand with evolution of the species. All generations have to make many of the same mistakes the previous generation had to make to learn. But why try to reinvent the wheel? Not just come up with a better wheel, but toss the old one under the bus before you have any significant real world experience with the new one? So as I sit in the backseat of my offspring's beautiful, hi-tech, hi-mileage automobile, and I note that the youthful driver is not watching the car in front of him. That he is busy using his cellphone to text inconsequential messages to his similarly bored and disengaged friends, and as I note the road signage that indicates we are rapidly approaching a dead end, in the dark since the driver has not turned on the operating lights, and since we are barreling along at near 100 miles per hour, you will excuse me if I make a few rather insensitive and loud suggestions. I am wishing that I had been inadvertently left behind at the last gas station. Nothing makes me crazier than constantly seeing the media, when covering our immigration problems and comments about the people who are crossing our borders illegally with impunity, conflating immigration with illegal immigration. Literally every day I read or hear media references to all 'immigrants' as a monolithic group. I have yet to hear, for example, a single reference to Donald Trump, that doesn't describe his position on illegal immigration as an 'anti immigrant' attitude. Obviously, this applies to everyone who is determined to enforce our existing immigration laws. We are all being improperly characterized, and I would offer, impugned, by a deliberate distortion of our position and our humanity. To solve this problem, I suggest we get the language correct. Illegal immigration is not 'immigration' at all! Immigration is, after all, a legal definition of a security policy. It is entirely regulated activity. It is not the same thing as bird watching, or sightseeing. It is not a social activity. When someone ignores the law and decides to just walk, ride, crawl or otherwise move themselves into our country, they are trespassers! Once they access our services, they become burglars! This is the correct application of the language, not some Orwellian distortion of a political activity or description of social or cultural identity. What is the difference between one individual walking into a fenced yard uninvited and a person of a foreign country sneaking into our country? And when that trespasser decides to let themselves into a home that is not theirs, make themselves a sandwich and use the shower, that is burglary! So, from now on, I suggest American citizens demand that their news media start speaking English. Write and tell them to immediately stop their apparent disregard for the definition of the words and descriptions of events and policies and positions of our leaders. We cannot function as a free and self governed Nation if we continue to allow the denigration and purposeful redefinition of our language! Lets call a spade a spade: illegal immigrants = Border Trespassers. Border Trespassers who access public services such as food stamps, health care, public school, or welfare, or even take a job illegally, = Burglary Suspects. This will make our public discourse much more accurate and dispassionate. This is a security issue all Americans need to be concerned with, so to do anything less would be criminal. This from a post on 'Family Security Matters. org'
(1) According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), 2,266,800 adults were incarcerated in U.S. federal and state prisons, and county jails at year-end 2011 - about 0.94% of adults in the U.S. resident population.[7] The World Prison Brief puts the total number of foreign prisoners in all federal, state and local facilities at 5.9%. That means that illegal aliens commit serious crimes 5 times more often than the rest of the American population! The following are just a few of the victims of illegal aliens in the USA. We are warning you now, gird your loins to read these news reports, as the descriptions of the crimes are horrifying. Just a selection of Crimes Committed against Americans by Illegals (keep scrolling!) The Sanctuary city of San Francisco protected the previously convicted illegal alien gang member charged in the murder of Michael Bologna, 20, his brother Matthew, 16, and his father Anthony, 48 Illegal alien stabs to death 24 year old college student Lauren Bump Illegal alien charged with murder for vicious stabbing death of Kathleen Byham in a Wal-Mart parking lot Twice deported illegal alien charged with murder of Sheriff's Deputy Josie Fox, 37 Mary Nagle - was raped and murdered by illegal alien who then uses her cell phone to brag about crime to her friends and family Illegal Alien Kidnaps, Rapes, and Buries Alive an 8 Year Old Girl Illegal Alien Abducts, Rapes, and Murders 10-Year Old Girl Illegal Alien Kidnaps, Molests, Strangles, and Kills Esmerelda Nava, just 4 years old. Mary Sadler, 74, is sexually assaulted and beaten to death by illegal alien Twice deported illegal alien charged with raping Chandler, AZ girl, 14 Illegal Alien Charged With Raping 6 Year Old Girl Drunk Illegal Alien Sexually Assaults and Murders 23 Year Old College Girl, Danielle Gorectke Two illegal aliens charged with kidnap, rape, torture, and attempted murder. Illegal alien rapes and brutally kills Natasha Ramen, 20 Two Illegal Aliens Brutally Rape NJ Woman Illegal alien runs a red light and kills Pamila Yoder, a mother of three, who was headed home for her own birthday celebration Carina Saunders, 19, tortured then beheaded in Oklahoma Two Illegal Aliens Kidnap, Rape, Beat, and Leave for Dead an 18 Year Old Woman 6 Year Old Girl Raped by Illegal Alien Illegal alien pleads guilty to attempted rape, sex abuse charges and murder of 15 year old Dani Countryman Illegal alien charged with brutal rape, attempted murder in Newport News 21-year-old homecoming queen, Jennifer Lee Hampton, was raped and strangled to death in motel room by an illegal alien working at the motel. Illegal alien convicted of murdering Gloria Marie Applegate in alley after attempted rape Illegal Alien Kidnaps and Sexually Assaults Girl, 6 Previously deported illegal alien rapes 12 year old girl Illegal alien from Guatemala was arrested after he was caught raping a 2-year-old girl in her home and stabbing the girls father who came to her rescue Sean Marti, 24, and 5-month-old Sage Sea Marti were killed by drunk driving, illegal alien Drunk Driving Illegal Alien Slams into Car - Kills 3, Seriously Injures 1 Twice Deported Illegal Alien Executes LA Cop David March Drunk Driving Illegal Alien Kills Bicyclist, Brandon Haley, in Hit and Run Accident Illegal Alien Arrested for Raping and Killing Woman, 74, After Being Convicted of Raping girl, 10 Drunk Driving Illegal Alien Runs Over Angel Avendano, 4, At Bus Stop Previously Deported, Drunk Driving Illegal Alien with 4 Prior DUIs Kills Amy Kortlang, 22, in Hit-and-Run Accident Drunk Driving Illegal Alien Who Had Been Deported 14 Times Kills Famous Mandolin Maker Charlie Derrington Drunk Driving Illegal Alien Kills 3, Seriously Injures Another Drunk Driving Illegal Alien with 5 Prior DUIs Kills Mt Juliet, TN Couple. UNC Student Min Chang Killed by Drunk Driving Illegal Alien with 3 prior DWIs and Who Had Been Deported 17 times! Illegal Alien Brutally Rapes and Murders Britney Binger16 Illegal Alien with Long Criminal History Kills Motorcyclist Justin Goodman in Hit-and-Run Accident Drunk Driving Illegal Alien with 3 Prior DUIs Kills Maria Ortiz, 49, and her Pregnant Daughter, Vanessa, 18 Twice Deported Drunk Driving Illegal Alien with Two Prior DUIs Kills 8-month Pregnant Woman Leanna Newman An intoxicated illegal alien was charged with vehicular homicide in the deaths of Cheryl Ceran, 47, and two of her young children Ian, 15, and Julianna, 7. Three other family members were seriously injured. Drunk Driving Illegal Alien Kills Marine Brian Matthews, 21, on Leave from Iraq and His Date Jennifer Bower, 24, on Thanksgiving. Illegal Alien with 5 Deportations and 4 Prior Felonies Arrested for Murder Illegal Alien Janitor Rapes 14 Year-Old Girl at School Drunk Driving Illegal Alien Kills Meghan Hughes, 22, Ben Leonard, 16, and Jennifer Carter, 18 in North Carolina Drunk Driving Illegal Alien Crashes Into Family Car, Killing Antione Bumvu, 43, and Eddy Bumvu, 2, and Seriously Injuring 2 more. Drunk Driving Illegal Alien Crashed Into Parked Car Killing Crystal Cargua and Sylvester McLean. Illegal Alien Gang Lines Up Four Youths and Shoots Them - 3 Die, 1 Survives Illegal alien runs over off duty police officer, Vincent D'Anna, drags him to death as he tries to flee the scene Twice deported illegal alien charged with raping Chandler, AZ girl, 12, and suspected of numerous other assaults Drunk Driving Illegal Alien Kills Nicole Allen, 21, and Seriously Injures Two Others Drunk Driving Illegal Alien Kills Movie Director Bob Clark and His Son Ariel. Tessa Tranchant, 16, and Allison Kunhardt, 17, were killed in Virginia Beach, VA by by drunk driving illegal alien Alfredo Ramos Twenty-five year old mother Amy Bartelmay killed by drunk, speeding illegal alien Illegal Alien Arrested for Killing Three and wounding Two Drunk Driving IIlegal Runs Stop Sign - 2 Killed & 2 Critically Injured on Thanksgiving Drunk Driving Illegal Alien with Previous DWIs Seriously Injures Bettie Coates in Wrong-Way Crash Diane Bronson, 44, and daughter Anna, 11 killed by illegal alien driving the wrong-way on I-435 Drunk driving illegal alien kills nun, injures two others Illegal alien charged with felony drunk driving in the death of teenager Joshua George on prom night Drunk driving illegal alien slams into couple's car causing extensive injuries, long rehabilitation time, and massive medical costs. Louella Winton, 91, was killed by an illegal alien driver as she slept in her bed Drunk Driving Illegal Alien Slams into Car - Kills Christopher Shackleford, 19, Julieanne Pascoe, 18, and Kelli Bourgeois, 19. Matthew Hunt, 24, was severely injured and is now permanently crippled. Illegal Alien Smashes Into Car, Killing Dustin Inman and Seriously Injuring Two Others Illegal Alien Murders Off-duty Police Officer Cop Hugo Arango and Injures Another Man Drunk Driving Illegal Alien Runs Down Annie Cumpston, 6, In Crosswalk. Driver flees and Annie Dies a Few Hours Later. Norfolk Police Officer Shiela Herring Murdered by Illegal Alien Who Had Been Deported Three Times Illegal Alien Rapes Two Catholic Nuns, Kills Sister Helen Chaska Illegal Alien Truck Driver Crushes Family of Four on I81 in Tennessee Illegal Alien Kidnapped, raped, and murdered Vinessa Hora, 23 Illegal Alien Kidnaps and Rapes Girl, 10 Illegal Alien Sexually Assaults Westborough, MA Woman, 58, and Five Others Illegal alien smugglers cause massive traffic accident killing 6 and injuring 15 Illegal Alien Shoots and Kills Police Officer Brandon Winfield Illegal Alien Murders 3 Children, Beheads One, Nearly Decapitates Two Illegal Alien Shoots Two Denver Cops - Kills Officer Donald Young and Seriously Injures Detective Bishop Dallas Police Officer Brian Jackson gunned down by illegal alien while responding to a domestic disturbance call. Two Illegal Aliens Kill Hispanic Leader Aniceto Armendariz On His Way Home from Church with Shotgun Blast Huntsville, Alabama police officer Daniel Golden shot to death by an illegal alien while getting out of his patrol car Twice Deported Illegal Alien Driving HIgh on Meth Kills College Dean Peggy Keller Illegal Alien Murders Carly Snyder, 20, by Stabbing Her 37 Times Illegal Alien Runs Red Light and Kills Middle School Principal Margaret Campbell Navy Police Woman Christy Ayala, 24, Murdered By Illegal Alien Drunk Driving Illegal Alien with 5 Prior DUIs Kills Mt Juliet, TN Couple, Donna and Sean Wilson Lori Rountree, 44, and Daughter Adrian, 16, Murdered by Sixteen Year Old Illegal Alien Illegal Alien Kills Ex-Football Coach David Bassore While Drag Racing on I-35 Illegal alien shoots ex-girlfriend Amanda Duran in the back of the head with a shotgun Illegal Alien Stalks, Kidnaps and Beats Wirh Rubber Mallet a Woman Who Rejected His Advances Officer Rodney Johnson was murdered by an illegal alien apprehended at a traffic stop Illegal Alien Charged with Running Over Jogger Kimberly McDaniel and Leaving Her for Dead Deputy Brian Tephford fatally shot by illegal alien during traffic stop Actress and talented screen writer Adrienne Shelly was murdered by an illegal alien in her Manhattan office Illegal Alien Opens Fire on Cops - Kills Officer Corey Carbocci and Seriously Injures Deputy Brian Tephford Drunk Driving Illegal Alien with 2 Prior DUI Convictions Kills Dwane Braswell, 35, and His 9 Year Old Son Jerry Illegal Alien Runs Over Eleven-Year-Old Gladys Reyes and Drags Her for 500 Yards Illegal Aliens Kidnap, Torture, and Murder Linoshka Torres and Luis Campos, 20 Josh Morrow, 4, run over and killed by an illegal alien who fled the scene of the accident Joey Zhang-Liu, 4, is sexually assaulted and murdered by illegal alien Twice Deported, Drunk Driving Illegal Alien Kills George Smith TSU track star Joycelyn Gardiner killed by drunk driving illegal alien Nine year old Jordin Paulder murdered with an ax by an illegal alien Deputy Frank Fabiano, a United States Marine, was murdered by a DUI illegal alien pulled over for a traffic violation Illegal Alien Pleads Guilty To Raping Boy, 13, Near School Twice deported illegal alien sexually assaults woman Illegal Alien Arrested for Sexual Assault on Girl, 13, in Store Illegal Alien Runs into 5 Highway Construction Workers Killing James Cronin and Martin Ruffin Family of 3 Burned to Death When Their Car Is Hit by Drunk Driving Illegal Alien Illegal Immigrant Charged With Raping Elderly Woman, 83 Officer Nick Erfle killed in shoot out with illegal alien Illegal Alien Arrested in California I-5 Freeway Rape Illegal Alien Hit and Run Driver Kills Wheelchair Bound Mother Mary Denise Richey, 40 Bible Store owners killed by suspected illegal alien who cut their throats Illegal alien convicted of vehicular homicide after running stop light and killing two women and a three year old child Read more: Family Security Matters Under Creative Commons License: Attribution It is simply not 'racist' to state indisputable facts that need to be dealt with in order to restore peace and security to our Country. In fact, it would be criminal to allow this kind of activity to continue to wreck havoc on society, no matter who or what the racial or ethnic makeup is of any identifiable group that is associated with such violent and destructive activities. Just because some animals are rabid doesn't make all animals bad, but in a civilized society it is incumbent upon authorities to vanquish the rabid ones for the sake of the entire population. We should be glad SOMEONE has the leadership fortitude to state the obvious! |
January 2025