(Excerpt from my new eBook)
In 2017 Trump moved into the White House, and John Brennan, Barack Obama, George Soros, and a few select former Obama operatives like Susan Rice, James Comey, James Clapper and John Podesta went on the offensive, behind the scenes of course. They got 110% support from the CIA and the Pentagon which had long since gone rogue and Woke. Trump faced the same kind of dogged harassment that the CIA used to undermine Syrian President Bashar Assad, Libya's Gaddafi and Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. In their mind, he was just as dangerous and if allowed to go untouched, Trump could expose "this thing of ours". With Sock Puppet Chairman Joe in the White House, Nancy Pelosi in control of the House, "this thing of ours" has sucker punched the American middle class, our small business community and they are well on their way to creating a Communist-style welfare state. And John Brennan is right in the middle of it. Every year the Super Bowl fights to maintain its position as the most watched television event. The NFL employs thousands of PR experts and incentivizes producers to come up with pre-game activities, media content and celebrity endorsements to build anticipation and expectations. It is the culmination of a brutal 16 week schedule of fierce internecine combat, and on the heels of the exhausting Christmas and New Year Holidays. For a large part of the country, Winter has folks locked down and Spring is still a few difficult weeks away. The Super Bowl comes around at the perfect time to serve as the Ultimate Diversion. It has the appearance of something extraordinarily meaningful, when in fact it has absolutely no redeeming meaning at all. The Super Bowl Halftime Show, which has to be epic just to exist alongside the Biggest Show On Earth, continues to be extremely controversial. The NFL is shameless in it's hypocrisy, constantly promoting "End Racism" and "Women Power" rhetoric, while simultaneously hiring urban rappers who sell millions of recordings of blatantly racist and hate-filled diatribes about killing cops and celebrating extreme misogyny. I avoid watching halftime shows, and lament the obvious politicalization of Professional Football. But when the game ends, I am always encouraged. Why? Because the players who get the opportunity to publicly express their "feelings" about the game and the work it takes to win a World Championship, do a phenomenal job of promoting the best aspects of their profession. With few exceptions, when confronted by the sideline reporters asking "How does it feel to win the Big Game?" most players openly weep, explaining that they are so happy and proud that they are speechless. They go on to give their Lord And Savior acknowledgement for his blessings. Then they proudly pronounce that it takes a "Team Effort", that the team is made up of "Special People" who care about each other, support each other, and who "never give up". They look up and give the fans affirmation, noting how much their support inspires the players to "come to work every day, to work long hours at making ourselves the best we can be!" And then, the most exceptional part, is when they look over their shoulder and say "Of course, I want to thank my wife, my kids and my whole family, because without their love and constant support, I would not be here today!" Granted, the 4 hour event spends most of its advertising time espousing dark and narcissistic themes, but in the few minutes that is devoted to interviewing the MVP, the Winning Head Coach and even the Team Owner, America gets some very intense sermons about what it takes to be successful, to achieve goals, to create a unified "Team Effort" to overcome obstacles and fear, and to then share that wonderful sense of accomplishment, not just among themselves but with the community and the entire country. We get reminded that we Americans are all part of a family. We all have a common love for making our lives as good as they can be. We honor and respect sacrifice and determination, and recognize the character it reveals when we accomplish great things together. It may seem cliche, but it proves that the fundamental reasons we all love the game of football (or baseball, or any sporting event) is because it unites us! The underlying motivation to be involved in competition, to build something bigger than ourselves, is to inspire ourselves. To move us to set the bar high, to achieve and to use synergism to "touch the sky" as Jimi Hendrix would say. I can only hope viewers stick around after the game ends just long enough to be reminded why we watch in the first place. (An excerpt from my new eBook "f'd: For Your Own Good")
All of this is no different than an abusive relationship, when a man or woman imposes their complete control on their partner. In a relationship dominated by coercive control, the manipulator uses tools to steal their victim’s self-identity. Isolation: keep their victim from sharing their situation with others (control social media, close churches, shut down family events and public gatherings). Intimidation: keep them in a state of fear (millions have died from the Pandemic, get your shot, protect your neighbor and your family, hospitals are overflowing). Degradation: Constantly reminding them of their shortcomings, how helpless they are and how much they need your guidance and support. To keep them from running away, abusers shower their victims with gifts and phony affection: Democrats promise to forgive student loans, provide free college education, free healthcare, and childcare services. They hand out billions in Paycheck Protection Welfare, while telling Americans they are the most generous people on earth for inviting millions of unvetted immigrants into their communities and schools. Our culture has been undergoing a mass version of this form of social coercion. We are being groomed by what I call the FrankenMedia and a small percentage of very wealthy Globalists who see themselves controlling 7½ billion people through mass brainwashing. They use the military as a training center for social justice causes and to occasionally tamp down the obstinate Conspiracy Theorists and Right-Wing Domestic Terror Campaigns, as needed. They want their victims to conform to characteristics they have given them, socially, sexually, and mentally. Some capitulate and submit to controls and simply resolve to live with no self-realization. Others resist, pack up and leave under cover of darkness. Victims of coercive domestic abuse are sometimes attacked, and sadly, many are killed by their partner. In a general sense, this is what is happening in slow motion, to our nation. We are being slowly choked to death by the perfect storm of a hijacked domestic election and the simultaneous worldwide color revolution brought about by the weaponization of public health mandates and the suspension of human freedoms. If we continue to accept this as a necessary evil, we will soon discover we have been consumed by evil. We must resist. Just like some people cannot be hypnotized on stage, because they just can't "let go" and release their self-control to the hypnotist, Americans have to steady our own sense of self control and recognize the subtle attempts to coerce us in television, in social media, and in relationships with our employers and our instructors, and by the community of Science First control freaks that insist these coercive controls are For Our Own Good. (An excerpt from my new eBook "f'd: For Your Own Good")
The recent Presidential election was counterfeit. It may have passed as legitimate to some, but anyone with a discerning eye recognized it for what it was, a lousy representation of the genuine article. Unfortunately, it has now been passed around for so long, and so many people have participated in the crime, we all just wish it wasn't so. In our Constitutional Republic the voting franchise is one of the most important and valuable possessions we have. Millions of American patriots have laid down their lives to give and preserve that precious right for the American people. Other than volunteers at polling places, who is looking out for voter rights? What is the security device, the authority that serves to stand guard over that precious jewel? Aren't Americans entitled to have their voting franchise protected from fraud? From being hijacked by some unknown force, some anarchist group, or some unseen cyber pirates? If we are supposed to be a Constitutional Republic that gives citizens the power to govern themselves, then how do we do that if we can't trust our governmental authorities to protect the integrity of our ballot? By extending the voting process to mail in, to vote by proxy and to count votes using computer devices, aren't we compromising accountability? When citizens vote, massive amounts of power change hands. Are we supposed to believe that isn't attractive to power hungry humans? Come on, man, we all know power releases immense amounts of dopamine. The slightest hint of fraud in the election process suggests a cancerous tumor is present and should it be malignant, it would certainly be deadly to our Constitutional Republic. No system of self-government can exist without a secure system of collecting the will of the people. Representative government is a myth if the vehicle of representation is simply a realistic facsimile, an electronic digit, or a ballot with no connection to an established identity. Listening to claims that the election was rigged is like having the flu. For a few days you think you are going to die, but in a week or so you start feeling normal and you quickly forget how sick you were. Before long you simply go back to normal and wait for next time. This has become the standard political reaction to any claim of "stolen" elections. The major parties just look the other way, which implies that they both participate in some form of cheating. Most people hate the idea that cheating is in any way acceptable. It doesn't matter what party you favor; most Americans understand that there is no such thing as being a "little bit crooked". Americans on both sides of the political aisle hate getting f'd. (An excerpt from my eBook "f'd: For Your Own Good)
Currently, we are witnessing the Deep Fake phenomenon that makes it impossible to believe anything we see in the news, on social media or even in our email. Editing and faking all forms of public discourse is a new tactic to control open discussion and the fair exchange of ideas. I have noticed a common theme, however. As the technology of communications has exploded, and the ability to influence large numbers of unsuspecting media consumers has also expanded exponentially, there is a pattern emerging. Notice how many of the events that undermine political momentum seem to occur under Republican administrations? Nixon was sailing along when suddenly Watergate upset the applecart. Then Reagan was close to successfully winning line item veto power and conveniently he was caught up in a massive scandal involving supporting an anti-Communist insurgency in Nicaragua. After his surprising win in 2016, President Trump was reeling off campaign promise successes, one after another. Prominent Democrats admitted, if something major didn't interfere, Trump would easily win reelection. Voila! A Worldwide Pandemic happened! I can't help but wonder if our own intelligence community, the CIA in particular, isn't somehow behind so many of our nation's most critical transformational moments. They have the resources because their budgets are secretive and they have the power to confiscate "evidence" or simply steal cash and resources from criminals they pursue. They are playing a game the majority of people on Earth simply cannot comprehend. Why would I suggest the the CIA would necessarily prefer Democratic regimes? Well, think about that for a moment. Democrats are the Party of Big Government. They are essentially a government ponzi scheme operator. And who operates as the Godfather of that Crime Family? I would argue that the Media Cabal is the left arm, and the DNC is the right arm. The CIA is the Head of the Beast. It is the nerve center, the omniscient know-it-all brains of the operation. Like any Godfather, the CIA keeps their distance from the everyday machinations. They assume a posture of plausible deniability. But they are pulling the strings manipulating the Puppet Masters. And like any Crime Family, things can get messy. But keeping everybody in line, manipulating the information streams to the degree that digital technology now allows, keeping the narrative consistent, the news cycle positive, managing the public's emotions with strategic Red Flag diversions, and mastefully controlling the war on personal destruction, the CIA and their massive team of consiglieres across media, academia, unions and political parties have control of the flight plan. I believe they put Joe Biden in the Cockpit of America. |
January 2025