An excerpt from my recent eBook "f'd: For Your Own Good"...
America is in World War III and we have been since September 11, 2001. For a few months after passenger planes were used to attack our country, most Americans rallied, loudly announced their patriotism and their resistance to any effort to take down our American Dream. But in just a few months, the flag waving, the unanimous sense of unity, the singing of America The Beautiful and the National Anthem, the recitations of the Pledge Of Allegiance, and the support for George Bush and his declared war on terrorism, all started to sink into a sea of Progressive Propaganda seeping out from the Mainstream Media, academia and the leaders of all of the government employee and educational system unions. It was the opening salvo on American Exceptionalism and anything that resembled nationalism. Because the enemy in World War III is the Constitution of The United States of America, and the concept of personal property ownership and nation states. The cabal of the Progressive Jihad and the Chinese Communist Party is pushing for a New World Order, and they are marching across the globe right now behind the Virus Army, bulldozing personal freedoms while undermining national sovereignty, constitutional and common law. We have witnessed 20 years of ongoing wars using traditional methods all across the Middle East, Africa and to some degree in Eastern Europe. Across America, the war has been mainly political, but some urban warfare has been used successfully to stir up social unrest and violence. Mostly, Americans have fought amongst themselves, clashing over race, gender and crime. In military terms, these are all theaters of war. We call this form of conflict unconventional or asymmetric warfare because it isn't just two armies lining up and confronting each other with similar weapons. In the modern era, war is fought between many dissimilar groups, nations and movements. Some are organized and institutional, but most of the combatants are loosely organized, very dissimilar, using guerilla tactics and weapons strung together from scraps, or chemicals. World War III does not look like any war ever fought before, because it is more like gang warfare across neighborhoods in an inner city. But, there are some very strong indications that WWIII is being organized and driven by major economic and military interests, including some of our own. And the most disturbing wrinkle in this war is that much of it is taking place across and inside our borders. For the past 20 years America has been actively under assault by an invasion force we carelessly call "immigration". While normal immigration is an important element of the unique character of America, much of the recent illegal immigration invasion involves people who have no love for America and are not interested in assimilating. Once inside our country they are being organized into cells and used to disrupt our economy, our schools and our sense of community. In just the past decade they have successfully set up autonomous zones, taken over school boards and college administrations, and established businesses that raise money to facilitate more illegal, unvetted and dangerous immigration invasions. Their political influence has reduced funding for police and immigration enforcement, for prisons and increased funding for food and shelter support systems, and even gained access to free medical services. In WWII this would be described as the annexation of enemy territory. Today we call this changing demographics, or the "Browning of America". Unlike traditional immigration, what is happening now is part of a WWIII tactical invasion. It is just one of the tactics being used to undermine the strength and unity of America. How do we know there is a war going on inside American borders?
We are now twenty years removed from September 11, 2001, and what has the world done to change itself? Has the religious conflicts of thousands of years been resolved? Do people judge other people by their actions and their character rather than by the color of their skin? Is every human on Earth living with running water and ample food supply? Are the majority of men and women forming bonded relationships and raising peaceful, self-sufficient and productive children? Or are we humans doomed to continue to fight over management processes, over resources and territories? Are we going to continue to emphasize our differences, our grudges and our fears while building war machines to enforce our personal preferences in the interim? History will show that for nearly 250 years America led the world in almost every measurement of civility. Yes, we went through tough times, learning how to respect all humans, to acknowledge the inherent God given rights to live in freedom from servitude. To extend those rights to women, to invert the relationship between the government and the governed, and to stoke the ambition of people by allowing them to peacefully compete for economic security through hard work and innovation. But we also learned how to spoil ourselves. With economic sovereignty comes the allure of luxury. At some point it becomes too easy to avoid work, to submit to self indulgence, and to disrespect freedom. As the technological advancements of the 21st century exploded the number of labor saving devices, and technology became ubiquitous, we forgot just how precious freedom is. We started taking it for granted, and overindulged in excess freedom. The sexual revolution, the digital revolution, the culture of independence and responsibility has insulted the concept of human freedom. There are now, and there have always been, sworn enemies of freedom. Communism lives. The Chinese Communist Party has never wavered from its declared goals of imposing a Communist Government on the entire world. Many pseudo Communist, socialist and autocratic regimes live for the day they can form a One World Government, too. The idea that any one state would insist on independence is antithetical to power hungry and maleficent groups around the world. How do I conclude that we are now in World War III? First, let me review the other two World Wars. World War I was the clash of four empires, the Ottoman, Hungarian, Russian and German. It involved all of Old Europe and many of their client states. It would engulf every ocean and almost every continent. It lasted for four years but the USA only joined in for the last 1 ½ years. It took an enormous toll on human equity. It has been estimated that nearly 65 million men fought in WWI and at least 15 million died from wounds or disease they suffered in combat. President Woodrow Wilson ran for a second term on a promise to stay out of the war. Yet within just 4 weeks of taking office America declared war on Germany. Many claim that the concept of formalized terrorism was born at the outset of the war when a Serbian militia called Black Hand Sarajevo assassinated Archduke Ferdinand who was heir to the Austrian Hungarian throne. Later a German military policy called Schrecklichkeit marked the origins of institutional terrorism as it was designed to terrorize conquered citizens to avoid organized resistance. Both France and Germany used xylyl bromide tear gas and in 1915 Germany used poisonous chlorine gas on enemy troops. Ultimately 30 different poisonous gases were used as chemical weapons in WWI. Millions of soldiers suffered from PTSD, or as it was called then, Shell Shock. Many never recovered. The American military, as a result of its efforts to win the war, ended up becoming the largest military power in the world. It is a position of strength we have doggedly protected ever since. In the end, WWI produced the League of Nations, which in turn, laid the groundwork for the United Nations. Another side effect of the Treaty of Versailles were severe sanctions on Germany, which led to a deep recession, laying the groundwork for WWII. Did the War To End All Wars succeed in ending all wars? Of course not. There have been at least a dozen wars conducted by or participated in by the United States since WWI. That does not count the dozens of proxy wars the CIA has conducted under the radar. But WWI did usher in some major cultural changes: It led to the emancipation of African Americans from a default atmosphere of racial apartheid. It showed Americans that women could work just as hard and effectively as men in many jobs previously reserved for men. That cultural revelation ended up producing the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote. Conversely, it produced the world's first Communist Nation State, the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics. Which is a misnomer if there ever was one because the Soviet States were only united by force and the country could no way possibly be considered a Republic. But misusing language is the hallmark of communism. The formation of the USSR and the humiliation and estrangement of Germany from the world community, and the seemingly random extension of Allied Powers and League of Nations mandates across Europe and into the Middle East set up hundreds of social and cultural dead ends that were destined to explode at some point in the future. World War II grew out of the disarray and resentments exposed by WWI. Americans could sense the coming apocalypse and demanded our leaders to stay out of any new conflicts. This became known as the Isolation Movement, and produced a unique political consensus, unseen before or since. In Germany the National Socialist German Workers’ Party became a major political force, led by firebrand Adolf Hitler, who was essentially a disgruntled criminal, fresh out of prison. Written in prison, his manifesto Mein Kampf (My Struggle) outlined a plan to rebuild and reinvigorate the German peoples empire. He touched a nerve with a generation of damaged souls stuck in extreme poverty and hopelessness. Hopefully Americans remember the story of how a maniacal egomaniac could perform mass hypnosis on millions of willing subjects, eventually leading them into a suicide pact with the devil. If you have read my book The Illusion of Knowledge, you will understand how a partner, a trusted companion, a lover or a leader, can manipulate one or millions of people with the proper support systems, and get them to do things they would never ordinarily do. It is a psychological form of abuse called perspecticide, and Hitler was an expert , a master hypnotist and manipulator. His addiction to power and psychoactive drugs led to the worst crimes against humanity in world history. Clearly, many other factors and events had to fall into place to empower him, but they did. There was a vacuum of power, partly due to the absence of American leadership, but mostly because few if any of the issues and hatreds of WWI were resolved. Treaties, agreements, power sharing and mandates simply shifted the chairs around on the deck of the Titanic. The cultural and social animosities remained unimpeded. On top of that the Japanese Imperialists, who were under the impression that they had a Divine Royal Mandate to rule the world, decided they had the motive, the opportunity and the means to effect a total eclipse of the moon. They knew the only real opposition, because they radically underestimated the motivational and industrial resources Hitler would create, would be the US. So they decided to take the knees out from under us by decimating our naval fleet conveniently parked in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Although there is evidence our CIA knew it was coming, the American people certainly had no clue. They were busy building businesses and families. In many ways, the sneak attack of the Japanese on our base in 1944 mirrors the sneak attack of the Chinese in 2020. Americans were trying to ignore the chaos in Europe and believed that having major oceans protecting our borders could help us to stay neutral. In 2019 Americans were enjoying a new economic boom, the stock market was creating new levels of wealth, and American transcontinental industries were dominating markets. Populist President Trump had restored a sense of nationalism, repatriated billions of offshore cash reserves, brough outsourced industry back to our homeland, and settled the threat of terrorism with a massive reinvigoration of projected military strength all around the world. The Chinese Communist Party dictatorship had been enjoying several decades of astonishing economic expansion, allowing them to exert influence into previously untouchable frontiers. They were feeding on America's economic expansion. They were simultaneously expanding their dominance in hightech through mergers and acquisitions, while they started buying vast portfolios of American real estate. They expanded their military, now the largest on Earth. They became the dominant player in the healthcare products industry. Not by accident but by plan, the Chinese have been setting the stage to overtake America's long held position as the economic leader in the new "Information Age" world. But Trump slammed the brakes on that idea. His implementation of tariffs slowed their manufacturing. His corporate tax reductions incentivized industries to return to the mainland. He put pressure on hightech to stop giving away intellectual property, much of which the Chinese were adept at stealing. The whole dynamic changed and after two years of working behind the scenes to handicap Trump with innuendo and ad hominem attacks by the press and on social media, the Chinese Communist Party had had enough. Their economy was going in reverse, undoing much of the progress they had achieved under Bush and Obama.They saw an opportunity, a window in time, when it would be advantageous to exploit the political divisions in America, to undermine the American economic powerhouse, and to reorder the power structure of business and finance, and to assert the dominating influences of electronics, computer software and consumer healthcare strengths they still had. The concept of using a biological weapon is not new. Every major government has been doing research, both on the offensive and defensive side of the equation. America is not innocent of abusing chemical agents. Most of our involvement goes unnoticed because it is considered covert. Need to know only. Top Secret. When the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recognized a national emergency after hundreds of patients started coming into hospitals with a virulent and highly contagious new virus, it was obvious to many observers that America was under assault. However, most didn't. They continued to view the Chinese outbreak as a marker for what to expect in America and around the world. Initially, the Wuhan directed Chinese reports showed a decrease in cases. So the CDC showed initial optimism that there was a reasonable expectation that the outbreak could be controlled through contact tracing, isolation and rapid response treatments. In due time, we will all look back and realize this was a classic head fake, as detailed in the Chinese Military treatise, "The Art Of War". Nothing that happened once the virus was released was an accident. Or at least, every contingency was well practiced and planned for. If you plotted the effects of the disease across national borders, and scored the damage like a golf match, the Chinese have constantly stayed under par. They have sustained the fewest deaths and the least economic damage. In fact, it is clear now that they have reversed the economic decline they began under Trump's tariffs and restrictions. They have bombed us with a devastating bioweapon, strafed our small business community, further divided our nation's family, replaced our elected leaders with chosen Chinese puppets at the nation's capital, and carefully cultivated new affinity groups with terrorists in the Middle East, North Africa and even with the Soviet Union. The evacuation of military assets and personnel from Afghanistan may have changed our position in terms of exposure in the Middle East, but it will give China another massive strategic weapon: The will own the most prolific lithium mining system in the world. As the world becomes more dependent on non-fossil fuel sources of energy, it will need more battery storage capacity, and that means lithium will be in demand. The dollar is facing collapse due to unsurpassed spending paid for with newly printed dollars, our military has been undermined with impositions of racist social justice imperatives and now the Biden regime is demanding every soldier be vaccinated with a new gene therapy medicine that has never been tested on humans over the long term. If there turns out to be long term side effects, we will have completely disarmed ourselves, wrecked our economy and burdened our healthcare system into oblivion. World War III is just that: It involves almost every nation on the planet, because the Pandemic respects no borders. Since the dollar has been the most reliable and widely accepted form of money, it also affects most nations. So the combination of theaters of war popping up in democratic countries, the weakening strength of the dollar, the faltering power of traditional war machinery, and the growing dependence on hightech business services and communications, puts the world's second largest economy in a strong position. If China didn't start WWIII, they would be the luckiest tribe on the planet, because they stand to inherit the estate of the richest nation on Earth after the dust settles. And they will have out flanked us, undermined our authority, and replaced us as the economic leaders of the world, without ever firing a shot or landing any soldiers on our soil. Unless you have been living under a rock for the past half a century, you must understand how the left disrespects your intelligence. Since the Palestinian terrorist's slaughter and torture of Israeli athletes in Munich in 1972, right up to the recent riots and clashes between extremists groups in Charlottesville and Boston, the violence has always been fostered by leftist anarchists.
But leftists, or as they prefer to be called today, the Progressives, think we aren't paying attention, so not only do they think we are dumb, but lazy too. They don't think we know what's going on. Admittedly, it is getting harder to stay informed, but if there is a demographic that will keep trying, it is conservatives who cherish the legacy and traditions of Americanism. If you look at the mainstream media, and how so many supposed popular leaders are buying the lie that all of this civil unrest and domestic terrorism is coming from the 'alt-right' you would have to conclude that anyone who considers themselves conservative, is a bigoted racist neanderthal. But, I bet you cannot name one major incident where there has been loss of life, police deaths or even mass arrests, that was directed by skinheads, neo-Nazis or any other white supremacist organizations. Mainly because they have such miniscule support, but also because they are not as revolutionary in spirit. Don't point to the Oklahoma State Building bombing. That was one crazy, angry and psychopathic dude. I am talking about organized protest groups that end up creating death and mayhem, burning business, beating up bystanders, burning flags and turning over police cars, and attacking officers of the law. Then look at all of the stuff going on college campuses where one professor ordered a special escape door put into the back of his office so he could escape when the enraged progressive students came hunting for anyone who was not in alignment with their anti-fascist fascism. Today's rioting and violence is coming exclusively from the left. When you get Sanders supporters, Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter and other racially motivated minority groups forming an alliance, toss in the incredibly upset and angry Clinton democrats who had their Queen denied her throne, you have an explosive formula of angry activists that show no respect for our election processes, for law enforcement practices, or for private property rights. And they cannot stand to have their cause marginalized, especially by someone they regard as a "Reality TV Show Host.' Back in the sixties, seventies and eighties, it was the Baader-Meinhof Group, a far left movement of outright anarchists. Germany was also undergoing vast social upheaval, industrialization and conflicts over racism, women's liberation and anti-imperialism, all calling cards of leftist politics. The Meinhof Gang became a cause celeb, romanticizing the outlaws as social justice warriors. There were charges that the East German Stasi ( a paramilitary group supported by the East German communist government) lent substantial financial and logistical support to the killers. The underlying motives for the hostage taking, the destruction of government property including statues and buildings, was nearly identical to the stated causes of today's ANTIFA or Occupy Wall Street anarchists. Many young people in that era felt disenfranchised from job opportunity, and from integration into West German and greater European capitalist society. Just as the newly freed East Germans, who were then suddenly competing with the West Germans for jobs, many young people today feel like the deck is stacked against them. Sound familiar? Apologists for radical Islamic terrorist make the same claims. If only the world's resources were more equally distributed, everything would be copacetic. Now our youth are being taught at major universities and even at high school levels, that causing disruption and violence is a socially just way of restoring what leftists claim are rights and respect that has been denied to blacks since the civil war ended. That white privilege is by default 'a crime against humanity' so whatever it takes to focus attention on their cause is justifiable. Imagine if anti-abortionist took the same position, that killing abortion providers is justified. (Of course that has happened, but in very few cases were they coodinated attacks on abortion clinics). In Charlottesville, the media has conflated Neo Nazis and Skinheads as right wing Nationalists, and racist white supremacists who want to impose 'law and order' by building a new SS of federal troops. But this ignores the long history of Naziism. Remember, Hitler named his movement the National Socialist German Workers Party. Like all leftists, he failed to mention that he would also be a totalitarian president of his war loving, imperialist regime. That he would exterminate people who didn't conform or that were not of Aryan descent. So beware of the simpletons who get their history from watching Marvel 'Avenger' or Guy Fawkes 'V For Vendetta' movies. The left ( i.e., academia, Hollywood, the DNC and much of the new media conglomerates, Facebook, Google, Snapchat) has made it their business to dumb down young people, and much of the baby boomer generation has simply had it too good. America is vulnerable because we have stopped being serious about the effort it takes to protect our multicultural, ubiquitous experiment in individual freedom and responsibility, and forgotten how much our geo-political opponents want to destroy it. Fighting for freedom and social egalitarianism is a never ending journey and hard decisions have to be made along the way. The war over health care is a microcosm of the conflict between generations and the inability of much of our population to think critically about the long term ramifications of giving the government total control over your health, or worse, over what you know. We all know there is a lot of uncertainty in the air. Whether it is about the economy, the COVID Pandemic, or the future of Democracy. Everybody is uncomfortable. Everybody is feeling like their clothes are too tight, like their future is in jeopardy, like they're swimming against the tide. Surely there are some people who are excited about their job, their new home, new kids and they have no concerns about the fate of our Democracy. They are probably government employees benefiting financially from government largess in the form of contracts in high tech industries, or the medical field. They are living in a bubble that our monstrous government bureaucracy has constructed for them, spending the nation's treasury like drunken sailors. Some folks are fortunate to be on the right side of the tracks at this time in history. They work on the roads and highways, in education, for the healthcare industry or massive software developers. They work with networking contractors, or in pharmaceuticals, transportation, automotive or energy supply services, or belong to any one of a thousand unions. They don't need to go outside their bubble for sustenance. Their jobs are relatively secure as are their pensions. Then there are those that are running around with their hair on fire claiming that everyone is out to get them. Many Average Joes are independent contractors always scrambling for their next paycheck. They are under-educated, short on marketable skills and have massive unpaid bills. They work in dirty jobs, drive trucks and resent authority figures, politicians and communists. They are often very religious and don't like being told what to do, and it seems like every time they turn around they are hit with new rules and regulations that don't benefit them. Average Joe is watching the goal posts being moved every month as taxes, fees and inflation undermine his buying power and investments and leave him in a constant state of anxiety and conflict. He watches the three ring circus in Washington and asks does anyone care about the constitution anymore? I think there is a war going on and the problem is that few of us recognize it for what it is. We are oblivious to the fact that every aspect of our traditional American open society is under assault. It is a quiet war on our traditions of self reliance, family values and hard work. It is a stealth war on standard definitions of race, gender and equal opportunity. The casualties are mounting: Crime and homelessness is up, education and marriage is down. Birthrates are plummeting while suicide is skyrocketing. It is a battle using electronic media as a weapon of mass deception. It has effectively hidden the field of battle behind a cloud of obfuscation. It manipulates the news cycle, its saturation bombs us with entertainment, with political and cultural suspense, and it uses social pressure to draw us into a spider web of mutual intimidation and conformity. There is a ground fog of cerebral stimulation that is unrelenting. It is wearing the Average Joe down. My question is, can politics resolve this war? Who is looking out for Average Joe and can he survive? If I am right, and there is a war currently being conducted, can we count on the traditional methods of running for office and passing legislation to find a solution and provide a formal settlement? The War On Peace and Tranquility involves one of the most important functions of a free society and it may have conferred massive damage on our traditional election system. If we eventually determine the vote casting and counting process has been corrupted then Average Joe has essentially been disarmed. How do middle class Americans fight back if they can't put their preferred leaders in positions of power? Or are they not fighting back because they don't know there is a war in progress? Is the ground fog of media hyper activity distorting our perception of reality? Are we all being deceived? Have you ever watched a pack of dingos stalking their prey? You feel so bad for the helpless little sheep because they have no idea what danger they are in… Rick Elkin is a longtime resident of Escondido. He is an artist, author and public speaker. Follow his work at |
January 2025