Only in America could some people complain that other people enjoy systemic privilege. All over the world it is simply an accepted fact that some families or clans have an advantage in social and economic circles. There is no place on Earth where equality is ubiquitous. It is an uncontested reality that there is no such thing as social and economic equality. It is also true that racism exists to some degree or another in every large country where the population is not homogenous. The Japanese have not cross-pollinated with other populations like we have in America. Within their society they have internecine conflicts and hatreds, but little conflict over skin color. The point is, over thousands of years, humans have shown little interest in total integration. The concept of "White Privilege" is a cultural construct of 17th century colonialism. As light-skinned Europeans dominated world exploration and migration, they also tended to reap the economic benefits of modernization. Under those conditions, industrialization and wealth creation led them to exploit those advantages, as would be expected of any biological life form, plant or animal. That is why, if given the opportunity, Bermuda grass will crowd out Fescue grass in your lawn. Should humans work to mitigate our aggressive tendencies? Of course. But it is simply a utopian dream to think we will ever be passive-submissive patsies. Evolution requires competition, winners and losers, and only the most unforgiving competitors survive to play another day. As a species, we have to be proficient physically and mentally. And we have to maximize our resources, too. And people are always the most valuable resource in any organization. Have you ever heard the phrase, "It's not what you know, it's who you know"? The concept of networking applies to every culture. Forming alliances of like-minded people is a natural outcome of networking, sharing and building a culture. It is not inherently racist to prefer to hang with people like yourself. "Birds of a feather flock together" to lubricate social interaction, to promulgate their species, and to maintain a defensive system, a proverbial "department of homeland security". It is a process better described as survivalism than as racism. The planet is a dangerous place and all life forms have to battle the elements and other competitors to sustain themselves. This explains why humans regularly practice physiological profiling, look for commonality, and form affinity groups, just as do other species. Over the past 500 years, America has co-mingled more human DNA than at any time in human history. That is why we are referred to as a "Melting Pot". Anyone can move to America and eventually become an American. That makes America exceptional in and of itself. Those of us who were privileged to be born in a particular area called the United States of America, are by far, the luckiest of all humans to have ever existed. We are extremely privileged because we live in a nexus where freedom, resources and opportunity all come together. Americans are blessed with the highest standard of living, the longest life span, and the most diverse social environment to have ever existed in human history. I hear so-called "woke" social justice activists say "White people don't understand their own racism." Most of them have advanced degrees from major educational institutions or at least some exposure to cell phones, laptops and the internet-of-things. Ergo, Americans enjoy a systemic privilege over everyone else on Earth. The rest of the world lives in our shadow. Listening to American's of any ethnicity complain about their problems with oppression is baffling. You can't call yourself "woke" if you are ignorant of your own privilege. After years of teaching cultural tolerance, our community standards are lower now than at any point in my lifetime, for almost everything. We have learned to tolerate and accept boorish language and meager communication skills, angry confrontational conflict resolution techniques, selfish exhibits of temper and poor workplace performance in almost any service industry setting. By setting standards too low, we are effectively abrogating any parenting or professional responsibilities at all. Instead of harshly demoting or firing people who fail, we just tolerate them. I say this because I encounter workplace incompetence daily, at the most surprising points of contact. I could write a book about bad initial contact with customer service reps who have the exact opposite effect they were hired to achieve. It is not racist to notice that I can't understand a word they say! That they are reading from a script, or that they can't understand me either. Not too many years ago, many consumer services companies hired experts to monitor their management teams, and their customer service interactions, to assure that customers came away with positive experiences. Now they warn callers that "this call may be monitored" but I can't believe that is true because the next thing that happens is dreadful and unacceptable. How can the managers let that happen? If you can get a live person on the line when you call customer service (which is next to impossible), very seldom do they actually resolve the issue. They either respond by asking you a series of mostly irrelevant and inane questions or they refer you to a webpage or a YouTube tutorial. Recently, when subscribing to a computer security program, I spent nearly 90 minutes with an agent that kept sending me in circles with misdirected links and ineffective measures. Finally, after passing me on to a "Manager" I got what I was looking for. Why did I have to play charades in the first place? Do you live in a development with a Homeowners Association? You know how hostile those can be. How about interacting with government agencies like the DMV, Post Office, or planning departments at the city or county? It is nearly impossible to get the task done the first time, if ever. The new norm is that too many people have never been properly trained for their position, or they simply don't care enough to bother learning. Either way, our culture has failed to install any sense of pride in how people do their work. All of which reflects our social dysfunction and the complete failure of the progressive educational model based on "tolerance" and "diversity" training. When was the last time you hired a contractor to do work around the house? How did that go? Despite digital apps like Angie's List and Home Advisor that supposedly vet vendors, my experience has been that too many of them are underqualified, overpriced and unreliable. I call it "talent relativism" because when I challenge their work, the first thing they do is trash talk their competitors. They learned those techniques from politicians and academics. "Yeah, that faucet isn't quite right. But at least it is better than what the last guy put in!" We are living in an atmosphere that has been contaminated by our own bastardized educational system. After decades of Progressive Educational Theory, where the objective was to create socially homogenized and inclusive citizens, we have instead created tribes of emotionally underdeveloped, ill-prepared, and woefully unskilled workers that have little or no social skills, work ethic or pride in what they are attempting to do. Have you noticed how unhappy people are about just about everything? Whether it is the service industry (restaurants, post office, auto repairs, etc.) or professional services (tax preparer, dentist/doctor, lawyer, etc.) or especially public services like politicians, police or military, no one gets a pass. Most of us think the other guy is overpriced and under-performing. In too many instances, we are right! People are just pissed about everybody and everything and we know this because social media is loaded with video documentation of irate individuals screaming invectives at receptionists, security guards, policemen, teachers, store managers and even sports team mascots! Whether it is City council, PTA or school boards, any meeting of people where decisions have to be made over policy, budgets, rules or procedures is going to result in conflict and emotional outbursts, fist fights and even arrests. Customer service, consumer complaint resolution, communication and mitigation skills, are all insufficient or totally absent. And the most irritating part of it, is that they think they are doing a great job! "Baby Boomers have wallowed in the economic perks of the Allied victory over fascism in World War II and the subsequent collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Berlin Wall. They were too busy building fortunes to notice the migration of disenfranchised Marxists to college campuses around the world, where their communist dogma could be distributed under the guise of academic freedom and the intellectual pursuit of social justice. The heirs of the Greatest Generation defaulted on the difficult and demanding chore of raising and disciplining their children and vetting their educators. They pampered them and gave them too much veto power, showered them with positive reinforcement and false achievement. They inflated their egos and told them they were never wrong, eventually sending them off to be indoctrinated by fake academic patriots who filled their heads with anti-American hatred and Neo-communist propaganda. They were told they were more 'progressive' than their parents and supplied required-reading textbooks by radical leftists like Howard Zinn and Hillary Clinton's favorite docent Saul Alinsky. Boomers put their kids in re-education indoctrination centers for four years and most of them were good students. Now they are leaders in their field of endeavor and to a large degree, Marxists."
-- The Illusion of Knowledge: Why so many educated Americans embrace Marxism (Permission to repost has been granted by the author)
When you ask why I won’t wear a mask and say - “It’s just a mask.” .....”It's just a mask" can turn into "it's just a vaccine" very quickly. And it will, you can bet your bottom dollar on that! In less than 5 months, our government has successfully divided the country into "obedient mask wearers" versus "selfish people that refuse to wear masks.” "It's just a mask, you guys.” It's for "the greater good!” Where have we heard this phrase before? In less than 5 months, our government has dictated what events are acceptable versus unacceptable to attend. Riots are OK, but church and family funerals are not. Standing in a graduation line is a "safety hazard,” but feel free to line up at WalMart, Lowes, and Home Depot. . But it's "just a mask" & "safety precautions,” you guys. In less than 5 months, our government successfully facilitated the closing of family-owned businesses while granting authority to large corporations that they have invested interests in. It's "just a mask" and "safety precautions" you guys. Oh & here's a measly $1200 that we stole from you in the first place. Enjoy! In less than 5 months, our government was able to successfully sway the population into believing that a CASHLESS SOCIETY is a good thing! In the name of a government sponsored virus. In less than 5 months, our government closed down public schools, and has "restructured" school moving forward under the guise of "public safety" from a "virus.” These same schools fed children crap per the corrupt USDA food pyramid. But "health" matters when it comes to a government sponsored virus. It's "just a mask" & "heightened safety precautions,” you guys. In less than 5 months, our government demonstrated how easily people assimilate to "guidelines" (that have NO scientific premise whatsoever) when they are fearful. What was up with all that toilet paper? It's "just a mask" & "6 foot social distancing,” you guys. Oh, and dooky paper. In less than 5 months, our government has successfully instilled fear in a majority of the population in America. But citizens are not "afraid" of the people in power who are responsible for the removal of their "freedoms.” Instead, they're fearful of their neighbors and family, human touch, and air. Government created division. There are thousands of viruses that *could* affect the population, but these viruses do not matter because MSM didn't say they do. It's absolutely terrifying to me that so many people do not question authority because they see that authority as "all knowing." It's even more terrifying that these same people rely on corrupt "leaders" to be led, thus lacking all critical thinking skills/independence. Slaves to the system that keeps them oppressed. How quickly history is forgotten and repeated! What's most problematic to me about all of this is that the people who are wearing masks "for the greater good" will be the first to sign up for this shiny new vaccine that's had 0 longitudinal safety tests against an inert placebo. What's more problematic to me is that this Vaccine MAY be the deciding factor in life moving forward. You thought a mask was inconvenient? Wait until you're told that you cannot enter a store without proof of the Covid-19 vaccine. Wait until you cannot go to public events, or travel, without proof of having received this vaccine. To everyone that doesn't believe this is possible - do you understand that our government just successfully dictated to people WHEN they were allowed to be outside, where they were allowed to go, and how their children would be educated, in less than 5 months? And that a majority of the population followed blindly because they were told to do so. You're kidding yourself if you believe that they're not going to repeat this behavior with a vaccine. If people have not protested the occurrences in America over the last 5 months, they will assuredly continue to abide by unsubstantiated "guidelines" that will include a vaccine. It’s not about a mask, it’s about CONTROL. |
January 2025