I assume most of us are familiar with the concept of cognitive dissonance. It is generally defined as when two actions or ideas are not psychologically consistent with each other. When appearances conflict with each other and the mind has difficulty reconciling them. Our culture is replete with this kind of discord. You would think political leaders would focus on helping voters separate and assimilate defining issues so when they articulate their reasons for submitting legislation on highly controversial issues, their constituents would lend vociferous support. I could run down a list of issues that are currently causing cultural conflict (i.e.,Gun Control, Abortion, Gender Identity, etc.) but the point is, all of these issues are not new. Most are unresolved, and probably never will be. It is as if no one wants them to get resolved. They are the defining points of political drama that energize the electorate. And all of the debate and rancor perfectly defines cognitive dissonance. Everybody is speaking past each other. The goal posts keep moving, and the cultural turmoil continues. As we pass the halfway point of the Biden administration's tumultuous term, and the next race for the White House begins to heat up, it strikes me as odd that the Republicans are still contemplating "new" candidates. Trump is currently leading all other potential Republican challengers by at least 35% points, and we have all watched as the ratings of the current White House resident has collapsed. Why would Ron Desantos, Mitt Romney or Tim Scott want to derail the steamroller Trump has created? Do they not understand that in a Constitutional Republic, the will of the people is the guiding light for the party? No matter how you view the last Presidential election, it is an uncontested fact that Donald Trump drew 11 million more votes than when he won in 2016. It is an uncontested fact that during his four years in office our nation became energy independent. It is uncontested that minorities in America were enjoying the lowest unemployment in fifty years. That the New York Stock Exchange reached an all-time high. Trump rebuilt our military, began construction of a wall on the southern border, reduced prescription drug prices, and shut down the threat of Islamic extremism. He successfully renegotiated the burdensome NAFTA trade agreement and withdrew America from the economically devastating Paris Environmental Accords. Trump ran as an outsider, and was at one point opposed by the Party, but went on to win and complete his punch list of campaign promises. He did exactly what he promised he would do and the health of the nation improved dramatically. If you look at the history of Republican leadership under Bush and during the campaigns of Romney and McCain, the Party has consistently choked. Whenever they seemed invincible, like right after the 911 attacks in New York, the Republicans have self immolated. They say all the right things (cut taxes, shrink government, protect the borders, maintain a strong defense, etc.) but fail to deliver. The right hand doesn't seem to know what the left hand is doing. An old axiom in politics is, "When your opponent is self-destructing, get out of the way". Why would the Republicans even think about running against Trump? How is it that two opposing party's that are supposed to represent diametrically opposite points of view and political operating systems could in the end, be near mirror images of each other? That is cognitive dissonance illustrated. It makes no sense, unless there is a Trojan Horse within the party working to undermine any possibility of winning back the White House. And why would that be? Sometimes you have to accept the obvious. It is Occam's Razor: That the most obvious answer is also the most plausible. The Beltway Brotherhood, the cabal of self regulated and spoiled oligarchs in Washington DC are comfortably ensconced in their Gilded Seats of Power and simply don't want to rock the Boat Of Plenty. "The idea that Joe Biden, who was unable to draw enough supporters to fill a small gymnasium, got 15 million more votes than Barack Obama is laughable in the extreme. Roberts should be applauded for taking the time to create this compelling compilation that greatly reinforces his thesis that the election was rigged.
This is what we have come to expect from Roberts who always goes the extra mile to bring the truth to his readers. His latest contribution, Empire Of Lies, follows in that same tradition. The book is a varied digest of the author’s recent work covering a broad range of topics that include everything from Neo-Nazis in Ukraine to the manipulation of gold prices. It’s a fascinating read that moves quickly due to uniqueness of the subject-matter and Roberts blunt but explosive writing style. Simply put, there’s something here for everyone." -- Mike Whitney, The Unz Review. 5-23-03 Must Read. -- Empire of Lies by Paul Craig Roberts Democrats and their enablers in the FrankenMedia want to paint Trump as a retrograde, out-of-touch political hack that can't accept his election rejection in 2020. They constantly harp on his claims that the election was rigged as proof that he is delusional and self absorbed. To any objective viewer, that approach predisposes that Biden supporters have the undisputed truth about the 2020 election process. That it was, as some have claimed, the most effective and accurate election in American history. But opposing evidence is piling up:
During the recent CNN Town Hall interview with Trump, moderator Kaitlan Collins rudely persisted in talking over him, "Will you state right now, that you accept the 2020 election as legitimate?" She asked the same question, in one form or another, over and over, never allowing him to explain his reasoning. Then she insisted that by not answering her loaded questions, he was indirectly saying he would not. What he essentially said was, "at this point the solution to the problem, the unknown facts about election integrity, is to win the 2024 election decisively", then go about fixing the problems with our election system. The FrankenMedia approach is to discredit and disregard his "rigged" rhetoric, because they cannot allow any more serious investigations into ballot harvesting, ballot box stuffing, counterfeiting of ballots and illegal vote casting by phantom or dead voters. They have to shut down any exposure of the various voting anomalies and condemn anyone that doubts the legitimacy of the Biden-Harris election as "rightwing conspiracy theorists". Trump has wisely decided that he can only cheer on election investigations. As a candidate, his only path to redemption is winning, again. The public may not ever agree that the 2020 election was rigged, but they can agree on the unsettling results. That making America work right again will happen only if the results of the 2020 election are stopped in their tracks. Maybe not by the courts, or the military, but by the electorate. Making America Work Right Again can only happen if the 2020 election results are reversed, even if that means waiting four years for a new administration. Most Democrats are never going to be convinced that Trump won, but surveys show many have concerns about the integrity of the process. They may regret voting for the doddering old man and his totally unqualified partner, but they cannot ever admit publicly that their party cheated. Never! So why spend too much valuable time rehashing that unwinnable argument? Better to simply win the next contest outright. Trump can bring back some of those alienated women voters who have realized that Democrats care more about men dressed like women than real women. And those soccer moms who resent being characterized as homophobic because they don't want men showering with their girl athletes in the gymnasium or destroying the integrity of women's sports. Bring in parents who resent being told decisions about medication and life-changing operations are not their domain. Win over independent truck drivers that are being forced to trash their $100K diesel fueled rigs because according to Democrats, they aren't "Green" enough. And the millions of energy industry professionals that have had their careers derailed by the relentless assault on fossil fuels. Win the votes of college graduates who feel betrayed by Biden forgiving college loans they worked hard to pay off. Win over liberals who are pissed off watching their communities be overrun with homelessness and fentanyl. Continue to build on the surge of Black Trump supporters that recognize how Democrat policies keep them on a proverbial plantation. Many of the Trump-reluctant RHINOs in the GOP are witness to the precipitous decline in our quality of life and now understand how critical it is to win back Congress and the White House, and that their best chance to Make America Work Right Again, is to make 2024 a Trump Landslide.
Ever noticed how criminal defendants always claim their victims are lying? No matter how much evidence has been presented to show their guilt, when the prosecutor asks the defendant "what do you say about all these witnesses testifying against you?" They always claim "they're all lying". If you watch the majority of Mockingbird television commentators, they all say pretty much the same thing. When the alt-right media asks "Where's your journalistic integrity?" They all read from the same script: 'We must protect our democracy from misinformation. It's FOX News and the other right-wing extremists that are lying. All of them'. The mainstream media speak in near perfect syncopated harmony across multiple news programs like The Evening News, Meet The Press, CNN's Reliable Sources and dozens of others. Whatever the current headline story is, it is articulated with precisely worded, often misleading narratives. Sometimes the biggest lies are lies of omission. For example, President Biden proclaimed, "Can you believe the MAGA extremists want to ban books? Ban Books for God's sake!" Of course the storyline omitted the important qualifying word that Republicans want to ban PORNOGRAPHIC books from elementary school libraries and curricula, not public libraries or retail booksellers. Selective media messaging is nothing less than propaganda. The Mockingbirds smear any media platform that challenges the administration's approved dogma. FOX News is the primary recipient of slander and unsupported claims of "lying" to an audience that dwarfs all of the Mockingbird viewership. Apparently the public invests a higher degree of credibility in FOX than in news organizations that simply repeat the party line. The Mockingbird Media reinforce their self importance with gratuitous awards. In 2018 the Washington Post and the New York Times received Pulitzer Prizes for their reporting on the now totally debunked Trump RussiaGate hoax. Knowing what we know now, those fabricated reports led to his impeachment hearings and interfered with his reelection efforts. Was anyone held accountable? Did they return the awards? No. Meantime, the Mockingbirds continue to claim that FOX News lies. Fake Newsgroups have misinformed their audiences repeatedly on important stories such as the likelihood of the EU rejecting the BREXIT initiative, on the origins and status of the war in Ukraine, on projected deaths from COVID19, and on the safety and effectiveness of the mRNA vaccines (Johns Hopkins University, January 2022). They lied about the metal cages used to separate and imprison illegal immigrants at the Mexican border. It turned out it was Biden's policy, not Trumps. Let's not overlook their collusion to ignore and impugn any accurate reporting on Hunter Biden's laptop from hell. The White House regularly lies about a variety of subjects. They claim to have created 15M "new" jobs. The truth is the overwhelming majority of those are the return of 22M jobs lost during Biden's extended lockdown. It is one thing to go back to a job that was artificially shut down, as opposed to finding work after your manufacturing job was shipped overseas (Ben Winck, Insider, Aug. 5, 2022). Several major financial institutions have collapsed in just the last few weeks, and dozens of bank stocks are crashing, but the WH says our banking system is secure and stable (Reuters, May 2, 2023). Biden claims that inflation was on the rise before he was elected, when the evidence is clear it was at an all time low four years ago (1.81% in 2019 > 4.98% now). The Federal Reserve has increased the money supply (printed dollars) by 30% just since the end of 2019 (Fee.org Oct. 2022). More money in circulation decreases its buying power. Simple as that. Biden's Border Czar, VP Kamala Harris, claims the border is secure. WH spokesperson, Karine Jean-Pierre, recently claimed that the illegal immigration rate has "come down more than 90%!" Testifying before Congress, Border Patrol Chief Modlin said: “I can tell you that in fiscal year ‘18, ‘19, and ‘20, the Tucson sector had about 60,000 apprehensions. In 2021,190,000 apprehensions, so we tripled the previous year… Last year it quadrupled. Last year it was 250,000. We’re 20,000 ahead right now so we went from what I would describe as unprecedented to a point where I don’t have the correct adjective to describe what’s going on.” When the White House ordered an additional 1500 troops to help secure the "secure" Southern border, the NY Times covered the obviously contradictory directive by explaining the end of Title 42 "might lead to increased border violations". Media pandering is beyond disingenuous. The Mockingbird Media is lying about the liars in Washington. I have been repeatedly told to calm down, stop worrying about politics and the future of America. Those folks are certain all will work itself out and only "conspiracy theorists" think our country is in any real trouble. But I just can't stop thinking. It comes naturally to me to see patterns, to feel vibrations and to be sensitive to threats to my family and friends. Sorry, I am not. I see repeating events that don't add up when taken in context of the mainstream media narrative. I have had these sensations since I was 13 and I watched the events surrounding the murder of President Kennedy. It made no sense that one lone nutcase could fire a rifle from 100 yards away and put a bullet straight through the head of the most powerful man in the world. Then only a day later, the alleged shooter is himself shot while being escorted through the jail by half a dozen armed sheriffs. That Mafia-like hit man was explained away as a wannabe mobster who was just so anguished by the President's death he couldn't help but do the nation a favor and put Lee Harvey Oswald to death. He suggested the delays in prosecution would just be too painful for the country to endure. How thoughtful. In a few weeks, he too died. No witnesses. I never believed any of it, and I was just a teenager. Then 5 years later President Kennedy's brother is also assassinated. This time it was a man with Middle Eastern ancestry who was characterized as "mentally ill" and not actually political at all. Yeah, right. Then Martin Luther King is shot by a white supremecist trailer park marksman, when he casually smokes a cigarette on the balcony of his motel. Coming at the height of the Civil Rights revolution in America, King and White Supremacy are both immortalized. It all seems like a New York inspired advertising campaign to this 18 year old. One story at a time builds a storyline that there are no civil rights in America and if you think otherwise you might get killed. Buffalo Springfield said it best, "There's Something Happening Here"... After 23 years of the most tragic and undisciplined effort to stop Communism in Vietnam, the man who declared the war "over" was then turned into a criminal and ushered into retirement to avoid prison. Richard Nixon wasn't assassinated, but his legacy was. All because some rogue operatives of his campaign attempted to steal "campaign strategy" information from the Democratic National Committee headquarters. Their totally inept burglary was busted, and everyone claimed it was an act of sedition. It was an act all right. A theatrical black flag intelligence mission to undermine the administration that was about to contravene the Deep States tactics of painting China and Russia as our nation's most dangerous enemies. You can't manufacture overpriced weapons if you don't have any boogeymen to fight. As a 22 year-old I could see the patterns emerging: The Deep State needs wars to fund their extravagant weapons industries and to provide cover for money laundering systems that keep the Beltway Brotherhood happily ensconced in their Gilded Seats of Power. Those Watergate burglars were just a little bit suspicious: It was just too easy for the scheme to fail, for the Republicans to be embarrassed into retreat, and for the press to have a heyday pronouncing the burglary as the worst political scandal in American history. Though the majority of Americans bought the whole soap opera hook line and sinker, I knew it was an insider scheme designed to protect and entrench the Beltway Brotherhood. Decades later, the truth is slowly coming out. One of the Deep States trademark patterns is to put a patsy President in office whenever the country experiences trauma, which they are responsible for. Lyndon Johnson came in and played such a role after the Kennedy murder. Then Gerald Ford performed as a sock puppet after Nixon was moved aside. In every case the next administration is always characterized as "liberal" healers who will restore the nation's "pride", widen civil rights, and stay out of war. But the obvious pattern I see is just the opposite: The Democrats always stir up black vs. white tribal anxieties, undermine our patriotic urges, lead us into war, and make themselves rich while destroying our economy. Not only do we make weapons of war for our troops, we make them for almost everyone, including some of our supposed enemies! What a business model! The patterns are undeniable. When Clinton came into the White House, he and Hillary proclaimed they were nearly broke. But the Military Industrial Complex wasn't. In fact, Clinton led us into two wars: The Bosnian War and the War On Terror. Both led to enormous weapons purchases, not just for us but for our allies. When they left office after Hillary served as Secretary of State under Obama, they were multi millionaires. Same with Obama. He and Michelle came in with feeble resources, and are now enjoying retirement in their $12M thirty acre estate at Martha's Vineyard. Nearly everything about the Gulf War was weird. It seemed like Hussein wanted to lose. Then when our intelligence suggested that we had to invade Iraq to destroy his stockpiles of WMD, it went off the rails. We were being humiliated over and over again. Once again, it all looked staged to make us look like idiots. But the solutions are always the same: More money for weapons and foreign aid! Meantime, the weapons industry just kept growing exponentially. Fighters that used to cost $2 million were now costing $10-13 BILLION! The attack on the World Trade Center buildings on September 11, 2001, looked fishy to me. I was in such shock at the moment I didn't have time to react, but later I found it odd that one of the buildings next to the towers also imploded, nearly simultaneously. Looking at cell phone videos, it is apparent that building #7 collapsed inwardly, just as had the towers, yet it was constructed entirely differently. All three buildings pancaked, like a controlled demolition. The day before building #7 collapsed in New York, the Bush defense department LOST between $2 and $6 Trillion! It has never been accounted for because all of the records happened to be in that building that incidentally turned to rubble without being hit with any suicide aircraft. No one has ever been held accountable for it. That would make it the single greatest misappropriation of taxpayer funds in the history of mankind and it has been written off as "unfortunate". The greatest understatement ever recorded. Would it be reasonable to conclude that that "crime" was not a coincidence? That it was part of a pattern of government malfeasance? I can't help but think so… Recently another patsy sock puppet has been installed after another Republican President was pushed aside. Whether it was the Covid Pandemic, unfettered violations of election laws, or just a behind-the-scenes pseudo-military coup, the result is the same as what happened with Nixon: Trump's accomplishments were derailed. His momentum undermined, his legacy trashed. Trump was pushed aside despite winning more than 11 million more votes than he drew in 2016. Something happened on the way to Trump's second term. We experienced a worldwide usurpation of freedom like no other time in history. Every aspect of modern life underwent some form of redefinition. At first we were told it would be a brief inconvenience, then we were told it would require some interruptions in normal freedoms. Then it became a total government intrusion, requiring everyone to submit to an unproven DNA experimental protocol involving a series of chemical injections. This was a disturbing pattern reminiscent of Nazi Germany. Those that refused to participate were threatened with many forms of coercion. Jobs were lost, travel was restricted, speech was censored. Parental rights were suspended and people who did participate soon realized none of the claims of vaccine protection were true. The pattern of civil rights violations continues today because no one wants to face the truth of the matter. I can't help but think, there has to be a better way. Now we are reassessing our circumstances and suddenly realizing there is another major threat from sinister forces derailing our transportation services, destroying our food supply chain, and creating medical supply shortages. All of which cause environmental destruction and health threats and work to undermine our society Though we are working hard to convert to renewable power, we are suffering setbacks every step of the way. Electric vehicle batteries require enormous supplies of lithium. When Biden abandoned Afghanistan, he handed over the world's largest lithium mines to China. I can't help but think that won't end well. The world is experiencing huge upswings in volcanic activity, which spews massive amounts of CO2 gas and caustic acids into the atmosphere. Though scientists dismiss the CO2 that volcanoes emit as "mostly harmless" (how is the CO2 from volcanoes any different than that coming from automobiles?) They don't dispute that other toxic gasses such as SO2 (sulfur dioxide) and H2S (hydrogen sulfide) and acids like HF, HCI and HBr are very dangerous and corrosive. And there ain't nothing we can do about that, folks. So the Sock Puppet in the White house proposes to phase out gas stoves, heaters and fossil fuel driven airplanes. Meantime they are pushing to neutralize sexual definition. We cannot use genetic based pronouns anymore. Does that mean the end of the Spanish language? I can't help but think something is seriously wrong when the species that occupies the top of the food chain no longer supports natural reproduction while all the other species on Earth continue to enjoy reproductive sexual activity. |
January 2025