They provide plans for specific issues the people are concerned about. Just like when you visit the doctor, you leave with a prescription and recommendations. If you follow directions, take your meds and keep a positive attitude, and voila! You get better!
Check out these plans: The candidates are finally starting to roll out specific policy agendas. Only Dr. Carson has come close to suggesting the really serious prescription I would call for.....
Declare War on the 'Cancer': Just like any disease, and especially a disease like Cancer that is extremely good at disguising itself, civilized citizens of the World, (the patient) have to come to grips with the reality of having a potentially terminal illness. Radical Islamic Jihad is in our body. Beyond that, to have any chance of surviving, we must make a decision to fight it with every ounce of energy in our collective soul. Hire the Best Oncologists: We must expand our intelligence and strategic military capabilities exponentially. It is due or die now; either we win this battle or there will be no more battles to fight. When you get attacked from behind, you must fight with reckless abandon; win first, ask questions later. America must consult and recognize the experts advice on treatment; bar no expense, and embrace all effective strategies. Change Our Diet: We must stop feeding ourselves PC filtered news, rosy scenario strategies, and Orwellian assumptions and tell the truth! Stop using political-speak to tell the patient lies about their future survival prospects. It is counter-productive to suggest that we should just keep acting like nothing is wrong. Americans must engage in the fight for life and demand sacrifices and commitments of ourselves. Monitor Progress with Regular Testing: Our allies must step up and take responsibility for a share of the costs, both physically and financially. When an allie stumbles, America must be prepared to exact a cost. The US Military must demand access to any battlefield at any time, or deem offending countries as hostiles. All for one, and one for all! Apply Strong Doses of Radiation/Chemo Therapy: In war, if you have a superior weapon, use it! If nuclear or even chemical weapons would be effective in extenuating circumstances, we should not hesitate to use them. Our enemies know we have these capabilities but are playing on our reluctance to use them. Forget it! It's too late to be playing footsie anymore. Does anyone really think Jihadists will not use those same weapons should they get their hands on them? Stop Acting Scared; it is demeaning and demoralizing to constantly complain about the situation we find ourselves in. Grow up and get real! When we act terrified, we are encouraging our enemy. In WWII, those that whimpered and cried, that refused to contribute, were universally shamed and pushed aside. When your foxhole is being overrun, there is no time for equivocation. Some Cancer patients survive the disease. Many do not. Those that pretend it is not present in their bodies, universally succumb, mostly sooner rather than latter. Call me crazy. Call me a flame thrower, but I can see smoke on the horizon, and it looks like the Democratic Party may have a hole in the crankshaft...
The anointment of Hillary Clinton, just a few weeks ago, a foregone conclusion, is now threatened by serious charges of misusing her personal email account. She may well be indicted. Bernie Sanders is suddenly being thrust into the limelight, a place most of the mainstream Democrats never thought, and privately hoped, he would never go. In fact, having Bernie emerge as the front runner is probably the Democratic Party's worst case scenario; too reminiscent of George McGovern, who Hillary remembers all too well since she ran his doomed campaign in Texas in 1972. And if you look back at McGovern's candidacy, it mirrors Sanders in a myriad of disturbing ways. He wanted to withdraw from foreign wars, reduce the military-industrial complex, increase taxes and provide nanny-state services for the poor, uneducated and minority population. Just as was McGovern, Sanders is only a dime's thickness short of an all out Soviet-style Socialist. In the end, McGovern was crushed by Nixon in a landslide. So what is going to happen if Hillary suddenly blows a gasket and hands the primary season to Bernie? OK, I am tossing my idea out there...."fire in the hole!" Keep an eye on Jerry 'Governor Moonbeam' Brown of California. The largest Blue State in the Union has reelected him 4 times! He has shown some success at dealing with an enormous debt brought on by an entirely Democratic legislature. He didn't just fall off the ruling class pick-up truck, either. He has a lifetime of political experience, so if anyone was ready to dive into broiling Presidential campaign waters, it is Jerry Brown! He is just sneaky enough to have already given this idea some thought and, I would venture to guess, be ready to run in a New York minute. As nutty as California's Governor is, he would actually be a formibible candidate should the Democratic Limosine breakdown on the Presidential Freeway onramp. There is one big, glaring inconsistency in much of the media's criticism of The Donald. Whether it is his 'divisiveness' or his 'bigotry' or 'misogyny' it ignores something very revealing about the critics themselves.
If, as so many news talking heads, high-profile entertainment celebrities, or media critics say, Trump represents everything that is repulsive about Republicans, why don't they pay any attention to the one opposition candidate that is the Antithesis of Trump? If they really think Trump would be a catastrophe for America were he to become the Nation's leader, wouldn't it make sense to point to someone who would be a proper, more conciliatory and better qualified candidate, just to draw the contrast? If they really care about their country and the election process we use to chose our leaders, wouldn't it make sense to suggest the opposition might be better represented by someone who isn't The Donald? To embrace the other side of the coin? All you hear from Democrats is how bad every Republican is. They rip the leader of the polls, and then offer subtle digs about Bush, Rubio, and especially Cruz. Knowing they will face one of the Republicans in the fall campaign, if they think Trump is unelectable, and are more interested in returning a Democrat to the White House above all other considerations,from the standpoint of sheer self interest, they ought to be supporting Trump implicitly! Trump is a target so big, how can the Democrats miss? The question remains for all Americans, who is best suited to face the multifaceted crisis we face in our future? If we really want what is best for America, we should all be hoping for a contest of the best prepared candidates. Sort of 'The Apprentice' for the White House... Trump is ridiculed for being the beneficiary of his Dad's wealth and position in New York. There is one candidate that, unlike Trump, is totally self made. Trump is said to be a racist, that he paints all Latinos as rapists and criminals. There is one candidate that, without a doubt, is no racist. Trump is chastised for his multiple marriages, his previous instances of infidelity. The other candidate that has had one, long-term marriage. Is highly educated and a proven innovator and leader in one of the most exclusive industries on Earth. Trump constantly attacks his opponents, belittles them, and uses profane terms that smack of sexism.The other candidate has never attacked anyone, whether it is a political competitor, or a media critic, or any other detractor. In fact, this person has the most positive, inclusive and compassionate outlook of anyone who has been the subject of public political scrutiny in recent memory. If this candidate could be criticized for anything it is an uncanny ability to remain calm, some may say dispassionate, in the face of criticism. Some say he isn't tough enough. His quiet certitude, soft spoken clarity of purpose, and his indomitable faith in God, are his biggest weakness, I guess... Both of these men are outsiders, so obviously most Liberals don't trust them, because Liberals view Government as God. In fact, the other reason many classic Liberals would never even give this Republican candidate the time of day, is precisely because he is a devout Christian (soft bigotry?). Whether they want to admit it or not, many people view devotion to a Higher Authority with suspicion. They consider religion a superstition, and an indicator that that person is intellectually deficient. Even if the person holds 67 honorary doctorate degrees, is a Presidential Medal of Freedom honoree and a world renown neurosurgeon. Dr. Ben Carson, if we were to accept all of the criticism of Donald Trump as a disqualifier for the position of Leader of the Free World, is by default, far and away the only candidate that exemplifies the personality traits, the advanced education, incredible personal accomplishments, and the wide demographic support that critics suggest are necessary to become the next President. But as far as the media, Hollywood, and all of those screaming about Trump are concerned, Dr. Carson is nowhere to be seen. They don't talk about him, they don't trash him, or take him seriously. Why? Is it precisely because he is a dreaded Republican and just might become the next Black President? I heard Jeb Bush stop an interviewer to say, "Hold on, I just have to get this off my chest; Donald Trump is a jerk!" Well, OK Jeb, tell us how you really feel. The problem with that kind of unrestrained honesty Jeb, is that you just alienated 39% of the polled Republican voters. What a strategic idiot! Your condescending judgmentalism doesn't engender a whole lot of trust in your ability to handle world leaders, many of whom would be considered jerks by a lot of people. Jeb, have you thrown in the towel? It's over for you Jeb, so you think it's a good idea to throw the leading Republican vote getter under the bus? Why not just endorse Hillary? So what were you thinking? Was it that by telling Trumps supporters how stupid they are they will now turn to you? How does that work? Sadly, it appears he wasn't thinking at all. He was emoting his compassionate conservatism.Just the kind or confused moral certitude that has sent many Republicans home in recent losing campaigns. While interviewing President Obama on Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee, Jerry Seinfeld asked him, "How many world leaders do you think are just completely out of their mind?" "A pretty sizable percentage." The facts are, a lot of people, Republicans, Independents and disillusioned Democrats are thinking, maybe a jerk is just what our country needs right now. We are tired of being walked all over by the Chinese, the Russians, our Unions, and of course, we are sick and tired of watching nightly beheadings on TV perpetrated by a rag-tag bunch of international gang bangers, who are wrecking havoc using much of the weaponry we so stupidly left in Iraq and Afghanistan. It feels like our esteemed, mainstream leaders are getting lead around by every special interest group on the planet. Maybe it is going to take someone who is a lot less politically correct, a whole lot less passive, less considerate, and far less willing to look for consensus. Someone less conciliatory and much more focused on putting America back on top, unlike the current regime that seems dedicated to knocking it off the pedestal of world leadership. Someone who is assertive, pushy and arrogant, strident and positive. An ugly American. Someone like The Donald. |
January 2025