First posted in October 2017....
<While the President rebuilds our economy, stands up to China, brings back jobs , investigates domestic drug distribution and abuse, puts Americans first , improves veterans healthcare, rebuilds our military, and secures our borders, the Democratic Crime Family tries to undermine his administration.> A Con: A deception or trick; something that appears to be different than it really is. A Con Artist : One who is particularly adept at trickery, deception and who regularly misleads. One could put the title of 'A Con' on just about any politician, because of the nature of our binary election system, most candidates try to define themselves by painting their opponent in a bad light. Therefore, they employ deceptive language and imagery to make themselves more attractive. But Hillary Clinton was not a politician when she started conning people. She was an attorney and later the wife of a prolific conman, Bill Clinton. He was nicknamed the 'Pander Bear' because of his innate ability to fashion his message to the wants and needs of his audience. Bills skills worked around his use of legalese, such as, "It depends on what your definition of is, is". Hers was more of the classic Mafia Don, placing herself at the top of a hierarchy of patrons, then issuing orders to keep everyone in line. For years, she was Bill consigliere. Once his Presidency was over, she quickly ascended to the position of head of the family, the Don. Together, the Clintons dodged bullets like Bonny and Clide, as they traversed the political landscape. There was her role in the Watergate trials (for which she was later fired), the Whitewater investigation (shady, if not outright illegal, investment scam), the TrooperGate, (using her authority to misuse government security personnel), TravelGate and the Senate Post Office (giving government business to friends), Vince Foster's mysterious death (a man she was rumored to have had an affair with) and nearly four dozen other friends and associates that have died under curious circumstances. There was Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick (trashing their reputations to protect her oversexed husband), her leadership role in covering up the Benghazi fiasco (blaming the terrorist attack on some innocent filmmaker, not reacting quickly to protect our soldiers), her false account of coming under fire while in Bosnia, the Foggy Bottom conflict of interest corruption scheme, the Clinton Foundation (a pay-for-play ponzi scheme that has collapsed since she no longer has any influence to sell), and her infamous private server scheme to circumvent Federal accountability requirements and to help her implement Clinton Foundation paybacks. And none of this includes the hundreds of millions of dollars Bill collected from corporate or foreign interest speaking engagements while his wife was the acting Secretary of State! Finally, she obstructed justice by illegally destroying over 30,000 emails and smashing a dozen Blackberry phones so the federal investigation would stall. Of course, she had an election coming up, so being convicted of several felonies would have been very inconvenient, so she used her leverage to keep the various political operatives in line. So what will Don Hillary do now that the whole scheme collapsed and she is a figment of political history? Point the finger, of course. Why not, she is one of the best at creating diversions, at taking your eyes off the ball, while she substitutes another strawman to knock down, all while she is the one doing the conning. So now, as sad as she is, she falls back on her skill set, making specious charges about the mean and dirty trick playing Republicans, charging they have violated campaign laws, told lies, conducted a war on women, stole the election, and are using their authority to give tax breaks to their corporate friends and foreign governments. She embodies one of the oldest rules of politics: whatever the Democrats are saying about their opposition, it means that that is precisely what they are doing. Bill and Hillary, the modern day Bonnie and Clyde of Democratic Dirty Politics.The obvious question is, when will the DOJ and FBI catch up to them? Everyone knows it is inevitable, unless, of course, she could affect the impeachment of Mr. Trump…. |
January 2025