After watching the MSNBC Films ‘Witness to Jonestown’ I was struck by the obvious question: “Are Liberals literally unable to see the forest for the trees?” Did anyone who works there read Animal Farm? How can a media outlet as liberal as MSNBC actually research and produce a documentary about the Peoples Temple and the Jonestown Mass Suicide and not make the connection that those people were simply a more desperate version of their own broadcast demographic? The tone of the documentary is that the Jonestown Mass Suicide was just ‘such a tragedy.’ The surviving witnesses speak of their friends and relatives who died as ‘brilliant’ and ‘kind’ individuals, just trying to live their lives in a ‘meaningful and compassionate’ way. The survivors portray the Jim Jone’s Cult as a collective community of environmentalists, conservationists, caring and sharing men, women and children who got caught up in a sinister and sick movement that they were simply victimized by. I am not trying to marginalize their lives in any way, but it is a little hard for me to see how lefties like those at MSNBC can’t recognize the Jonestown Cult’s systemic similarities with all extremist groups who view themselves as victims, who withdraw from society at large, who demonize their opposition, who homogenize their constituents and employ personal humiliation, degradation and indoctrination techniques to exercise control. The Peoples Temple Church was the very essence of leftist collectivism, Marxism, Communism, and Facism. Their ‘retreat’ they called Jonestown might as well have been called Animal Farm. The pogroms and policies of Stalin’s Soviet Union, Mao’s Red Guards, the Nazis SS, the Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge, the Cuban Revolutionaries all employed similar tactics to control and command their people, just as Jim Jones succeeded in seducing families to ‘drink the tea.’ In a similar, but less sinister vein, Democrats appeal to minority groups by painting them as victims of the rich and powerful; they appeal to the young by focusing on their compassion for the environment, their idealistic chorus of ‘Make Love Not War,’ and to the disenfranchised who are looking for a handout or any sense of ‘belonging.’ This was, for the most part, the profile of those who joined the Peoples Temple. It is also the voter profile Democrats recruit. They are, for all intensive purposes, the voter who went for Barrack Obama, believing the ‘Hope and Change’ mantra would actually change the world for the better. Democrats appeal to mostly irrational fears:
Talk show host Michael Savage has called Liberalism a mental disorder. Perhaps the Jonestown Massacre is the ultimate outcome when the disease goes untreated and metastasizes. Over a decade after Jonestown, after spending hours interviewing the survivors, researching the major players, and how they were able to conscript support from many local ultra-liberal political and cultural leaders and after reconstructing the events that lead to the Mass Suicide, it appears the producers at MSNBC are still unable to ‘see the forest for the trees.’ A San Diego State University alumnus may emerge as a great candidate for public office. Fred Dryer, the former Los Angeles Ram and SDSU tight end is articulating what a lot of us disenfranchised Republicans are feeling; that the Establishment Party has moved way too far left.
Appearing on Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125 with Breitbart News Executive Chairman and host Stephen K. Bannon, recently Dryer said the "cowardice that is in the Republican Party today is only matched by their myopic opinions of themselves." Later, he said, "leaders on both sides, though, couldn't care less about constitutionalism and Americanism, and want people like him "to just die and go away so there wouldn't be people who can impart institutional knowledge to today's young people about what it means to be an American and why the nation – and the Constitution – is exceptional." More..... |
January 2025