"Euthanasia will have to be an essential tool in our future societies, in all cases. Of course, we will not be able to execute people or build camps. We get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good." --- Jacques Attali, 1981 Never in my life has the leadership of any institution I have been involved in, whether it be school, sports, religion, workplace or social activity, forced participants to put something into their bodies they didn't agree to do. I know, people will say well, you had to have many vaccines when you were a kid. They were required to attend school. If you are in the military and you travel to foreign countries, you have to take many shots to protect yourself from all kinds of diseases and infections. That is all true, but the difference is we all had choices, and for the most part, we willingly participated. We were willing to trust our leaders in those days to be looking out for our best interests. Maybe it was just naivete or blind allegiance, but we simply trusted our nation's institutions. It was a different time. I never questioned the intelligence, the sincerity or the qualifications of those people, back then. Was I naive? Probably, and history tells us we did make many mistakes. As a kid my family doctor smoked cigarettes. Most of my parents generation died from lung cancer. We live in a culture of suspicion. It doesn't matter what the question is, we have to doubt the answers, because we have seen so much corruption. Everyday we are inundated with a tsunami of lies and deception. Everyone has their own truth. Who can you trust anymore? If I were a student today, I would be fact checking everything my professor tells me. If I were a jurist, I would doubt just about every claim either attorney makes. I read the labels of everything I buy, because we all know 'No Sugar Added' doesn't mean the product isn't full of fructose. So when a select few companies come out with a "vaccine" that is not really a 'vaccine' by normal medical standards, and when they get the FDA to give them "Emergency Use Authorization" after lobbying them and spending millions to fund massive public relations campaigns, and they cozy up to social media giants (by giving many of their employees seats on their BOD), you should at least be a little bit suspicious. Remember, these companies have been fined more than all of the tobacco, oil and automobile companies, for lying about the efficacy and applications for their drugs. They have tons of baggage about unintended side effects, misappropriations and lobbying violations, going back decades! They have massive financial incentives to win contracts with governments that have decided it is in the public interest to "Save The World" by using public money to purchase hundreds of millions of doses to provide "free" vaccinations to beat the Covid19 pandemic. A pandemic that was deemed such by the World Health Organization, which has 70 board members associated with the Chinese Communist Party. A virus that was developed and most likely came from a secret lab in Wuhan, China. A lab that was at least partially funded by Big Pharma itself! The bottom line is, the folks that have the most to gain by promoting the pandemic narrative, are the same organizations that developed the virus, patented the virus and the "cures" for it, and are getting filthy rich treating it, to the exclusion of any other thereopathies or treatments. They are operating the world's biggest monopoly scam ever perpetrated in history. They are companies that demanded total exemption from financial liability, for any unforeseen circumstances in the future, as a result of vaccinating 300 million people. And what is worse: They are effectively suppressing any information or access to potentially lifesaving alternate therapies, through their internecine relationships with the FDA, the FrankeMedia and many worldwide medical associations and NGOs. My doctor told me he would lose his license if he discussed, or prescribed, drugs like Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin. Both of which have since been shown to be highly effective and very inexpensive. Will their mNRA products "Save The World" and if so, wouldn't it be worth it? Only time will tell, but here is the part that is so deviously sinister: The side effects of this all new gene therapy product, if they actuate, will not be fully realised for months or years. And when the problems do occur, most will, in theory, appear to be normal maladies. The spike protein that is injected into unwitting patients manifests a sticky substance, like cholesterol, in the small capillaries in the extremities, or the organs. This will, over time, produce higher than normal blood pressure, and potentially create blood clots. The results will be different for everybody, but depending on your current health conditions, it will speed up deterioration of the heart, liver, or lungs, and it could produce neurological conditions like Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome. Or it could simply send a blood clot to your brain which will instantly kill you. The attendant doctor will most likely not attribute the problem to the vaccine since it was injected long ago. The only thing that could potentially reveal the connection would be the sheer numbers of normally healthy aged people suddenly getting terribly sick. Over time healthcare professionals will be forced to connect the dots, but by then, the historic atrocity will be irreversible. It could, in many ways, have a more detrimental effect on the world population than the pandemic itself. I hope all this conjecture is wrong, but there are literally thousands of medical professionals all over the world, screaming at the top of their lungs, that continuing to mandate the jab will be an historic calamity. Meantime, for purely political reasons (to assuage panicked citizens who have been over-hyped about the death rates of Covid19), leaders around the world are pushing people into this "cure all" vaccine. Even though the data continues to show a reverse relationship with vaccines and hospitalizations. Just when the country is flat on its back from lockdowns and lock-ins, from the collapse of small businesses, and the pressure for government public financial assistance, has undermined entrepreneurship and start up investments, our leaders are threatening the most important segments of our economy, with draconian mandates that everyone get jabbed. Millions of healthcare professionals, truck drivers and pilots, police and emergency medical professionals, and service industry workers are being terminated because they refuse to participate in what is, essentially, a medical experiment. This is another form of Fascism. The government has forgotten who works for who. Or maybe not. Maybe they haven't forgotten and maybe they have simply decided that the time has come to reverse those roles. There is a lot of documented history that suggests the Puppet Masters of the New World Order are implementing a total Reset. They are using this historical anomaly, this worldwide health scare, to impose their command and control over everyone, once and for all. |
January 2025