Let's assume you never bought the idea that the 2020 election was stolen. You have either ignored or dismissed the mountain of forensic evidence that has been meticulously researched and revealed since. You still don't buy these indisputable facts:
OK, I disagree with you, but for the sake of discussion, we have to agree on one basic pretext: COVID19 fundamentally changed the way America collects votes. Most of those had an anomalous effect on that election, and the totality of those effects have yet to be determined. The 2020 election introduced many new and essentially unvetted pathways to submit votes. Which also created waves of votes that could never be authenticated because they did not require any form of traceable identity. No verifiable signatures or addresses, no connection to voter registration logs or any way to validate voter registrations.Those process requirements previously required were deemed too difficult to enforce during the social restrictions imposed by the pandemic. So they were abandoned in many states. The Center For Tech and Civic Life spent $400M to "secure" the 2020 federal election. What do you suppose that money was spent on? Where was it spent, and why was it necessary to lavish so much cash on certain areas of influence? Who was involved and were they ever investigated for exerting an inordinate amount of influence on the voting process?The simple answer is no because questioning the efforts of such reputable social influencers as Mark Zuckerburg, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg and hundreds of leftist activists, would be downright unfair and racist. So the massive amounts of cash that were supposedly for "protection from COVID" were actually spent to "protect" America from Donald Trump and his "fascist" supporters. I simply want to get your opinion: Is it OK for our government to…
Since when did law enforcement agencies decide to ignore due process and hold suspects in custody with no hearings, no bail, no representation, for months. Then use the "pandemic" as an excuse to extend their detention for years! Until I get your response, I have to assume you also approve letting millions of undocumented migrants into cities across America. Then giving them special privileges and taxpayer subsidies while other Americans are sleeping under tarps in the streets. I'm guessing you also approve of school aged children getting hormone therapy and even serious sexual surgical interventions without parental consent. And for prisoners held in federal jails to be given free access to gender counseling and transitional services including genital reconstruction all at taxpayer expense of course. The Democrats are in total agreement on spending trillions of newly printed dollars to send weapons to foreign countries to help them continue killing hundreds of thousands of men and destroy generations of progress building advanced infrastructure, housing and agricultural systems. You support that too, right? Did you vote for the current administration to decimate American manufacturing and energy businesses, undermine mom and pop restaurant, service and retail businesses, and blatantly marginalize half the U.S. population by allowing outright racist violence against whites to become the "New Normal"? Did you think after the election in 2020 that three years later most Americans would have lost faith in their most prestigious and trusted health, financial and security institutions? I want your comments: What were you thinking then and what are you thinking now? I'm asking for a friend… |
January 2025