The FrankenMedia narrative is: " President Trump misled his supporters and instigated an insurrection by falsely claiming Joe Biden stole the Presidency in a rigged election. He told them the election was stolen, and that was a lie, and it threatened the stability and reliability of our democratic process. He fomented a riot, and the rioters threatened the life of Vice President Pence because he refused to stop the election certification process" which the FrankenMedia claims would have made Trump a squatter in the White House and therefore a dictator… Let's analyze this series of claims that the whole "insurrection" platform rests on.
The mainstream news organizations, let alone the other elements of the Democrat Cabal, had no way to know, at that moment in time, if any anomalies had occurred. Right or wrong, nobody really had time or the persuasion to do any serious forensics on the various state elections. When someone immediately claims to know the "truth" about an event, before all of the information has been gathered, it makes me suspicious that they have something to hide. The murderer is usually anxious to have the body cremated.
So the fomenting a riot claim is also totally false.
What none of us, and especially those involved in government, didn't know at the time, was the extent of which our own FBI was involved as instigators and provocateurs. Only a few people were able to capture evidence on their phone cameras, or to actually see and hear individuals yelling at each other, to get a sense that something beyond a spontaneous riot, was going on. As far as the claims of the FrankenMedia, that Trump's actions on January 6th should disqualify him from ever running for election again, are concerned, what most Americans saw on TV has to be viewed with caution. We all know how easy it is to present images and film that can be extremely misleading. And we also know those that have the most to gain by any editorial action, would be those with the most access to the materials. So it was totally disingenuous to present a consensus news narrative that Donald Trump, on January 6th 2021, led an insurrection on the legitimacy of the federal government, threatened the lives of legislators in attendance and tried to undermine the democratic process. Once you accept those illogical and unsupported terms of the discussion, you are inevitably going down a rabbit hole that becomes deeper and deeper with every passing day. Especially when you have wave after wave of coordinated propaganda piling on, with relentless layers of lies, multiplying like rabbits.
In order to build a team to perpetrate such a crime, wouldn't it make sense that you would have to convince participants that your plan was strategically well planned, and the overall effort was going to be successful? That each and every effort to prove fraud occurred would be immediately "canceled" and the social attitude would be deeply influenced to believe that Trump was the most significant threat to "our Democracy" not the folks that wrecked the integrity of the election process! After all, the Patriotic Progressive Team Players were saving our country, protecting all women from a misogynist, all minorities from a racist and all Americans from an authoritarian bigot. Wouldn't you want every player on your FrankenMedia Team to be fully vested in the mantra that Republicans are the ones who would cheat to win an election, never Democrats! They told their recruits, at some point we will be viewed as the heroes that saved the world from Donald 'The Dictator' Trump! This is the narrative you are being expected to buy. And with the help of the subordinate team of media spokespersons they almost pulled it off. Three years later, Americans are starting to realize something just doesn't add up… |
January 2025