Has it ever occurred to you that there is one thread running through all of the insane Diversity, Equality and Inclusion activists? A vein of anger and instability that permeates everything they say and do? A thread that ties all of the seemingly divergent special interest groups together? Something that lies beneath the exterior contrivances and camouflage used to divert attention from one simple commonality that they all have? When I look at the most egregious purveyors of racial animosity, of cancel culture, of religious hatred and violence, and those that celebrate satanic images, dress in sexually provocative and mostly perverse costumes, and mutilate their own bodies, I see lonely, mentally unstable, often aggressive people who have been abandoned by their parents and have been broken by their inability to cope with their own emotional dumpster fire. The common denominator amongst them all is sexual deviance and a sense of alienation. When it was relatively rare a few decades ago, I was just saddened by them. But as their numbers have grown exponentially, I am now angered. I see a social catastrophe unfolding, and instead of putting our heads together and confronting this widespread social problem, we have collectively decided to reorder our value system to embrace their disorders and normalize their bizarre and often dangerous behavior. If you can't beat it, join it. I think it all came to a boil with the election of Barack Obama. The normalizing of homosexuality, transgenderism, anti-semitism, anti-Christian bigotry, anti-monogamy, anti-intellectualism, and the outright assault on traditional family values. It was never confronted, but the truth is Obama is a homosexual married to a transgender male, dressed as a fashionista female. They are the quintessential Social Justice Warriors. They have brought the issues of racial economic disparity, white supremacy and transgenderism to the forefront of the body politic. The far left forces that are currently dominating the Democratic Party have parleyed those into massive tsunami of social conflict. With a sexually ambivalent Black Man at the helm, it became the rage to be non-binary. Since that point in history, public service jobs have mostly gone to favored non-traditional applicants. Now it is difficult to stay employed at colleges and universities if you don't tow the DEI line. You have to bow to the Progressive narrative in the medical field (doctors in California were threatened with license suspension if the even spoke about alternative COVID therapies like Ivermectin). First responders were forced to be innoculated by the untested and unproven COVID vaccine. Folks who work in public transportation, local government offices and any publicly funded or contracted business likewise had no choice but to submit to the jab. These were to become the tools of enforcement. Now we have elementary schools putting on Drag Shows in their libraries, school boards demanding children receive transitional drug and psychological therapy with or without parental knowledge or consent. Mass media is saturated with images of homsexuals kissing, single parents shacking up, unmarried adults pretending to manage a family, as though there are no negative ramifications. Under the guise of using the media to properly reflect America, it is instead producing blatant "Progressive" propaganda. They are grooming the population to accept their idea of a Diverse, Equatable and Inclusive Promised Land, and nonconforming sexual activities. Whenever the opportunity presents itself, media celebrities pat themselves on the back and proclaim success, when by any unbiased measure, the results are causing serious side effects throughout America, and the world. Marriage is dying, childbirth is down, suicide is up. Childhood poverty and starvation is up, sex trafficking is widespread, drug use is out of control, and our cities are flooded with homeless. Not only are the marginalized minorities of sexual persuasion upset, but every special interest group on Earth is up in arms and demanding more and better benefits and special treatments. Why not us? What's good for the Goose is good for the Gander. From those with physical abnormalities to those who choose to be nonconformist, and everything in between, they all are standing in line looking for more government assistance. And the Progressive government is eager to sign them up and bring them under some new taxpayer funded organization that will effectively endure them to the Democratic Party.That is why they have dropped all pretense of border security. Joe Biden has invited the world to Come to America Now! "We offer health insurance, jobs, drivers licenses, and even the right to vote for more in the future"! This is how Communism works. It divides up the workers, then herds them into "boot camps" where they are reprogrammed to accept the company line, then organized with other special interest recruits to exert political power to further entrench their group into favorable economic status. Its like herding cats, but in the end they will act more like sheep because they will be convinced it is in their own best interest. Look at the Democratic Party today: It is made up of tribes of blacks, feminist women, Muslims, atheists, non-binary's, Latinos, ex felons, union members, academics, entertainers and retirees who depend on government services. It has alienated Christians and Jews, independent business owners and operators, former Communist country refugees, married couples with kids, men in general, and many scientists and engineers who must remain a-political or risk losing their jobs. But it is still a very powerful consortium, and when in power, it becomes a ruthless regime that will do anything to remain in power. And with the power to print dollars, it has the lubrication it needs to make the trains run on time. |
January 2025