I have no MBA in foreign affairs or experience in domestic intelligence operations. I haven't served on any political or private industry committees or boards. I am just like you, a citizen that is interested in the everyday goings on in my world. I watch and I listen and then I try to put the puzzle together and come up with an As the World Turns theory. Then I write the Days of Our Lives script as I see it. I post a blog, or submit an Op Ed. I talk to groups and among my friends and relatives. Recently, the story lines have become very serious and threatening to the continuation of the series itself. The idea that I can express my concerns publicly without recrimination was for most of my life just an accepted fact. I live in America, the Land of the Free. But others like me, most with a much wider audience, are being told to back off. Too stop promoting "Conspiracy Theories" that our Republic is under assault. They are being "Fact Checked" or shadow banned on social media platforms. Some have been threatened by their employers, or their unions. We all have had to be careful about what we say in any group meetings, family or otherwise. Some have to show proof of vaccinations to stay employed. I can't help but be reminded of the days of the Cold War and how the media portrayed the Soviet Union. Where neighbors snitched on neighbors who questioned authority. Where the Government kept lists of potential traitors to the Motherland. I am not widely read enough to be on that type of list. But a "Terrorist Watch List" across the popular media platforms does exist. We are all being monitored by algorithms and what we say is being logged, every minute of every hour of every day. That is what is different now than just a few years ago. Big Brother is in The House, and his name is Google. We have developed an alternate language so we can talk about issues in generic terms. We express our anger with Big Tech because they spy on us. Or how we are mistreated by Mainstream Media, or Big Pharma. Joe Biden demonizes MAGA Republicans as though they were, as the Nazis referred to Jews, just "Vermin". And his supporters cheer, as did the German population just before the Holocaust. It is getting pretty scary for anyone on the right side of the aisle politically. I think about what has occurred just since January 2020:
When I look back at my blogs ( I have a decade in archive at TurnRightAtLost.com ) I see I have been right more often than not. I have a skill for "Seeing Patterns" and based on those, I make assumptions. Here are some I wrote about in the past:
I was right about all of those issues. I knew immediately on the morning of November 4th, 2020, that the overnight reversal of Trump's enormous lead was nefarious. It mimicked the trends we have seen in California, where the presumed winning candidates and initiatives would rack up huge leads in early returns, then suddenly be reversed while we slept. Trump was too popular to be beaten legitimately by a snarky old political hack like Joe Biden. A man who had been caught plagiarizing speeches, lying about his educational record, the deaths of his first wife and his oldest son and raising a family of deviates. No way! It's now been almost three years and I am proving to be right about that too. I had a Department of Defense Computer Intelligence Specialist in my living room on January 6th as the events on the Capitol Steps unfolded on TV. He and I watched the rioting, the impact grenades and flares sent into the crowd by the Capitol Police, the beatings and handcuffs, the screaming and the gunfire that wounded Ashley Babbitt (who would later die of her wounds). We were in shock. I turned to him and asked outright, "Did our military intelligence know that the election was corrupted?" He said, "Yes sir, they did" I couldn't believe I heard him admit that! "Why have they let this get to this point? Aren't they concerned that we may be getting into a civil war?" "Do you know anything about Google, sir?" "Actually, I do." "They are more powerful than Russia or China, sir. Our Government is indebted to them because they run the information systems, sir. If you can, I would advise you to be well armed, and be aware that we may well see a civil war in our future." I have written about Google extensively, and I was privileged to meet Dr. Robert Epstein, who predicted that Google would influence the 2020 election, swinging it away from the disruptor Donald Trump. Both he and the soldier from the DOD were 100% on the money! I wrote about that too, but only after the fact in my book "f'd: For Your Own Good".. Now I am making some other more frightening predictions, of which I hope I am not right! I am predicting (September, 2023) that Biden will be martyred. How? I am not sure, but he has too much baggage to be the nominee for 2024. The only way he can avoid total political destruction is to leave the stage, and so I predict they will give him the Ticket To Paradise. I am also predicting that Trump will not be re-elected. Why? Because he was never DEFEATED. He was never legally removed. There are currently multiple lawsuits pending that will decertify several state election results, and effectively do what Trump requested Mike Pence do on January 6th, 2021: Review the electoral votes of many battleground states that showed enormous voting trend anomalies in the electronic tallies late in the morning hours of November 4th, 2020 and beyond. When those suits reveal the degree of corruption in the election process, it will allow Trump to reveal his Game Plan: The Art of The Appeal. But we still have to deal with Google. Which is the symbolic God Of Intelligence in 2023. Remember Mao Zedong murdered the Intellectual Class because he saw them as THE threat to Communist Utopia. Then Stalin murdered ANYONE that opposed his Marxist Revolution. Then came Pol Pot, Ceausescu, Castro, Kim and on and on…all drunk with power. We should know by now, "Power corrupts; Absolute power corrupts absolutely". And we should be fully aware that all of those depotic tyrannical regimes slaughtered over 200 million innocent people. They showed no remorse or empathy for ANY of those human souls. To Marxists, The Ends Justifies The Means. It's them or us. Them or 4 trillion people. Who is going to win the War Of Attrition? Since every weapon on Earth, every means of exchanging information, of keeping the trains running on time depends on computer systems… Remember Stanley Kubrick's film adaptation of Arthur C. Clarks short story called 2001: A Space Odyssey? When the lone surviving astronaut named Dave, is confronted with the rogue computer (HAL) holding his life in his virtual hands? Dave: Hello, HAL, do you read me? Do you read me, HAL? HAL: Affirmative, Dave. I read you. Dave: Open the pod bay doors, HAL. HAL: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. Dave: What's the problem? HAL: I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do. Dave: What are you talking about, HAL? HAL: This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it. Dave: I don't know what you're talking about, HAL. Dave is us. HAL is Google, telling us that The Mission is too important for us to interfere with. And we are pretending we don't know what the FrankenMedia (Big Tech/Big Pharma/Military Industrial Complex) is talking about. We can't believe the folks that run the entire backbone of human society would jeopardize the future of mankind. Or would they? We built this Monster, and now we are losing control of it. If I am right again, well, we'll see, won't we… |
January 2025