China has economically and ethically compromised the Biden Crime Family and the Radical Progressives in the DNC to annex the USA. The potential exposure of their complicity in the corruption of the 2020 election solidified their command and control of not just the White House and Capitol Police, but institutions like the DOJ, FBI and CIA. America is now being operated as a ministry of the CCP. The resulting subjugation of transnational industries that serve nearly 80% of the Earth's population (Blackrock, Vanguard) could make restoration of American autonomy impossible. Unless the forces of freedom form a coalition amongst other freedom loving, and Chinese hating nations, the lifespan of the American Dream will be over. To the massive financial fraternities like Blackrock, money is their commodity. They do not trade in human rights or local political interests. All they care about is ROI (return on investment) and none of the 'social justice' and 'populist' intellectual exercises have any. Money transcends borders and collects like minded movements that need resources to survive. So most asset managers are risk aversive and apolitical and view popularity movements as nothing more than speed bumps along the worldwide economic highway. They straddle the K-Rails of geo-politics to obtain and retain as many investors and investments as possible. They have no dog in the fight between cultures and administrations, and only concern themselves with maintaining ownership. That is why they routinely donate money to multiple political organizations. Though Putin recently shook hands with CCP Chairman Xi Jinping as an ally, I don't believe it was done with sincerity. Russia has nothing to gain by submitting to Chinese worldwide hegemony. Putin has publicly pondered the demise of honor and respect for community in western culture, implying he thinks Russians still uphold human rights and dignity more than most, so maybe he is looking for a new partner against the Chinese Dragon. Obviously he is interested in expanding Soviet influence or why would he endure so much economic and political turmoil to invade Ukraine, just to subjugate his empire to a demanding and antithetical CCP? After confronting each other for six decades with the most powerful and destructive weapons known to mankind, without so much as a skirmish, perhaps it is time to recognize the enemy of our enemy is our friend. While America and the Soviet Union have been distracted by our compulsive need to build nuclear weapons and armed forces, the Chinese have been marching down the path of their '100 Year Marathon', quietly expanding their wealth and influence, all while planning to become the world's most dominant political and economic force. Can The Bear and The Eagle stop the Red Dragon? |
January 2025